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The effect of temporal displacement was replaced by the temporal displacement familiar to the characters, and now Lily and Alexander were in a clean white room. Holographic screens began to glow around them, and streams of information and images, ranging from the ancient history period, filled the air. “We’re back at headquarters,” Lily noted, tilting her head as she acquainted herself with the appearance of headquarters. But something is seemingly different. Alexander looked at Nick and nodded, though his face remained full of concern. When temporal energy expenditure is incorrect, we might have gone past the intended time horizon. One day, as they tried to make a further analysis, the door opened soundlessly and slid back. Director Zhang came in and she seemed, before our eyes, older and even wearier. “Lily, Alexander,” she said to them with obvious relief in her voice. “It’s good to see you. We’ve been trying to call you week after week.”  Lily and Alexander looked at ea

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