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Chapter 8

I stand admiring the finished bar and lounge area from my viewpoint on the stairs with a huge surge of pride swelling inside of me, walking to the deep sunken area and turn in a full circle taking in all the newly designed and staged areas around me. The whole club looks amazing and the black and gold palette with greys and subtle whites make it not only luxurious and nightclub feely but there's a hint of sexy in all the fixtures and fittings. Low ceilings, soft lighting and plush upholstery. This refurb has come in at over a million in costs from what I have been able to count and the whole place is dazzling and sensual. Exactly the kind of club I would have put together if it was mine and I simply adore it. It screams of class yet has a sinister edge that is completely sexy—weirdly the same way I would describe Alexi. A long granite topped black bar curving around a central pillared wall of bottles in a half arc to one side, overlooking the large couch edged room and little nooks of glamorous privacy. The hall now leads to fifteen little themed boudoirs—one for every taste, and that has been repeated upstairs with matching rooms and ten more. We have two community areas; the second floor is our private V.I.P. area with its own bar and I literally cannot love my surroundings any more than I do. I was all about the fine details and little touches while Alexi was focused on the bigger picture and the whole feel of what he wanted. We came together and dare I say it, made a great little design team. One thing about Carrero is that we have similar tastes in decor, and it is one area we never argued at all. I even love his bachelor pad upstairs and the progress meetings we had were almost enjoyable. We can be a good duo when we have a similar goal to focus on; when we stop bickering to just work. Alexi has built himself a very upper-class whore house and already he has members queuing up at the doors to sample the Carrero hospitality. He has located a paid dating agency going into liquidation, and he's slowly procuring the escorts on their books onto his own. Being selective and picking them based on kink and class. He knows what he wants, and he has swooped in and taken control of all aspects of that area, of which I am thankful. I spent enough of my life elbow deep in sordid, and it's nice to hand it over to someone more capable of taking it in his stride. ''Club Carrero.'' My nickname for this little endeavour that he finally stuck with, is looking completely divine. I have goosebumps for our opening tonight, and already the staff are bustling round stocking the bar and ice coolers, polishing glasses and making everything ready for show time. I'm just admiring all our hard work and dedication with one last scrutinising walkthrough. The old bar staff have all been fired, they were incompetent anyway and now we have hired cocktail skilled bartenders and servers. Uniforms are unusually modest, considering the aim of this place. The non-sexual staff are all in black tie and waistcoats—trousers for the men and knee-length skirts for the women and a ''hands off'' policy on anyone that isn't contracted to give out favours. We have distinct differences in the requirements of our staff. Just the way Alexi wanted it. Product will be distributed by Alexi's men; a perk of being a member and all cash paid via membership, so it's an open bar with all kinks on the house. You pay to be a part of it and everything else is free. He's charging a ton and more for his powerful associates to get their nose in the door, and with twentyfive members a night only list, it can be controlled. They must book a month in advance for the nights they want and his list is already into the hundreds. He is making them pay through the nose for both the pleasure of what he offers and the chance to rub shoulders with people they might not normally come across any other way. Men like him love to play, but they always like to have an angle and make connections that serve them well. He has it all tied up in the perfect package under one roof. Men doing what makes them happy - kicking back with other men while a flow of booze and cocaine keeps them perked and relaxed and women suck and fuck them to their heart's content. Raw and primal. Alexi knows what works. The waiting list is piling up from his contacts but his idea of one member for each room means no one will ever have to wait to get served. Each room is tailored to a variety of specs and tastes and women or men chosen accordingly. A member is awarded a card when they arrive, which gives access to the themed room of their choosing. That means every night, twenty-five rooms are suited to twenty-five guests and it keeps everyone happy. It's a brain ache planning out the guest lists to never overlap what they desire, a bit like pre-booking a table at a restaurant that serves a specific diet. This club is where business and crime meet; everything looks and feels above board. Proper employee contracts, and measures to keep things safe and regulated. Despite the fact he sells sex and drugs under this roof! He doesn't care how sordid a request a member has if his woman or man is consensual and safe words are used without complaint. Every client has a non-disclosure clause in their sign up and the staff all have them too; nothing can go outside of these walls unless Alexi has a need for it too and getting in is like breaking into a fortress, what with the new triple entry system and lines of black suited men wandering around all night. They're all armed, easy to spot and terrifyingly huge with wireless headphones and mics on full show. Carrero's infamous 'Men in black'. ''You must be Camilla?'' A voice much like Alexi's snaps me out of my obsessive detail checking and I turn in surprise at a tall dark stranger that could almost be him, standing in front of me suddenly. Looming over me in a very spooky moment of ''I must be seeing things.'' I do a double take, inhaling sharply and mighty confused with the doppelganger that is most