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Chapter 4: Appointed as the president's secretary.

Henry's face as usual was mean and expressionless. As he walked into his office. "The boss seems to be in a bad mood today" Ruth whispered to Jennifer. "Shut your mouth and focus on your work" Richard who had overheard her said to her giving her a disgusted face. For the president's secretary post. There were four nominees. Jennifer, Clara, Berth and a gal named Eunice. Clara was a bit friendly towards Eunice. She more or less ignored Berth. But her hate for Jennifer is strong and clear. "Get to work you all" Clara said, trying to boss them around. "This is not a job that you think you can get by just being beautiful" "I don't even know why some persons are here" She said sarcastically. Jennifer swallowed hard. She knew she was talking about her. Even the girl Eunice could sense the animosity Clara had for Jennifer. "Let's go" She said to Jennifer pulling her hand gently "Why" Jennifer said. "I think Mr Richard is going to assign us with work soon" Eunice said. **** Henry was in his office his thoughts clouded His mind is still reminiscing on the event the day before. How dare she. He could not wrap his head round the fact that his newly wedded wife was cheating on him. He didn't even know why he felt sad because he barely knew her or anything. But still that feeling was there. What would he tell his grandmother? "Damn, things were not going the way he wanted" He thought. His granny vouched for her. Said was a living saint but she seemed to be a living hoe from what he had seen. A knock interrupted. Henry's thought. "Yeah," He asked. The knock persisted. "Come in whoever you are" Jennifer walked him holding some files. "Boss, this are the files you asked me for yesterday" She said calmly. Micheal said nothing, staring at her intently. Looking at the soft definition of her face. The pointed nose, her round lips which were fleshy at the bottom. Her bright hazel eyes. Something about her reminded him of his new wife. Jennifer looked on wondering what was wrong. "Any problem sir" Jennifer asked, jolting him back to reality. "No, no. You can leave drop the files on table" Jennifer did just that. And as she was about to leave. She heard him call" Wait" She turned back. "Call Richard for me on your way out" "Sure sir" She said Henry didn't know why he found himself acting strange. But he just found her really familiar. Some minutes later. Richard walked in. "You called for me sir" He said adjusting his suit jacket. "Yeah I did..." He was interrupted by a shrill ring of his phone. Glancing he saw it was his grandmother calling. "I will call you back later" "Sure sir" Richard said. He didn't want to pick up the call in the presence of anyone. "Hello granny," He said, picking up the call when Richard left. "You didn't feed me back" Granny said, sounding curious. Richard had a sudden urge to spill the beans but it wasn't really her fault. Him leaving her for a year could have resulted in her engaging another man. "Hello" Granny called making sure he was still on the call. "I couldn't reach her," He finally said. "That's bad," Granny said, sounding disappointed. "But i would look for her in some days time" "Oh that's good" She said, ending the call. He decided to give her another chance. He has not been so faithful since the marriage. They would have to explain themselves to each other later. Henry was looking through the files on his table. Checking them individually when he heard his phone beep. Checking his phone it was a message from Jennifer. He sent her a message asking her if Linda handed the work over to her. Because that's the only way she could have gotten his number. No" Jennifer replied. "I am handing the job over to you anyways" He replied. Jennifer felt her heart leap with joy. "I really appreciate Mr president" Jennifer replied, trying not to show her how excited she was. "My name is Henry,"He sent back. Jennifer felt her check redden. Before she could respond she got another message. " Are you free today" He asked. Ohh her job was already starting because the president was always going somewhere. And with the job she needed to always be with him "Yes," She replied. "Good you are coming with me" He responded and sent nothing again. Henry decided to visit an exquisite store and get a gift for his wife. And Jennifer was a woman so she is supposed to know what her fellow women like. So she would definitely be of help. ***** "I need to put you through a few things" Linda said, walking towards Jennifer. Henry had already told her about him appointing Jennifer as his new secretary. Jennifer could see the shock in their faces, especially Clara and Eunice. Even Richard seemed shocked. "Jennifer is taking over my position as i am leaving" Linda was saying. No one objected but it didn't sit right with Clara. "How is that possible?" She was saying. "She just came in, we have been here for years" Clara was embittered. "You should ask the boss not me" "And she seems efficient so i think that answers your questions" Linda said calmly. "But..." "Enough of the questions, Clara" "Get back to work" Richard said as he walked towards them. Clara left murmuring as she walked towards her work station. "You need to put her through so there won't be any mistakes" Richard was telling Linda. "I know, and my dear you have to be with the boss all the time now, this job entails a lot" "All the time?? I won't have time to myself anymore" Jennifer asked wide eyed. "For the first time you have to sacrifice a lot but with time you would adjust dear" Linda was saying sweetly. "And the pay is quite handsome, so that should compensate your time" "Sure" Jennifer said happily that she would be making more money. "You need to meet the boss immediately" Linda said. ***** It was past noon when Henry and Jennifer left the office. Clara looked at them with disdain, dying of jealousy. "Such a slut"

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