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Chapter 13: Young Master Burton, Give Me Back My Mommy!

Stepping inside, Stacey quickly changed into surgical scrubs. With her cap and mask on, she washed her hands before entering the operating room. She was surprised to see the room was jam-packed. "Charlotte." James Cooper came over, " Everyone is curious to observe. You don't mind, do you?" Stacey casually shook her head, "As long as they don't get in the way." Some in the crowd seemed slightly insulted. Did they seem that disorderly? Sally assisted Stacey in putting on her gloves. After a brief briefing about the patient's current state, Stacey took her position at the operating table. "We've managed to stop the bleeding, and the patient is somewhat stable," James started. "The key part now is to remove the fragments from the patient's brain. They're near the nerves. Any blunder could... You get it." "Let's get started." Her voice was calm and steady. "Alright," James Cooper agreed, "The surgery starts now." Stacey's hands were incredibly steady, her movements fluid with no signs of hesitation. Many people were worried about damaging the patient's nerves during the fragment removal, but Stacey's skill was out of this world. She successfully removed the fragments without hurting the brain nerves. Three hours later, she announced, "The wound is stitched up. Surgery's done." "The patient's condition is super stable!" James exclaimed, looking at Stacey with admiration. She just nodded in response before stepping away from the operating table. As she turned to exit, the spectators burst into applause. The surgery had been spectacular; they had never seen such a flawless operation. Stacey, expressionless, left the room. She changed out of her scrubs and reappeared from the operating room. Conor and the worried man were still there. "How's my sister?" the man asked nervously. Stacey asked Conor, " When will I receive the one billion?" "Right away," Conor replied. "Good," Stacey nodded, getting ready to leave. "There goes Dr. Charlotte, the medical genius who was doing surgeries at fifteen, a wonder in the medical world!" "I heard our dean's son has been chasing her for a while, but she never gives him the time of day. She's something." "Why does she always wear a mask?" "To keep a sense of mystery, of course! But I bet she's beautiful. Just check out those amazing eyes." Upon hearing about the chase, Conor felt a twinge of discomfort. "Dr. Charlotte, can I invite you to dinner?" Conor asked. Stacey paused, her response frosty, "No, I don't eat with married men." Married men? Conor was convinced he'd kept his marriage a secret. How did she know? He peered into her eyes, his dark gaze captivating. "Aren't you also married?" Stacey was startled. How did he figure it out? As far as anyone knew, she was single. Darn it! Had he recognized her? "Young Master Burton, you're quite the joker. I'm single," Stacey said, her voice gentle as a summer breeze, "I hope you won't bother me." With that, she spun on her heel and left. Sally was quick to follow. Conor's eyes flickered with a mysterious look as he watched them leave. His attention was then caught by Nicholas Baker, who was approaching after a chat with James Cooper. "Dr. Cooper said Abigail's surgery went perfectly," Nicholas Baker sighed, relieved, "There shouldn't be any lasting effects." "Good." Conor replied casually, "Are you staying overnight to look after her?" "Dr. Cooper said it wasn't necessary. I'll head home," Nicholas said, his expression serious, "I haven't told my parents yet. I don't want them to worry." "Alright," Conor nodded, "If you need anything, you can contact me. I'm leaving now." "Aren't you going to visit Abigail?" Nicholas asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don't want to give your sister the wrong idea," Conor responded, his tone detached. Nicholas pressed his lips together, "I understand." He was well aware of his sister's feelings for Conor. Her discovery of Conor's secret marriage led her to drive recklessly to the Burton family home, causing the accident. He couldn't blame Conor for being cold. Otherwise, they couldn't even remain friends. "Let's get home now!" Stacey said, quickly changing once they were in the car. "Aren't you going to eat, miss?" Sally asked, surprised. "I suspect Conor is onto me," Stacey said, applying a skin mask. "Isn't that impossible?" Sally asked while driving, "Your disguise is impeccable. I couldn't even recognize you when you climbed down the wall." "We're talking about Conor here, not some clueless person," Stacey warned, "He has a photographic memory. He's been observing my eyes these past few days. Today, I wore a mask, revealing only my eyes. I suspect he might have connected the dots." "No way," Sally gasped in surprise. "In truth, it's nearly impossible for two people living together to keep secrets," Stacey murmured, "There's no such thing as a foolproof plan." "What if he does figure it out?" Sally asked, clearly worried. "If he does, he does. I have a trump card. He won't kick me out," Stacey said seriously. "Miss, how long do you plan on staying with the Burtons?" Sally asked. "Right now, being with the Burtons is my best protection in Zephyria. I won't be leaving the Burtons anytime soon until I've avenged my mother," Stacey answered. Sally nodded, "Just be careful. We're not with you. You're alone there, and we're worried." "Don't worry, I'll be alright," Stacey comforted her. Before she finished speaking, they were already at the backyard wall. Stacey used her grappling hook to climb over it, and then hopped and skipped towards the villa. "Stacey," Conor suddenly called out. He was back already! Stacey lazily turned around, smiling, "Conor." "Where have you been?" He walked up to her. "Just playing in the yard," Stacey replied, "It's huge and has everything. It's fun." Conor gave her a lukewarm look. Stacey could disguise nearly everything about herself except her hair. It was the same as Charlotte's. Conor picked up a strand of Stacey's hair to confirm his suspicions and sniffed it. Unlike Charlotte, which had a faint aroma of traditional herbs, it had a fresh and elegant jasmine scent. Stacey breathed a sigh of relief inwardly. Thankfully, she had asked Sally for some perfume and sprayed it on her hair before getting out of the car. Otherwise, she would have been found out. She knew she couldn't keep her secret forever, but every day she could delay was another day won. If Conor found out she was deceiving him, he would be livid. Conor's dark eyes grew serious, and he let go of her hair, "Don't always play outside, understood?" Stacey nodded. "Let's go." Conor reverted to his usual cold and distant demeanor. Stacey obediently followed him towards the villa. Upon entering, they saw Elodie rushing towards them, "Young Master, there's an urgent matter." "What could be so urgent?" Conor responded. Before he could finish, they heard a young, indignant voice, "Young Master Burton, give me back my mommy!"

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