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Lily and Alexander’s arrival in the familiar setting did not evoke the usual feeling of temporal disorientation. There was a veil of smog hovering over the city, industrial noises remained audible at a distance. “Mary Kelly, the last victim in the Whitechapel murders of 1888,” Lily said softly, a lover of history. An open source that is considered to represent the heart of the Industrial Revolution. “And the year of the infamous Jack the Ripper murders. We must tread carefully here. ”Their mission was clear: to prevent the team from the 25th century from changing this fact before when they were intercepted. The Industrial Revolution was indeed a fundamental platform of technology and society growth and any shift in its course had impacted repercussions in time. These were not large main roads, which they had traveled earlier, but narrow, cobbled streets, and as they walked along, Lily shook her head in disbelief at the difference between this London and the one in which she had

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