definitely NOT Alexi. ''Yes … How did you …?'' I am completely gawping at the insanity that someone could look that much like another person. It's freaky and knocking me all sorts of weird. ''Get in here? Perks of being Lex's twin. He mentioned he had a very sexy redhead running things down here. I'm Gino.'' He extends a hand and it's hard not to see this muscular giant is his brother, they are almost completely identical in looks, minus the eyes. This one has blue and it makes a huge difference to the whole package. Somehow adding some life and colour to his whole face and softening it remarkably. I take his hand delicately and give it a little shake, still trying not to stare so obviously but it's uncanny. I have never met identical twins before, never met people who are literally from the same mould in so many ways. He stands, looks like, sounds like and is built as beautifully, as Alexi. Although, I can still tell them apart, even without the eye colour. ''Pleasures all mine.'' I smile sexily, and he breaks into a very non-Alexi grin. It's strange to see on a familiar face that never tends to smile like this. Odd. I have to blink a few times to adjust to the strangeness. ''He said you brought a touch of royalty to his palace; I can see what he meant now. The accent really is the cherry on top of the whole package isn't it.'' He's very frank and forward I'll give him that and far more animated and relaxed in manner compared to Alexi. If Alexi had a personality transplant maybe, then he could be him. I am a little touched that Alexi said something positive about me though. Stupid butterflies and teen girl reactions and I shake them away as complete nonsense. Ignoring the warmth spreading through my abdomen. ''Which one of you is the eldest?'' Twins have always intrigued me and these two are very alluring to me. ''Me, although he acts like he should have been. Mr Boss and all that, I was born fifteen minutes earlier and I never let him forget it.'' He grins again and this time with an air of cheeky and likeability, a hint that Gino is not a part of this world in the way Alexi is. A personality like his wouldn't be an advantage, he's too friendly, too smiley; unless like his brother he uses charm to disarm and is a complete psycho underneath. The masks they wear and all that. He doesn't give me the same sense of unease as his brother though and normally my gut instincts are honed to the danger factor. That sinister edge is completely missing. ''He's around somewhere, probably his office upstairs. I saw him earlier; would you like me to take you there?'' I answer politely, pointedly and nod towards the internal door to the hall. Not really angling to stand and chatter to the look-alike when I have actual things to be doing. ''Nahhh I know the way, I helped him choose this place when he was scouting for a back-alley venue for his future man pad. I helped him sort out the apartment upstairs when he first started using it.'' ''I see … As in D.I.Y.?'' I find that unusual for someone with Alexi's pay packet. Surely he would just hire someone in. ''No. I run a security firm, I installed all his high tech upstairs and you know … hand scanners and all the cameras in both the apartment and the other floors.'' My face falls, wave of unearthly chill coming over me with that little detail. Cameras in the apartment? Since fucking when? ''I see.'' I falter trying not to give my surprise away and mentally start cursing Carrero out. Stomach flipping over in knots as it dawns on me, what he just said. He's been filming the apartment this whole goddamn time, almost five months of me living here under his roof and never once told me. It feels like a complete violation. Complete fucking arsehole! I walk around naked when I am home alone, and I have more than once got myself off on the couch in full view while watching porn on his huge TV, stuck to the goddamn wall. I am not exactly shy about self-pleasuring or even just doing my yoga work out completely starkers in the lounge. Who the hell watches the footage back? That pervy silent guard on the third floor? Oh, my God! My blood runs cold at the thought and I wonder if he has cameras in my bedroom? Now knowing this, how much of my time alone does he get to see and what does he do with it after? I feel physically sick with both the thought of it and my fury bubbling like lava deep in my gut is fast combatting the initial shocked ickiness in my bones. ''You didn't know, did you?'' He looks amused and even though I am trying not to react I can see he has that uncanny Alexi trait of reading people. He also has the same smug arsehole way of finding the most inappropriate shit amusing. ''No, I wasn't aware I was living in the Big Brother house and having my every move watched by some greasy little pervert of a security goon.'' I feel pissed, as I should. It's so underhanded, and so much for ''you can trust me'' I guess that's what the ''to an extent'' was all about. I am absolutely fuming! Body vibrating and trying to keep still as my inner fight perks up. ''Alexi is the only one with access to the apartment cameras. He has a direct link to them on his devices—thumbprint activated. He can choose to have them go to sleep and only record when there is movement upstairs.'' Yes, like me masturbating on his leather couch. Great. I hope he enjoyed the show because it's the last one he will be getting. I should never underestimate that prick. ''He should have told me. It's a complete invasion of my privacy.'' ''Yeah. Go tell Alexi that, and good luck.'' Gino laughs at me and swaggers past with that same self-assured confident walk of a guy who's always been chased by women his whole life, yet I find him less attractive than his darker counterpart. Gino is the sunny one; clearly not into the same shit as his brother and therefore probably a trustworthy and likeable fellow. Boring. He also isn't a sneaky arsehole who spies on his prisoners. I watch him walk away, a little awed at how from the back, minus the jeans and hoody, he looks exactly like him. Same broad shoulders and solid