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Kissed and kicked.

Ivan lost the urge to even take any woman to bed tonight.not when his crotch was aching really bad. He couldn’t believe a woman not only had the guts to kiss him but also nail him at the dick. When he got home,he showered with cold water thinking it would help to cool down the pain but it didn’t. He laid down to sleep but he couldn’t. He blew on his dick but the pain was only worsening. Fuck! That lady had to pay for this! Early the following morning,Tristan,his personal bodyguard quickly submitted the file about that lady to him. The pain on his crotch had lessen but the anger in his heart hadn’t. He had to make her understand that he was someone who couldn’t be messed with like that! He narrowed his eyes as he read through and stared at her pictures. She wasn’t even his type. But she can’t just kiss him.kick him and get away with it. “Gianna Robert.Gianna Robert.”He murmured wondering how he would deal with her. ************************ Gianna grunted as she opened her eyes. She held her head which was aching really hard.and she blinked trying to see clearly. She was still on the wedding dress and that made her want to cry. She dragged herself up to her feet and started to take off the dress. She had been so stupid. Stupid! Just two months ago,she found out that her father had been cheating on her mother. Before then,her father had been the perfect definition of a good and loving man. Since she was a child,she always gushed over the love and affection her parents had. And she had always wanted a man to love her as her father loved her mother. Four years ago,she thought she had finally being blessed with her dream guy.Liam. Until yesterday,he was still her Mr Right. They had so many plans. They made so many memories. She loved him,dearly and decided to break the norms for him. It was quite unusual for a woman to propose to a man but she wanted to blow his mind.make him feel extremely special. So she bought this simple wedding dress.a ring and she proposed to him. She hadn’t expected him to turn her down.and tell her something she had never even imagined. He had informed her that Stella was carrying his child. Stella was one of Gianna’s best friends. When Stella had announced the news of her pregnancy,she had been so happy for her friend. Though Stella had been secretive about the man she was seeing. Never in a million years did Gianna thought it could be Liam. Liam had been her perfect boyfriend.Liam had made her feel so happy. As Gianna pulled the dress away from her body.she felt like screaming her lungs out. Her head and heart ached badly. First her father,now Liam. Was there really love out there? Men are just scums. Scums! “FUCKING SCUMS!”She yelled and winced when her head ached again. She had better take something for her hangover. ********************** Clad in shorts and a big T-shirt now, Gianna sat on the stool in the breakfast bar of her little kitchen. She was drinking a cup of coffee now.wondering how on earth she could move on from Liam? She was barely still coming to terms with her betrayal. A memory suddenly flew into her head.of last night. Her eyes widened. She had kissed a stranger! She had kicked him on the crotch?! Oh God. What the hell has she done? She held her head,frustratedly. She started to get a clearer picture of the night before. She had initiated the kiss but then the stranger had prolonged it.kissing her deeply. And when she tried to break free.he wouldn’t let her go. She recalled that he caressed her ass and he wanted to lift up her skirt. She scoffed. How dare he? Did he seriously want to take advantage of a drunk person?! Well,the kick he got could be justified now. She was glad she could still protect herself in a drunk state. She had never done something like that though and she had better stop thinking about it. It was a mistake.a little mistake and nothing could possibly could wrong because of that. She rested her head on the table as she thought about what do to with herself now. What do you people do after break up? How do they become alone again after having someone who meant the world to them? Her doorbell rang out,startling her. That must be Olivia.a close friend of hers who had helped her with the preparations to propose to Liam. She must be here to know how it went. Tears pricked Gianna’s eyes and she pouted and stood up. She walked up to the door she opened it. Her sad look was immediately replaced with shock as she saw three men at her door. Who are they? What do they want? “Good day,Miss.You’ve been ordered to be at Royal Hibs restaurant at 2:pm.” Gianna frowned.”Ordered by who?” One of the men brought out a card and handed it to her. Gianna glanced through. Ivan Grayson. Imperial Group. And then his business line. Gianna grew more confused.”I.I think you’ve got the wrong person.” “We’ve got the right person,miss.You have to be there at 2:pm or else Mr Grayson would sue you for what happened last night.” Her jaw dropped. The man continued.”You met him at the hallway.” Then no one needed to tell Gianna who the person was. That man she had kissed and kicked. “A friendly advice,ma’am.do you miss this for anything in the world.”With that,the three men walked away. Gianna blinked as she walked into her apartment and shut the door. Sue her? For what? And who does he think he is to send three men to her doorstep? He had been touching her more than she had wanted. Yes.she had seemed to give him consent by kissing him. But couldn’t he just let this slide?! She stared at his card. Ivan Grayson. And then,she froze. Was it the same Ivan Grayson that she always see on TV? The CEO of Imperial Group. She stared at the card closely and there was clearly Imperial Group written on it. Her brain hadn’t registered that before. Oh God! How could she have gotten involved with such a powerful person? Wanting to confirm,she quickly grabbed her laptop and typed Ivan Grayson on the search engine. As soon as his pictures were brought out.she clicked on one and zoomed it to see it clearly.to make sure her eyes weren’t playing tricks on her. Oh No! It was really the man from last night. He was a very popular person and from the gossips she had heard.they said he was ruthless too. His Family dominated most parts of Texas. She shakily stared at her leg. She had hit that kind of person at the crotch? She had offended Ivan Grayson?! Oh Damn!

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