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Chapter 5: Jewelry shopping with my billionaire boss

"Oh sorry about that," The saleswoman said, her smile fading. "What are you looking for sir" She said, focusing on Henry. "Jewelry, bags," He said, glancing at Jennifer. Jennifer nodded. "Well you have come to the right place" The saleswoman said. "Follow me" She said gesturing at Henry "Let's go," Henry said to Jennifer as she led the way. She led them to the VVIP store which was glistening with all kinds of gold, diamond, and silver jewelry. "Wow" Jennifer gasped. Henry chuckled at her amusement. "These are our newest designs" "Take your time to choose what you want" The sales woman said all smiles again. "Which do you think a woman would want" Henry asked, looking at his watch. Jennifer glanced through the collection. When one diamond bracelet caught her eyes. "This baby i think" She said pointing at it. "We would take this one" Henry said to the sales woman. "Sure" She said, "I would arrange the order" She said, sounding excited. "By the way there is a new collection of ruby rings that just arrived. You care to take a look? " She asked. Jennifer nodded. He looked at her and it suddenly seemed like he was looking at his wife. "You want anything from the store" He asked Jennifer. "Umm sure Boss" "When we are out just address me as Henry" He said, looking at her softly. "Sure boss.. I mean Henry" Jennifer said, suddenly feeling shy. It was weird calling the president by his first name but she had to obey him. "Shall we? " The sales woman asked "Yeah sure" They both said in unison walking towards her. "Which do you want" Henry said standing behind her his breath hot against her neck. Jennifer felt goosebumps forming all over her body. "What the hell was wrong with her" She thought to herself Before seeing a gold bracelet she liked. "I want this one" She said to the sales woman and Henry pointing at it. "Okay sure" "We would take this one". He said bringing out his card. Jennifer felt a surge of excitement in her heart. Being his secretary was stressful but it sure had benefits. They made the purchases and left with the items they had picked. "Your wife must be really lucky" Jennifer couldn't help but say. "Hmm" Henry said, glancing at her. "Yeah" Jennifer said. Henry just laughed getting into the car. He must be in a very good mood today because she had never heard him laugh. His laughter sounded like music to her ears. "You can leave work early today" He said as they got back to the company. "Really boss" She was really taken aback by his generous gesture. "Yeah" "Thank you so much" Jennifer squealed with happiness. **** "I was appointed our president's secretary" Jennifer said excitedly the minute she got home. "Ouuu baby"Rose and Gilbert squealed, matching her excitement. " Tell us about it" "There is nothing to tell," Jennifer said laughing. "I was shocked because i just got the job and i already have two promotions" "We need to celebrate this" Rose said excitedly. "Clubbing tonight yeah? " "Yeah sure baby" "But i need to get some ice cream first" "I would be back" Jennifer said blowing kisses to Rose and Gilbert Some minutes after she left. Rose heard a knock on the door again. "Are you back already" She said opening the door. But she was taken aback by the strange man at the door. **** Henry was really bent on seeing his wife today. He knocked on the door strongly. "Are you back already" He heard a female voice say before the door was pushed open. He noticed the woman's confusion as she opened the door. "Who are you" The woman asked. "Who is that baby" A male voice called from inside the house. "I don't know either" The woman in front of him said not to take her eyes off him. He felt no connection with this woman and she looked rather strange to him. Gilbert came to meet Rose at the door wearing only briefs "She was surely cheating on me" Henry thought as she saw him. "Who are you and why are standing there staring" The strange woman said to him. "You must be at the wrong house" The man said. Henry stared at him for a second before saying. "Are you dating him" Rose was taken aback by how direct the question was. "Yeah" Rose said, looking at Gilbert. Henry's expression darkened. He looked both of them up and down and left without saying a word. His grandmother was really wrong about the girl's character. "She was such a hoe". He thought feeling devastated. **** " Such a weirdo" Gilbert said, taking a bite of the chocolate cake. "Not really," Rose was saying. "I think he was just at the wrong room" "You think? " He asked. "Yeah that's the only explanation" They heard another knock at the door. "Who is that again" Rose asked, confused. "Probably Jennifer," Gilbert said in a nonchalant manner. "Yeah" Rose said as she went to open the door. "You are back" Rose said, going back to the couch. "Yeah" "We saw a strange man" Gilbert said immediately. "Why are you putting it that way" Rose said laughing. "What man" Jennifer said laughing. She had been sharing an apartment with Gilbert and Rose knew of the high cost of living in the states. And so far it has been going well. Rose recounted the encounter with Jennifer. "Ohh" Jennifer said after she finished. "He must have probably come to the wrong room". " Same thing i said"Rose said agreeing whole heartedly "So why was he was if we were dating" Gilbert asked not entirely convinced "He asked? Jennifer asked. Rose and Gilbert just nodded. "The guy looked mean" "Kept a poker face all through and barely said anything" "He is attractive though and seemed wealthy" Gilbert looked at her. "I'm just saying" Rose retorted, defending herself. "I didn't say anything". Gilbert said. " Your face did the talking." "Forget about him" "Let's get ready" "Yeah sure" ***** Meanwhile Henry looked pale as hell. His driver wondered what was wrong with his boss but he didn't dare ask. "Should we head home?" He asked quietly, trying not to annoy him any more. "No take me that bar i usually visit" He said picking up his phone. "Okay boss" He said increasing his speed. Henry dialed a number. The number picked up at the third ring. "Chris we need to see" He said and ended the call. His eyes caught the box of jewelry and felt very stupid. Ridiculous even. Buying gifts for a woman that was cheating on him and didn't even recognize him. He was really a clown for making excuses for his so-called wife. But what he saw today portrayed her to be a ruthless whore. Or maybe he was just really angry. He thought that even though he had been away for so long that she was going to wait for him. And they were going to leave happily ever after. But the reverse seemed to be the case. He wondered what his grandmother would say when he told her.

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