frame, same tall sexy swagger and nice tight arse, as he walks through the bar. He is effortlessly turning the heads of the new bar staff as he goes by. I lose interest as my eyes fall on the tanned broad neck and see it's completely free of Alexi's tell-tale dragon tattoo, that sits there growling at you all day long. It's as fierce as he is, and without it, Gino seems decidedly dull. He just does not have that aura around him that Alexi wears like a second skin. That danger that lies below the surface, and as much as it makes me uneasy everytime I see him, I realise without it Gino is not of any interest to me at all. I always did like a bit of danger. ''Miss Walters. The beer delivery is here … Where does it go again?'' A small female voice curls around me, grabbing my attention and I turn to the small mousy wench before me. She's been here two days and already her lack of initiative is pissing me off. She looks like an overgrown Disney character with her big eyes and over pouty mouth. Irritation biting me instantly. ''How about in the cellar with all the other booze Dahling? Or is that too much of a mind stretch to figure out?'' I raise a brow at her and get a kick of satisfaction with the shocked and then wounded expression covers her face. I know that being a bitch is unnecessary but the second you show any form of nice to these people they stop doing as they're told and start taking advantage, getting lax. Show them not to fuck with you right away and you are less likely to have to deal with any drama. I don't need friends or to win any popularity contests. Alexi pays me to do a job, not earn chums and I will do it without unnecessary emotional baggage. ''Right. And that would be …?'' She looks around like a dumb bimbo as though the cellar is going to be in plain sight. Can't quite comprehend they are usually found below ground. I roll my eyes and sigh dramatically. ''I'm assuming where they normally keep cellars … Under the building.'' I exhale heavily and push past her in complete disinterest. ''Brandon?'' I call out to the tall blonde, Thor lookalike, putting the new cocktail shakers on the shelf behind him. ''Yes, Miss Walters?'' He turns quickly, snapping to attention with a smile and I smile back, always pleased at his over enthusiastic puppy routine. I like his eagerness and willingness to please. Mousy should take notes; instead, she's following me like a lost child and about to get a smack in the face if she doesn't step back a little. ''Over-see the beer delivery, make sure you bring the invoice up to my office when you're done. And give Dimwit here a tour of what a basement looks like.'' ''Yes Ma'am,'' he nods—that sweet little southern belle of a boy, obviously gay and I head off in search of the lift to go grace the Carrero brothers with my pleasure. I have a couple things I need Alexi to sign off on and part of me is dying to see them side by side and compare how far the similarities go. A bit like watching a Ying and Yang of sorts, and I am crazily curious. * * * I wander through the lobby and straight into Carrero's office; well mine now, seeing as he gave it to me as he's here once a week at most. Lucie almost choked on his own tongue that day, and he has been slinking in the shadows scowling from afar ever since. He stays out of my way and I stay out of his; no idea what he even does here anymore as Alexi removed all his privileges, and he's nothing more than a desk dweller who just adds a bad mood to the atmosphere. I think because he's family he allows him to stay, but he doesn't want him anywhere else in his business and has nowhere else to put him. Like a bad smell, he just hovers in his space. Apparently, he retires very soon, and Alexi is making it worth his while to stay home as soon as he does. Good riddance. Opening the door, I expect to see Alexi lording at the desk but it's empty and I presume he's taken his twin up to the apartment instead for some family time. I still cannot believe those two shared a womb and came from one egg—Alexi seems like he should have been a solitary invention. Unless it was a case of one baby getting all the good and the other became Alexi. I always assumed he was created in the pits of hell from the unquenched fire of the devil's cauldron. I wonder if he and Gino are a bit like an Angel/ Demon duo in some other realm, end of the world 'nature and balance' bullshit. We haven't made any headway since that night after the opera and I guess that's why I am feeling subtly hostile towards my gorgeous master of above. I am charmingly sweet when he's around, which is rare, and he's his normal bastard self. Cold, bossy and always with a bimbo in tow. I'm sick of the sight of him turning up to use his room for playtime and glad that I will be down here till four a.m. every night now and its likely he will get on with his demands before I come up to bed. Getting tired of listening to wenches climax while my own sex life is completely dead. Thanks to controlling Carrero and his idea that I should be untouched while representing his good name, and I am completely frustrated. It's one thing to choose to be sex starved for a prolonged period, it's another to be ordered to be that way on command. He spares no energy being civil to me either. Cold and direct, forever telling me what to do and keeps it all very clinical and business based. I have no qualms that he obviously does not like me. He also has no taste in women at all, so I guess it's not an insult. They are all mousy submissive little doorsteps with big eyes and a severe ''Yes sir'' complexion. I guess being a hardened Dom sort of means that's his type and I can now see why he doesn't like me much. I'm too brassy, too gobby and too stubborn. I rarely do as I am told without argument, I sass him back when he's pissing me off and I no longer have any desire to sleep with the smug prick. I can barely occupy the same room as him without wanting to throw things at his face and I absolutely love saying things to him to get a reaction. He has a fragile ego underneath that cold exterior and I have learned the art of bruising it. My phone vibrates in the pocket of my shirt dress and I haul it out to see Master himself is calling me. I sigh, push down the urge to red button him and answer with my fake cheery ''happy to hear from you'' tone. ''Yes, Carrero?'' Sweeter than honey and oozing with disdain, this is our normal mode of conversing. He likes to call me a million times a week when he is not here, throwing out his orders and demands left, right and centre. I have him saved under the title 'Lord Arsehole'. ''Get up here.'' Raspy, commanding and prickish like always. Fuck right off! ''I'm busy,'' I answer moodily and wander to our shared desk to pick up a new file he's left sitting there, it has a post-it note on top which reads. 