In the aftermath of the devastating Aethel Surge, Sussex City lies in ruins, its once-great civilization shattered by unchecked ambition. Friesland, a seasoned investigator haunted by his own past, delves deep into the shadows of the Blackwoods—an enigmatic family rumored to hold dark secrets at the heart of the city's downfall.Joined by Elizabeth, the Scholar, and the remorseful Cyrus, they embark on a perilous journey of redemption and rebuilding. Guided by a fragile alliance with Anya's survivors, they navigate treacherous landscapes, battling mutated beasts and ancient security systems warped by chaotic Aethel energy.Will they safeguard their fragile alliance? Can they withstand the temptations of power and ambition that threaten to undo their hard-won progress? And what new revelations await in the uncharted realms of the Weave?