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Chapter 13 Can We Just Let Go Of Each Other?

Jade did not wait for his reply. His frown told her enough. She smiled. “Don’t say it. I’ve got my answer, so, can we just let go of each other?” Jade wriggled herself free from his grip. As she squatted down to pick her groceries, her eyes turned a little red rimmed. She had still harbored some hope. As long as she could see some worry or alarm in his eyes, or any reluctance to part with her, she knew that her heart would probably go out to him, and if he said a few words to her, she would not file for the divorce. However, the man had been far too calm. She could not see anything from his eyes, and if that were the case, what else was there to hope for? She did not even have the courage to interrogate him about his relationship with Blanche. Jade was very calm and quiet as she carried her things and went into the building. Instead, Zephaniah was the one who was frantic. His body acted quicker than his mind, and he rushed forward to block her way. Over the past three years since they were married, Jade occasionally threw some tantrums and vented her frustrations at him. Even so, he withstood it all. But when he heard her asking for a divorce, he felt a discomfort in his heart. Subconsciously, he did not want to believe it. “Is it because of your father’s case?” Zephaniah asked, “I already asked for someone to help…” “There’s no need for you to do so, I can solve it myself!” Jade interrupted him. “Our divorce has nothing to do with that, anyway.” “How would you solve it? Two million is no small sum.” Zephaniah keenly noticed something was off. Jade pursed her lips tightly. She gave up answering altogether. Zephaniah cornered her and said coolly, “Jade Redfern, you wanted the marriage, and we were married, as you wished. But did you think I would agree to a divorce just because you asked for it? What do you think I am, an old luxury good that you’ve grown tired of?” “I didn’t mean that…” Jade wanted to explain, but Zephaniah just held her face and forced his lips on hers. This kiss was even more violent than all the previous times they had been intimate with each other. It was as if he were punishing her. Jade felt warmth all over her body, and her mind was in a slight daze. This seemed to be the second time Zephaniah kissed her aside from the times they had sex. Zephaniah kissed her deeply, and the kiss continued until his phone rang in his pocket. In fact, it was because it kept ringing nonstop that he ended the kiss. With a face as dark as thunderclouds, he impatiently answered the call, but he remained gripping Jade tightly, as if afraid she would head into the building. “What went wrong?” “Singapore? Got it, help me book a flight, I’ll head there tomorrow.” Just as straightforward as ever, he used three minutes to finish the conversation. But when he looked at Jade, Zephaniah felt somewhat helpless. “I have some business to attend to in Singapore for a week. Let’s talk about this divorce after I return.” Jade remained expressionless. “It’s just a divorce, I’ve already signed the papers. Once you sign it, it’ll be done.” Zephaniah tore apart the divorce agreement in front of her. Then, something rare happened. Zephaniah’s tone softened a little. “The marriage won’t end just because you said so. I need to think about this as well. Jade, don’t throw a tantrum now.” Jade was so livid that she let out a snort. ‘He still needs to think? ‘How amazing. I’m the one who married him, and I’m the one who wasted three years of my youth on him as well.’ Jade wanted to stand firmly with her stance, but Zephaniah raised his hands and patted her head. Then, very naturally, he took the shopping bags from her hands. “It’s been a long while since I saw mom, let me visit her with you.” With just a sentence from him, Jade’s heart melted. She quietly brought him up. Jade's mother was a little surprised to see Zephaniah, but she still nodded at him when Zephaniah greeted her before she continued to watch her drama series. Zephaniah accompanied Jade to the kitchen to sort out the groceries. Then, Jade cooked while he helped out in the kitchen. Both of them did not talk a lot, and they acted just as they did when they were at his place. From beginning till the end, no one brought up the matter of divorce. The apartment that Jade rented for her mother was a one-bedroom apartment. After she moved in, it was a bit crammed. Zephaniah obviously could not rest here. Besides, she did not plan to let him stay. After finishing dinner, Zephaniah watched whatever was on the television with Jade for a while. When he saw that it was getting late, he got up to leave. “Jade, come and see me off.” “It’s not like you don’t have legs, can’t you just walk away?” Jade did not want to get up from the couch. As a result, since she refused to get up, Zephaniah just stood around and did not leave as well. This lasted until Jade’s mother coughed, and finally, Jade reluctantly sent him off. Zephaniah was still worried. When they were at the foot of the building, he repeated, “We’ll talk about the divorce after I return from my business trip.”

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