'London, take care of this … TO- DAY!' I swear he just made me want to poison his next gin. I hate it when he uses that as my name and it really riles me that even in written form the man can sound like an arsey control freak and make me rage. ''It wasn't an offer; it was an order.'' He sounds like he's trying to play cool, yet there's an edgy vibe of slight pissed offness coming through. Interesting. The curious little cat in me wonders what his twin is doing that has him so rattled and I really want to go watch the fireworks, even if that means doing as he asks. ''Shock! You're telling me what to do … What a surprise.'' I murmur with a half smirk and screw up his yellow note throwing it over my shoulder haphazardly. Giving no shits about it. Somewhere along the way my self-made plan of killing him with kindness fell apart, the second I was faced with him once more. I just have no energy for being nice to that much arrogance in one big brute of a body. Sometimes he's lucky if I can get through the day without plotting his murder in detail and leaving traps to maim him. I would take delight in watching him suffer. ''I may reconsider spanking as a hobby if you keep this shit up.'' He sounds annoyed which doesn't even nearly faze me. I have learned that his danger tone is a complete contradiction to this and sparring is just plain annoying him and nothing more. It's when he sounds eerily unemotional that you have to run. ''Kinky. I might be into it.'' I jest huskily in a bid to make him more pissed. He hates it when I flirt even if it is in sarcasm and I can almost imagine those pale greys darkening to stormy steel right now. I figured out that his eye colour changes slightly per mood, so yet another of his tells in my little notebook of useful facts. I have a mental list titled 'signs that I am annoying Alexi' which is outlined in hearts and stars. ''I think it's time I took you in hand and worked that attitude out, nothing much seems to work so maybe I should try something else.'' It's a veiled threat, a hint of seriousness but again I don't give a toss. I have been getting away with sass for weeks now, and he either has a go, acts like a prick, or completely ignores me. No consequences for standing up to him, so why should I care anymore? ''Don't make threats if you're not going to follow through. Anyway, what do you want? I have things to do and haven't got all day to stand around chatting.'' I give him a tad more edge, remembering I still have a bone to pick over his secret cameras. Re-finding that little rage simmering inside. There's a long silence and I wonder if for the first time I might witness him losing his cool. I push all day every day, I know one of these days he is probably going to snap and make me regret every single second of it. I wonder if that time has come. ''Either you walk up here now willingly, or I come get you and I will physically drag you kicking and screaming. Don't test me.'' Okay so that tone sends a shiver through me. The calm, low and precise. He's really pissed now, and I don't mean in his normally casually almost good-humoured way. He's not taking my shit today at all. Whatever his twin has done to his mood, it has put him on one and I am bearing the brunt. That wave of internal discomfort sobers me, and I swallow down all bravado, getting that shaky nervous inner floaty feeling. I know where the line lies. ''Sure. Keep your pants on Carrero, all a bit of banter.'' I relent dejectedly, accent slipping when I am genuinely nervous, hating that this one tone change can put me in my place so effortlessly. I have yet to see what comes after that tone and I don't think I ever want to. Rumours are enough and I know from the ones I heard out on the street that he's worse than any nightmares I may still have. I turn on my heel and stalk out of the office back towards the lift, pulling my card from my bra where I keep it snugly hidden, to access the lift to the floor above. I catch Lucie glaring my way from his own office door, peering out like a little troll from his cave and I throw him a huge satisfied smile. ''You look as happy as always—must suck seeing me being the big bosses new sidekick, while you get demoted to book end. How does the new chain to your desk feel?'' I wink bitchily and walk into the lift with a toss of my red locks. I hate that podgy little arsehole and I wouldn't put it past him to smother me in my sleep given half a chance. I laugh as a book goes flying past the doors as they slide shut and shake my head at the ridiculousness of the little imp. He's got a bad temper when he's out of Alexi's earshot but as he's the size of a pygmy then I doubt he could do more than punch me in the kneecaps. He fights like a little girl. It only takes a moment to get upstairs and when I enter the apartment from the main door both men are sitting on the couch with beers in hand looking completely cosy and weird as hell. Now this is really what a pair of bookends look like and I have to double take. It's creepy. Two Alexi's, yet not. One all casual and sporty with trainers and a smile, over tropical blue eyes, the other suited and booted with that sinister frown on his face at seeing me. A grey soulless gaze that literally goes through you, and I throw on a charming face. They are equally attractive visually, yet Gino is missing that