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Chapter 13

Atlas whisked the unconscious Stacy to Ian and ordered him to protect her. After that, he asked hoarsely, "Is the beacon tower lit?" It was a stormy night. Besides, it had been many years since the beacon tower was last used for its functionality. Miraculously, the flames of the beacon tower continued to grow despite the harsh weather conditions. It was able to light up the darkness that surrounded Newtropolis. Ian nodded. "Mr. Blackwell, the beacon tower has been lit. It's located on the northern side of the city, which is right behind the junkyard. You can't see it from here." Atlas was still furious. "Why aren't they here yet? Light another beacon tower!" Ian said nervously, "Are you sure, Mr. Blackwell? There's only one beacon tower in Newtropolis!" Atlas couldn't care less about that. "Light the other nearby beacon towers!" Ian pulled out his phone immediately. He quickly called a military representative based in Jedah. "Listen up, everyone! Mr. Blackwell wants you to light the beacon tower in your city!" The soldiers of Jedah already knew about Newtropolis' beacon being lit. When they received Ian's call, they quickly lit their beacon tower without asking for a reason. Soon, Jedah's beacon tower was brightly lit. Atlas watched the small spark in the distance. He roared, "Light another beacon tower!" His order caught Ian off guard. He wanted to light another beacon tower? "Yes, sir!" Ian received his orders. "Light them all up! In fact, light the beacon towers ranging from this city all the way to Northern Bronshire. Light all of those beacon towers up! I want everyone in Aerial Blade to witness the lit beacon towers with their own eyes!" Ian was intimidated, to say the least. Did Atlas seriously want all beacon towers to be lit? Not even a nation could handle the consequences of lighting at least a thousand beacon towers, let alone Newtropolis! On the other hand, Alan kept guffawing in amusement. Did Atlas seriously order for the beacon towers to be lit? Who the hell did he think he was? Beacon towers were reserved for wartime purposes. Besides, there were no battles taking place in Newtropolis for years. By right, the beacon tower in the city should've been sealed forever. To think that Atlas would come up with such an idiotic plan just to intimidate Alan! Since the junkyard was located in front of the beacon tower, Alan couldn't see it from where he was standing. Naturally, he wouldn't believe that it'd be lit, too. The arrogant and pompous man thought that no one in Newtropolis was bold enough to go against him, after all. … At the same time, Colette Lapin, a champion of Aerial Blades who was based in Western Bronshire, received her orders the moment the first beacon tower was lit. "Colette Lapin of Aerial Blades, here are your orders. You are to hurry toward Newtropolis right away." After Colette received her orders, she checked the news revolving around Newtropolis on her phone. She never expected that someone in Newtropolis would choose to light its beacon tower. Who on earth possessed that much power to have the beacon tower lit? When Colette was done with the investigation, her brows were knitted into a deep frown. "It's Mr. Blackwell! Wait, what? He even put up his sacred coat! To think that someone wants the heiress dead! They really are tired of living!" Colette couldn't calm down at all after reading the news. She said to the others, "The beacon tower of Newtropolis has been lit. Mr. Blackwell has put up his sacred coat as well. "Everyone, I can't continue partaking in the battle of this district from now on. I need to make my way to Newtropolis as soon as possible." Everyone around Colette gave her a military salute. Even though they couldn't go to Newtropolis, they were still filled with respect and fear the moment they heard the words "sacred coat". The wearer of the sacred coat was the most admirable man in all of Chernea, after all. He was known as the king who willingly put his life at risk just to save Chernea. At the same time, Samuel Pierson and Megan Fairfox of Aerial Blade, who were stationed in Northern Bronshire, received the news as well. Rage was apparent on their faces the moment they read through everything. The nerve of those bastards! They crossed the line this time! To think that a nobody from Newtropolis' underworld had the guts to go against Thaddeus, who donned the sacred coat! Abyssal Gates thought it could fight against the world just because it got reformed, eh? A huge army could be seen traveling to Newtropolis from thousands of miles away. Countless