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Chapter 12 Hasn’t Their Marriage Been Smooth Sailing For the Past Three Years?

When Jade thought about this, she shook her head at her own naivety. If the man did not love her, why would he want children? She thanked her lucky stars that her many plans never took root. If not, her child would have had a hard time then. “I wrote two million and fifty thousand dollars, just in case two million isn’t enough for you.” Easton handed a cheque to Jade. Jade unhesitatingly took the cheque. After verifying the amount she took a paper and pen from her bag and wrote an I.O.U. to Easton. “Easton, I’ll try my best to return the sum in a year.” “This is but a small sum to me.” Easton pushed the I.O.U back to her and said with a smile, “Besides, he’s my teacher. Just return the sum to me at your own pace. No rush.” “No. If you don’t accept this I.O.U, then I will not borrow any money from you.” When she saw how Easton acted, Jade pushed the cheque back resolutely. Her stance was clear. Easton had no choice but to fold the I.O.U and put it in his pocket. “Then, I’ll take it. But you don’t have to pay me back with interest.” Jade opened her mouth to say something, but Easton spoke before she could, and he did it in a slightly teasing manner. “If you really feel uneasy about this, you can teach Taylor when you’re free to pay back the interest. She dislikes going to kindergarten.” Jade thought about it for a while and agreed. “Alright. In any case, I was great in my studies.” “Exactly, you’re the top scorer of the province who got into Imperial University [1]!” Easton laughed as well. Jade borrowed the money from Easton with a grateful heart. She originally wanted to treat him to a good meal, but as they were leaving, Easton got a call from his company, and he had to go back. “Let’s have a meal next time, I don’t think we can make it this time.” “No worries, Easton. If you have something else to attend to, go ahead.” Jade showed her understanding. After seeing Easton off with Taylor in his arms, Jade left as well. She went to the supermarket to buy some groceries. After returning back to the housing area, she was surprised to see Zephaniah’s car. The man himself leaned against the car with a slightly dark look. “Why are you here?” Jade stood 1 m away from him. At the same time she asked the question, regret churned in her heart. If she knew this would happen, she would not have given Zephaniah her mother’s address after she rented this place for her. When Zephaniah turned his head around and saw Jade, his face turned darker. He moved to her “Why did you pack all your clothes? Are you not staying there anymore?” He was practically demanding an answer from her. “That’s your house, there’s no need for me to stay there anymore,” Jade said, trying her best to beat around the bush. “Plus, my mom often suffers from insomnia. I want to be here to take better care of her.” “And this? What’s this about?” Zephaniah held the document in front of Jade’s eyes. The words “divorce agreement” stood starkly on the cover. He felt indescribably upset and agitated. He had a lot of things to settle at the company, and when he was finished with work, it was already evening. He thought that Jade should have gotten discharged on her own, so he bought some groceries and went home. But the house had been extremely quiet. Not a single whisper was heard. It was only when he went into the bedroom and saw an empty desk did he realize Jade had packed all her belongings. Only two overcoats remained in the wardrobe, and on the bedside table was a divorce agreement that Jade had signed. For some reason, he felt alarmed. He did not even know why Jade did such a thing. Hasn’t their marriage been going smoothly over the past three years? He quickly made a call. But he did not know if Jade had blocked him, because no one picked up, even after he called a few more times. He was so mad that he had kicked the wardrobe, and the agitation in his chest grew. After calming down, Zephaniah remembered Jade once mentioning that she rented an apartment for her mother and had given him the address. He immediately checked the drawers, and, after finding that small note, he drove hastily to the housing area where Jade’s mother lived. However, he did not know which floor her mother stayed, so he kept waiting downstairs. “It’s as you see” Jade cast a glance at the divorce agreement and said very coolly, “They’re divorce papers. I want a divorce.” “Jade, You—!” Her calm expression made Zephaniah incredibly frustrated. He reached out and grabbed her wrist. Jade lost hold of the grocery bag in her hand, and it fell, scattering all the groceries on the ground. “The four years is not up yet. What right do you have to ask for a divorce?” “I’m tired. I just don’t want to live with you anymore, alright?!” After suppressing her emotions for the entire day, Jade Refern also exploded in anger and glared at him. “It hasn’t been four years, but so what? We don’t love each other, why is it wrong for me to ask for a divorce?" But before Zephaniah could say anything. Jade threw him another question. “Zephaniah, have you ever loved me?”

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