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Chapter 8

A car parked in front of the popular temple. A young man in his early thirties stepped out of the car. He swayed away his overall backwardness and smirked too. His elegant dressing and aura defined his personality. He was Tony, the heir to the throne. Though, he wasn't a prince but in his clan, they had a throne and because his father recently died, he was going to be the heir forcefully, not minding the elders. "Good day, master Tony" the temple keeper greeted while he also responded with a smile. "Hope you are good? We have been seeing you here lately" The keeper further asked. "What else will I be doing here if not to visit my betrothed bride?" He smirked, ignored the keeper, and found his way inside. "Elena! Elena!! Elena!!! Master Tony is here" A teenager announced as she entered one of the inner rooms inside the temple. The temple, as it's called, may have been a place of worship but it had a big training center to train some teenagers on how to master their power and the uses of it. Also, there were different rooms for them to stay in. "Really?" Elena exclaimed. Though she wasn't that happy to see Tony but needed to fake her happiness for the sake of people around her. Else, Tony wouldn't mind crushing the temple at once. Her heartbeat was accelerating. She wasn't aware of what Tony had in store for her for the day but she had never liked seeing his face. Elena was a descendant of the dragon family. She was the only one left with the dragon power because she was the last dragon's daughter but had a problem. She would have been ruling the magical world with her level of power but her inner mind was sealed and she was unable to practice magic,no matter how she tried. She had been in a Temple, practicing martial arts only without studying any magic but she had been praying to Buddha to unleash her power, so that she could take over her father's throne and regain her reputation. The dragon itself died a few years ago. Despite having subordinates, the mystery behind his death remains unknown. That day, he went out to check the situation outside. As a leader, he had to check the security outside his villa before allowing his subordinates to go outside, for their welfare sake. He returned that day, very weak which was unusual. He went straight to his daughter's room and converted all his magical powers into a crystal ball before transferring it to her. After that, he locked her inner mind. The power was all he accumulated in his thousands of years of existence. He knew she may not be able to control it and will lead her into nothing but destruction, that was the reason he locked her inner mind, hoping she will find a way to unlock it when she matured. After that, he started vomiting blood till he later died. Some said he was poisoned, some said another magical creature was after him to take his power. They all knew, the dragon power was second to none and with the power, you can rule the magical world. After the dragon's death, Tony's Father visited the dragon family with an agreement paper, which included the dragon blood that served as a means of oath. The paper stated that Elena has been betrothed to Tony since she was two years of age. The dragon subordinates confirmed the agreement to be real and since then, Tony has been Elena's groom-to-be. The dragon subordinates later leave the villa to seek greener pastures, if not for anything, to find a powerful Sorcerer that will open Elena's inner mind, so that the clan will come back into existence. Elena was taken to the temple after that, awaiting his father's subordinates ' arrival. "Welcome master Tony" she greeted bowing slowly. Tony also retorted with a smile. "How is my lady doing today?" He further questioned while she also responded well. "I saw this set of jade jewelry and couldn't resist the beauty. I thought of you and how the jade will suit your beauty more" he said, handing over the jewels to her. Elena appreciated him. She may not love him but Tony had been a caring partner from the beginning. Even his later father always made sure Elena was doing well, trying all his possible best. They were both trekking hand in hand within the temple when Tony signaled to a three and went there to seat. "Don't you think it's time we get married?" He questioned. "But..." Elena was trying to defend herself but couldn't find a good word to say. "But your inner mind is still locked? I understand but you don't need to think about that. I heard there is a powerful Sorcerer called Edward and his ability to control fire is topnotch. Seeing Dragon power is basically made of Fire, I guess he should be able to open it. I sent one of my descriptions there last week and he told me that he wasn't on the island again, hoping he went for a tour. I'll get him for you immediately he comes back or find another fire Sorcerer within the same vicinity" Tony assured her. "Really? That's good news" she replied gladly. "So, when should we get married?" He questioned again. ★★★★★★★ Charles opened his eyes weary, he was very weak and his body was aching from the fight. He wasn't prepared for it, he would have thought of a tactic but all the same, he must be prepared for such a thing all the time as an assassin. He sluggishly stood up, checked his wristwatch, and discovered it was already the following morning. "What the fuck!" He cursed before he began to drag his leg out of the wood, knowing he had already failed to keep on his promise and hoping his master wouldn't get annoyed. Fifty minutes later, he arrived at his master's den, looking shattered and dirty. "Where have you been? It's been more than twelve hours for goodness sake! I even tried to reach out to you but your number wasn't rechargeable. What happened? Master would have been annoying" his partner, Morgan uttered worriedly. Charles ignored her and entered the house. Their master was an unseen spirit. They only heard his voice and felt his movement but they had never seen him before. Aside from him, they have the right to work for another person but the master's work almost comes first. "Charles" the voice roared in the dark room. "I can perceive the snake venom from you. What happened?" He questioned, the voice was calm but cold. " Yes master" he retorted and explained what transpired between him and the snake Spirit. "You can leave those escapees to Morgan, she will handle them. On your phone is a young lady's picture..." he uttered while Charles' phone beeped immediately. "She is the dragon's daughter and processes her father's power. It is in the form of a round crystal. It's high time I take the power from her and make use of it coz initially, it's Mine! It's Mine!! It's Mine!!!" The last line kept echoing inside the villa. Charles stared at the picture. He was stunned! Could he be dreaming? The picture is the exact one that he saw in Edward's pocket. "Kill her and bring me the crystal! Go now!" His Demonic Master ordered, shaking the entire villa rigorously with his voice. Charles bowed slightly before vacating the villa. "He gave you another mission right?" Morgan rushed to meet him after he got outside. "Yes and it's a dragon girl this time around" he answered. "Shit! I thought he would allow me to handle that lady. I've been determined to see how much power she possesses! Shit!" She complained which made Charles smirk. "Have you heard about her? It's my second time seeing her picture but I know nothing about her" he inquired. "Well, I heard she possesses the power of eternity. Anybody who lays a hand on that blue round crystal will be able to control the magical world. Not only that, but the person will be able to heal all types of diseases. Jeez! What's the use of that power when her inner mind is locked? I bet we would have been bowing to her If she knew how to use it. But you have to be careful around her, her Spirit doesn't work with ice, else, it would be difficult to move closer to her. She mainly deals with fire and air, according to my investigation! Well, our master will be able to rule the magical world when you arrive, I can't wait to have a befitting position too" Morgan explained to him in full detail. Charles stood in the same spot, astonished by what he just heard. "Ruling the magical world? Is that not his late father's dream?" He was stunned. "Wait, could she be the same lady that always gives him heart pain anytime he sighted her?" He questioned no one in particular.

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