The orchestra continued to play as couples danced across the floor. An allure in the air seemed to take away their inhibitions and allowed them to give in to their wants and desires.
Emil watched the couples from the balcony above. He was envious of the love being showered and praised amongst the young lovers. He yearned for the chance to be with the one he loved. He was bidding his time before he made his final move. Everything was playing out beautifully; there were a few tweaks he needed to make his plan more enjoyable. His eyes narrowed as he spotted his target and smiled deviously as he turned and walked away from the balcony.
Deak gripped his girl as he swayed and turned across the floor. Vita was amazed at how fluid Deak was able to dance. “I didn’t know you knew how to dance so well,” Vita noted as Deak glided her across the floor.
Deak shrugged. “It is common in family to learn many things,” he answered. “My mother taught me.”
Vita’s heart swelled when she heard the w