something special. ''You rang my lord?'' I do a mock curtsy and Gino breaks into a boyish laugh, amused at me already and throws Alexi a quick glance. ''I can see why she pisses you off little brother.'' He pushes Alexi in the shoulder and he just glares at his sibling in the most juvenile way. The great Alexi sulks when in the presence of brothers, how quaint. ''I'm not against shooting you in the face.'' Alexi frowns, actually scowls at Gino, who just laughs harder. I have never seen this side to him, and I watch with complete interest, it's like seeing a glimpse of another person, and I am not sure I like seeing the Great Carrero as a mere human. Annoyed by a sibling and acting out aggressively. ''London?'' He turns his attention to me. ''Yes, Boss?'' I answer prettily with fluttering lashes. ''Get a drink and sit. My brother wanted to meet you properly, seeing as he has this insane idea that you must be special. Putting a woman at the helm of my man project and all.'' Alexi looks indulgently at his brother, who is still smirking wildly, and I can see a hint of mutual affection in the passing of mirrored glances. I still cannot get my head around just how identical these two really are. It's completely uncanny even the way they are lounging side by side in such a casual man way with one foot on the centre coffee table each. I guess they really did break from the same cell. I've seen images of twins before, but nothing like this kind of replication. From the mannerisms, the voice and the hair styling. If they both had the same suits on and sunglasses concealing the colour of their eyes I don't think I could tell them apart, tattoos aside. Well, except Gino smiles; A lot. Alexi barely cracks one, so it's a definite tell-tale. I guess they have that psychic thing going on too, like most twins as Alexi shoves his brother, followed by a look and Gino gives him a weird wave gesture that gets one in response. A whole new little communication and Alexi throws him another scowl. Whatever it was he didn't like it and it is so hard not to stare like a freak at this weird behaviour of two grown men. Alexi seems so different when Gino is around and silent communication comprising looks, eyebrow twitters and hand gestures is unnerving. I wander off to get a drink and opt for a whisky on the rocks. I need something stronger in preparation for opening night and my first official duty as hostess to his very swanky new club. We have a full guest list tonight, twenty-five members, twenty-five escorts and some extras working the floor in case anyone likes more than one at a time. The full staff and security are all getting ready, and we have a DJ arriving at seven with some strippers for the main stage to keep the party entertaining. I wander over and sit at the end of the closest part of the couch and cross my legs, swinging one high stiletto in mid-air. I catch Alexi's usual sweep of my legs, something he does so frequently I no longer notice it as much and Gino eyes up his brother instead. An eyebrow rises as he does so. I innocently take a long sip of my drink and pretend not to see the questioning glances. I'm guessing Gino is amused that his brother can openly eye rape me yet refuses to sleep with me. Makes two of us Gino. ''So, Camilla? How are you settling in over here? I have heard only good things about you.'' Gino is the happy charmer of the duo, all smiles, laid-back looks and open enthusiasm. Like a puppy needing attention knowing he is adorably cute. He's also a bare faced liar. It's … Draining. I almost choke on my drink and Alexi's furrowed glance at his sibling says it all. ''I highly doubt that; your brother merely tolerates me because he knows I am what's best for his little business endeavour. If he had his way, he probably would have strangled me by now and left me in the river.'' Alexi's eyes stray to mine and an unreadable expression as he settles his pale gaze. Probably mentally agreeing with me. ''Lucie already has that on his priority list,'' Alexi smirks and Gino rolls his eyes. ''I thought you were going to find somewhere dark and airless to put that little weasel?'' ''I did … his office. I'm biding my time until he asphyxiates and Dianna can't blame me for it.'' Alexi retorts and this time I smirk at his humour, dry and quick and more my taste. Gino is too American hot boy with dazzling white teeth and effortless chatter. I like some darkness, even if it does come from Master Carrero. There is no one quite like him. For his flaws anyway, I have to say, he can be amusing. ''Lucie is my biggest fan. He secretly adores me and is just jealous that you get to sleep up here with me every night. He totally imagines the worst.'' I flutter innocent lashes and continue sipping my drink, exuding my sexual confidence with subtle little mannerisms that are as natural as breathing to me nowadays. Wasn't so long ago I had to force each one to build this façade known as Camilla Walters. ''Possibly because Alexi tells him the worst.'' Gino laughs and the little flicker of smug crossing Alexi's face makes me wonder how much truth is in that joke. I have no idea how he got lumbered with Luciano other than through family, but I don't get the feeling he likes him at all and can completely imagine him using subtle hints to get under his skin. Lucie already thinks I'm banging the boss and that's why I get preferential treatment, it would annoy him wholly if Alexi hinted at it too. ''I get to cut him loose in three months when he hits retirement. Until then, I ignore him.'' Alexi downs his drink and slides it on the table, tossing a cushion aside and gestures to me with a finger wiggle, patting the couch next to him suggestively and I just narrow my eyes. He actually smiles and the world does not self-combust. I hate that when he does it, even though it's so rare it's almost an endangered species; it makes me a little weak and weird for him. Alexi has dimples and a gorgeous smile when he flexes those muscles and I despise him more for it. It does funny things to my insides. ''What? It's not like you to want me so