people rush toward the city along the row of beacon towers. Now that Aerial Blade was on its way to Newtropolis, an apocalypse was bound to happen. "The beacons are lit! Everyone, heed my order! We're heading to Newtropolis!" Samuel didn't hesitate to give the order. Members of Aerial Blade should rush toward their destination the moment they saw the lit beacon towers. They needed to arrive at Newtropolis as soon as possible. Once the beacon tower was lit, the entire city was brightly illuminated. It was at that moment that someone finally noticed a tiny detail. A coat was hung from the tallest point of the junkyard. The back of the coat had a phoenix stitched on it. Clearly, it looked like a doctor's coat. The coat might look ordinary, but its existence was extraordinary to the major players in the power dynamic. That coat demanded everyone's utmost respect. It was the sacred coat. At that moment, the sacred coat was hung from a lifted crane tower. Countless people went ballistic the moment they received the news. Even the people of Chlo were extremely shocked when they found out about it. In the command center of Chlo, someone barged into a meeting room in a state of panic. "Mr. Garett, something major just happened!" Blake Garett, the general commander, sat in the middle of the meeting room. He was currently in a meeting with various state leaders of Chernea. Blake frowned before asking coldly, "What is it? Why are you so alarmed? What a disgrace!" The messenger lowered his head, his voice still trembling. "Mr. Garett, the beacon tower of Newtropolis has been lit!" Everyone in the meeting was influential and powerful of their own merit. King Cedric, for example, was the one ruling Chlo. He drew to his feet instantly. "Who lit the beacon tower? Their arrogance knows no bounds!" The messenger hurriedly replied, "It was… Mr. Thaddeus Blackwell." King Cedric had to stop himself from slamming a palm onto the table. It was Thaddeus! Almost instantly, King Cedric's anger dissipated. Still, he snarled to Blake through gritted teeth, "Mr. Garett, Thaddeus is being unreasonable! He may be the leader of Aerial Blade who's equipped with powerful martial arts, but he can't just do whatever he pleases!" Blake closed his eyes. It was as though he could sense the rolling waves of rage coming from Newtropolis. If his own daughter was the one getting bullied and tormented, he'd do whatever it took just to avenge her, no matter how heavy the price. It was worth it as long as the bullies got what they deserved. Before Blake could respond to King Cedric, another voice drifted from outside the meeting room. "Sir, all of the beacon towers ranging from Newtropolis to Northern Bronshire have been lit!" Everyone became uneasy immediately. King Barnaby of Eastern Chernea and King Vincent lowered their heads as well. "Mr. Garett, that's over a thousand beacon towers! Never has anyone lit that many beacon towers in Chernea before!" Blake let out a deep breath. Still, he remained impassive. Finally, another person rushed into the meeting room. He got down on his knees and yelled, "Mr. Garett, another major thing just happened! The sacred coat is hung up in the junkyard! "Right now, countless people are coming to Chernea! There are so many people that all transports, such as airplanes, ships, cars, and trains, are completely packed! "Those who were saved by the master of the sacred coat are on the way to Newtropolis as we speak. They all wish to repay Mr. Blackwell for his benevolence!" Alarmed, Blake opened his eyes. The fact that Thaddeus hung up his sacred coat was scarier than the action of lighting up a thousand beacon towers. Everyone would rush into Newtropolis in the shortest possible amount of time. If the outer of the sacred coat was white, Thaddeus would save lives. But if the outer was black… he'd start a massacre. Uneasiness swept over Blake's senses. He exclaimed, "Get someone to check out the coat immediately! Find out if the coat's outer is black or white! Remember. Do not approach the junkyard. Just spot the color from afar!" Soon, everyone received a message from a soldier stationed near the junkyard in Newtropolis. The sacred coat's outer was black. Thaddeus had been saving lives for the past five years, meaning he had hung up his sacred coat with its white side being the outer at least thousands of times. This was his first time hanging the coat up while revealing the black outer. Thaddeus was willing to light thousands of beacon towers and hang up his black coat just so he could seek justice for his wife and daughter.

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