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Jaw-droppingly gorgeous

CHAPTER 5 Gianna panicked. What should she do? How could she get herself out of this situation? And why the hell did he want to meet with her? Did he want her to apologize? She stood up to her feet. Yes,she had been wrong for kissing him first but he was taking it too far and she had to act promptly. Recalling the kind of person he seemed to be,she retreated in her thoughts.There were certain kind of people one shouldn’t mess with in life and Ivan Grayson was one of them. She had to beg her way out of this.She had to apologize even if she thought he was partially at fault. But meeting with him was still so unsettling to her.She recalled the way he had touched her ass. What if he wanted to get on with it? What if he says the only way he could forgive her was if he has sex with her. She shook her head,fearfully. She had to do something to make him think she was the most unattractive person in the world. Yes,she was going to meet with him. Gianna really had no choice right now.There was no way she was going to win against him in court if he sues her.He definitely had all the money and connections to have her locked up. She would meet with him and try by all means to show him how remorseful she was about what happened. With that thought,she hurried into her bedroom and put on the most haggard looking bagging T-shirt and trousers that she had. Then she sat by the mirror and did a very terrible make up on her face.She was pretty good at make up but the man she was about meeting with was a big time playboy and she couldn’t be one of his playthings. She put on a big glasses and smiled at the mirror. She was sure that when he sees her,he would forgive her instantly and send her away for he wouldn’t be able to stand her presence. ************************* When Gianna got to Royal Hibs restaurant,she saw one of the men from earlier walked up to her. She could see him blink as he took in her appearance. “Miss Gianna Roberts?”He asked as if wanting to be sure. She smirked.”Yes,that’s me.” “Oh,I’m Tristan and I’m Mr Grayson personal bodyguard,please come with me.”He said to her. She nodded as she walked through into the hallway of the restaurant. She saw a sign at the top ‘VIP’ Wow! The restaurant was luxurious. They got to a door and Tristan turned to face her. “Please wait here.”He gestured at a coffee chair and table. She nodded and sat down. He opened the door,walked in and shut it. Gianna sighed,greatly hoping that she would be able to solve this issue today. The last thing she wanted was a billionaire on her neck. The time started to tick by with her sitting there…the seconds turned into minutes and she decided there was only one thing worse than having to see Mr Grayson was being made to wait to see him. And wait. Not a couple of minutes. Not ten or fifteen or even twenty but a whole stomach-knotting,nerve-jangling hour that crawled by like a wet century. She pretended to read every glossy magazine a young and impossibly glamorous waitress had artfully fanned on the handcrafted coffee table in front of me. She drank the perfectly brewed coffee and then the sparkling lemon-infused mineral water. She ignored the bowl of breath mints and chewed her nails instead. Gianna was sure he was making her wait on purpose.What could possibly keep him busy in a restaurant VIP room?! She had wanted to bang on the door and demand to see him so she could get the hell out of here. But she knew she had to be cool and calm if she wanted to get out of this without any problems. Tristan finally walked out again. “Mr Grayson will see you now"He announced and that made her eyes spring open and her heart stuttered like a lawnower running over rocks. Took him long enough! She rose from the chair but she had been sitting for so long her legs gave a credible impression of belonging to a newborn foal. A premature newborn foal. She smoothed her damp hands down the front of her big trousers and aligned her shoulders as if she was preparing for battle. Taking a deep breath, She turned the knob and stepped over the threshold to find him standing with his back to her at the window overlooking the bustling streets of Texas.He was seemingly engrossed in a conversation on his phone. He barely gave her a glance over his shoulder,just cursorily waved his hand towards the couch and turned back to the view and continued his conversation as if she was some anonymous blow in whom he had graciously shoehorned into his incredibly busy day. This was a restaurant but he seemed to be having a business call. Did he have a business meeting here perhaps? She looked around and sighed. So restaurants had such exquisite private place? How would she know? She was sure it cost a fortune to get this VIP room. His conversation was in another language. Gianna guessed it must be French and it felt so good to listen to in his deep baritone. Every now and again,he would move slightly so she could see a little bit more of his face. It was as if he was rationing her vision of him...which was annoying in itself. She wanted to look him in the eye,to see if he would have any bit of sympathy for her and forgive her… In truth,Ivan wasn’t talking to anyone on the phone.He was just enjoying making her wait! She had to understand that he wasn’t an ordinary man. Gianna was starting to wonder if she should hit the table or something. She needed him to talk about what happened and he was barely even glancing at her! Honestly,the man was jaw-droppingly gorgeous. And if she hadn't been grinding my teeth to powder,her jaw would be embedded in the plush ankle-deep carpet right then and there. She stretched her head to see more of him. His jet-black hair was neither long nor short nor straight nor curly but somewhere sexily in the middle. He was clean-shaven but with rich dark stubble surrounding his nose and mouth and along his chiselled jaw. Would they leave stubble rashes on her soft skin? Would it be a sexy brand on her face,on her breasts, between her thighs? A shudder ran through her.She shouldn't be thinking this way.

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