close … Are you drunk?'' I watch him suspiciously, looking way too self-assured and chirpy for my liking, yet I get up and move anyway. I know underneath that almost happy look, he's still brewing close to the pissed he was on the phone and don't want to push my luck. He's being non-Alexi and I should just tread carefully when he is not behaving as he normally does. Changes in character are usually a huge warning sign with any man and handling him with kid gloves is a must. I walk over and sit down closer, about a foot away and nestle myself back into my cross-legged pose and try to exude my confidence and ease, even though I feel anything but. Alexi reaches out, putting a hand across my legs so he cups my thigh and yanks me a tad closer. It makes me jump and almost spill my drink all over him. It's not like him to be so hands-on or want me glued to his side like this and Gino is watching with interest while depositing his own drink on the table. I have a moment of alarm, a pang of doubt as I remember brothers from high school and how they were famed for group fucking the same girl; that was their kink—brotherly banging one girl at one time and my eyes dart from one to the other in alarm. If Gino likes that kind of thing, maybe Alexi is willing, even if he does have me on a sex ban. Is that what twins deem appropriate because they are technically from one cell and half of one person? I stiffen as he tries to pull my legs closer possessively. It's only now that I am this close that I realise Alexi looks a little wired and even in the darkness of the room his pupils are tiny. Gino looks the same and it's not a coincidence. I look around for tell-tale signs of cocaine but see nothing at all, trying to find any other reason why my normally cool and cold arsehole of a boss seems to be suffering from a schizophrenic personality. ''I want you to come closer, no reason.'' His eyes lock on my mouth, he slides an arm behind me on the couch to rest along the back behind my head and this time I know for sure something is up. I feel incredibly uncomfortable and look to Gino for answers. Alexi looks like he wants to devour me, eyes honed on me in a way which says ''I will fuck you right here, right now.'' Alexi made it clear he does not ever want to cross this line so there is no way in hell he is in his normal frame of mind. He's so close I can feel his breath on my cheek and his body warmth is taking over me. I tremble with the waves of testosterone oozing my way. ''Are you coming to our opening night?'' I try to keep the nerves out of my voice, fixating on Gino but Alexi running a finger down my throat to the open neck of my shirt dress makes me flinch. I'm not sure what to make of his sudden attention and smile his way adoringly, trying to ignore what he's doing as he angles close enough to dip and lick my neck if he so desired. He angles so close I think he actually might and swallow hard, palms instantly clammy and trembles ensue. I am trying to read this sudden sexual interest in me and not react like I want to get up and run. I know how to play the game and I endure his touches with little outward reaction, as though having a cougar like him size me up for the kill is normal daily work routine. The sizzle of electricity in the very small space between us is suffocating me and despite not wanting this, my body starts reacting like a wanton whore at his closeness. I tighten my knees and curse myself out for having traitorous reactions to the man I really do not like. He may have the personality of a drain sewer, but physically my body is still hot for him. Gino just watches me with a smile and I feel like I'm being hemmed in by two predators on the prowl for meat. Heart rate elevating that maybe I am in over my head and should get out of this room. I can barely breathe, my lungs getting tight and my inhales are shallow. ''Do you need me to go get you a girl? You're coming across as very horny and in dire need of relief.'' I catch his hand as it heads to my first button and shove it off gently, pulling my dress back up and buttoning it one higher so no cleavage is on show; sending him a clear message to stop, flicking a glance and a glare his way that is loaded with a warning. I don't know what this is but I don't like it. He doesn't cross this kind of line and I have no idea why he's doing it now. He had a chance with me, and he blew me off. The feeling is now mutual, and I have no desire to be his next bedroom victim. Alexi looks annoyed and tugs my legs in against him again so that my knees are pressed against his fully and my thigh is touching the full length of his upper leg warmly. I am practically sitting on his lap, in the arc of his arm and very much in his personal space. It's suffocating. I don't think I have been this close to him since the opera and I really have no clue why he's behaving so erratically or so over the top possessive. He is not one of the sex-starved men he likes to mess with, so I doubt he has a serious itch that needs to be scratched. ''Relax sweetheart, my brother and I are always in competition. He doesn't like the fact I made eyes and remarks about his sexy little redhead. Alexi doesn't share his toys, he never has, much to my disappointment. He's sending me the signals, not you. A HUGE back the fuck off Gino!'' Gino is amused, he stands to pour himself a drink from the table and throws me a wink and a dirty look as he makes an obvious assessment of my body and legs. Alexi doesn't react, he just watches his brother with zero facial expression, and I take a moment to calm the erratic pounding of my heart. I really want to move away from all this male dominance shadowing me, but I physically cannot move. I stay facing forward, otherwise a turn of the head will put my face right against his. ''I asked him if I could fuck you. This is his answer.'' Gino smirks. I blanch at him and then throw a wary look at Alexi sideways. Not sure when this little question was asked but not sure how to react either. Wondering if that is what all those gestures were about and not understanding how they could translate so much silently. I know he doesn't want me to screw around and damage his reputation, but this is his twin, and we are in his private apartment. As for Gino? Well, he is a complete wanker, assuming I am a possession you ask to borrow and not someone who can make her own choices. What is it with these Carrero men? It's all about fucking ownership! ''You have a girlfriend. Go home and fuck her, this one's hands off.'' Alexi says coldly and even though I rebuffed his fingers on me, he still has his arm around my legs like he's protecting his kill from other savage animals. His touch is searing my skin and heating me to volcanic levels as goosebumps travel over every part of me. He's definitely on something and I start searching the side of his face for other signs of drug use. ''Here … want some?'' Gino holds out a silver box to me, almost reading my mind and this time I can see I was right to be suspicious. Cocaine in a vessel for easy snorting. Both have been up here getting high and I just give him a long look as I try to figure out what sort of answer I should give. Drugs are not my thing at all, but I have learned in the company of men high on it, that refusal just makes them agitated and suspicious. I would rather do a small line and make them relax around me than have an argument about not wanting to. I used enough drugs on the girls I pimped out to keep them timid and pliable, but I avoided product myself to keep a clear head. Maybe now is not the time to refuse. I reach out as Gino drops the metallic container in my hand, but Alexi takes it from me almost as soon as it hits my palm and throws it back at his brother aggressively, a frown enveloping his face. His eyes almost glowing with inhumane ability. Gino catches it expertly with fast reflexes. ''No!'' It's that icy tone again and Gino looks right back with a sinister twinkle of mischief. I however, am shocked at the instant refusal, especially coming from someone who pushes and uses product like he does, yet he suddenly doesn't want me to do it. I know Alexi uses it socially from time to time, I have seen him snorting lines with his men when the refurbs were full swing, and they were kicking back for the night. ''It's like that? She's not allowed to fuck me, but you won't touch her, and she's not allowed to do a line with us but yet watch us do it right? Sure she's just your hostess Al? Seem a little bit possessive of your plaything over there.'' Gino is goading him, and I can't tell if he's trying to wind his brother up or angling for a real fight. My inner nerves tighten, and I sit a little stiffer, caught right up against Alexi as his whole body language ups an aggressive gear. ''It's like that!'' Alexi snaps back and I literally freeze with the change in him. I thought twins were meant to be close but right now they are two subtly hostile bulls going head to head with a lot of raw static in the atmosphere around us. He mentioned his brother was close to him, so I don't know if this is all down to substance abuse or not. ''What if I just take her, walk to your room and screw her right now?'' He seems almost buzzing with amusement at that statement and I blanch at this seemingly charming man who has now grown two heads. Guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree and he has Alexi's prick side too. No angel about it, these two are mischievous demons alright. ''I think I would have a say, don't you?'' I butt in snappily, annoyed with the arrogance that he could just have me, but Gino dismisses me with a snort and a laugh, and I am wondering if he is as nice a guy as I thought he was. Bad blood must run in their DNA for Alexi to be the way he is and I'm not so sure Gino doesn't contain some of the psycho genes too. I completely misread him, something I seem to do with these Carrero men. ''Try it.'' Alexi drops his tone and slides his arm from over my legs, sits back and starts tapping his thumb on the hand hooked over the couch behind my head. I can do nothing but sit in terrified silence, watching this unfold, completely aware of the tension around me. Alexi is poised, despite his visually casual pose and I don't doubt he would jump to action if Gino touches me. I wouldn't touch me if I were Gino. Alexi may be leaving me open to try, but I am breathing in the waves of hostile testosterone coming from him. He is loaded and ready to spring to his feet in the glimpse of an eye and I know the boy has some serious fighting skills. He trains with his boxer cousin two days a week and has competed in amateur fights for charity. I saw the photos and news clippings in his office. He's a street fighter by nature. I take a long slow breath to try to calm my hammering heart, caught like a deer in the headlights. A twin stand-off. Sizzling atmosphere and I glance between them like a nervous teen contemplating what a tug of war chew toy looks like after two wolves are done fighting over it—that's me right now. I feel sick and my body goes weak with the loss of adrenaline. Gino laughs again and lifts his drink and raises it in the air in a ''touché'' gesture and sits back down, much to my utter relief. Obviously knows which brother contains more violent tendencies and ability to enforce his wishes. ''Relax princess, this is what we call marking your territory with a pissing competition. My brother is drawing a line where you are concerned and it's a strong one.'' Gino is smug, Alexi looks scarily blank and I know it means he's not impressed. When he closes down to a deadpan demeanour, he's usually hovering over the abyss of rage. ''Mine. Whether I am fucking her or not. Don't ever cross this line again.'' He warns him and I just swallow hard, on edge about the cray-cray tendencies Alexi has over this possession thing. I wonder how hard it's going to be to cut loose when I no longer have his debt holding me here and shiver inwardly with the realisation that cutting Carrero loose when all is done and dusted might not be an easy thing. He has issues. ''Just fuck her and get over it, you know holding out only makes it more intense. Give in to it, get her out of your system and then let me play with her.'' Gino is smiling at me and I swear to God I feel like I may throw up or throat punch him with the way he's talking as though I am not even here. He's not Mr American nice guy, he's unhinged and twisted and reminds me of so many men in my past. I'm practically pissing myself, he has me so wound up and nervous. ''Go back to Alessandra Gino, you're high and being a dick. You're scaring her.'' Alexi moves and sits forward sliding his arm away from me to give me a little breathing space to exhale. Motioning to the bottle in the center of the table as his brother leans forward and pushes it to him amicably. Despite all the weird whatever this is, they are still passing each other booze and acting like they're merely having a sibling squabble over which cartoon to watch. Meanwhile, I am having an emotional break and my hands are shaking with the intensity of what just went down. ''I'm being serious. Alessandra and I have an open relationship and I want to sample Red's flavour. Hell, Alessandra would get in on the action if I asked her too. How about it Red? Do you want me to fuck you?'' Gino grins like an idiot and cocks his head to one side as he looks me over once more and I just glare at him this time. He doesn't know when to stop, clearly likes living on the edge. I jump in fright as Alexi smashes the bottle on the floor between his feet. Throwing it down and he jumps up swiftly, glaring at his brother and says not one word. Just this terrifying silent mass of man looking like he wants to rip heads off as he breathes heavily and penetrates Gino's skull with that colourless gaze. Gino continues grinning like a lunatic as my heart pounds through my chest. I swear I think I just had a heart attack. I sit stone still, afraid to move. Alexi never loses his cool—EVER. Not like this; he has way more control than that. Gino seems intent on pushing his buttons to the core and I have no idea why someone would be that stupid. Clearly sadism and masochism run in the family. That or a lack of IQ. You would have to be all kinds of stupid to play this game of cat and mouse. ''Stay off the coke Gino. I hate when you get like this. Last time I almost killed you, don't push me to do that again.'' The air crackles and Gino slowly stands up, matching his height and build and just seems completely unfazed, pushing his brother in the shoulder and throwing me a dazzling smile. Just as though he hasn't sent his brother to the edge of Nutjob so effortlessly. ''I fucked his last possession … right over his bed. Woke up in intensive care three weeks later. Some fucking brother, huh?'' He is a complete and utter headcase and Alexi looks fit to completely lose his shit. I blink nervously as I absorb what he just said, yet I stay completely still and calm as though I don't care. Inside I am a trembling mess and I can barely breathe. I'm shivering but not from cold, although my body has shut down in fear and I do feel like I'm losing all ounces of body heat. ''Go home.'' Alexi warns him again and this time there is that slow tone of veiled danger. Gino takes note finally, obviously knowing his brothers signals way better than I do and it's not wise to keep this up. He might not be as lucky as seeing intensive care if he does. That tone is like the calm before the storm and it signals Alexi is about to lose his grip on humanity and turn into a weapon of mass destruction. ''You're right; been on one all day. Too much coke and booze and not enough sex. I'm heading off … enjoy opening night. See you around Red, it was my absolute pleasure.'' Gino moves away from Alexi and skirts the table to head for the door, walking lazily and throwing back a smile at his brother that doesn't dampen the atmosphere at all. ''Don't call me for a few days,'' Alexi warns, and I wonder if this is standard cooling off time between two clearly unstable boys. Gino just throws a wave and a chuckle and pulls his silver box of fun out as he opens the door. Obviously not done getting wasted yet. I slide to my feet and put my glass down edging to get past one very wound up Carrero, who's oozing a lot of aggressive energy as he watches his brother leave and jump when he catches me by the arm and hauls me to him furiously. So fast and with so much strength I almost bump noses with him and I yelp, banging into his torso as Gino disappears out of the door completely, no backwards glance and it slides shut with a thud. ''You're mine. Understand? No matter what goes on, whether I fuck you or not. You're mine! You stay the hell away from Gino, or any man for that matter.'' He seems deranged, a biting tone and nasty edge, losing that cool and his eyes are dark grey and terrifyingly wide. The warning in his statement is loud and clear, nothing veiled about it. He's obviously had a lot of coke himself and I nod mutely. Trembling with the way he's being and seeing a glimpse of his unhinged side finally coming out to play. ''I'm not interested in your brother. Not my type.'' I whisper it hoarsely, breathing hard, genuinely afraid of him right now. I'm not mad enough to play with that kind of fire. Alexi is a control freak and I am his current toy … I wouldn't put myself in harm's way by pushing his boundaries while I owe him my life. I tremble in his hold, don't fight or move but stay locked to that hard stare, going limp in his biting grip and close to tears. ''Keep it that way. He's made an art form of trying to take from me his whole life … I'll snap your neck if you betray me. I won't feel any remorse either.'' Shit! I swallow hard and literally cannot find the words as cold fear sweeps my body. I don't like this version of him at all and I wish he was just his normal bastard self right now, instead of this terrifying ranting psycho who says he will murder me for touching another man. He doesn't want me but no one else can have me and I completely believe every word. He looks insane. Carreros are all unhinged! I make a move to get away from him, my fear taking control and my run away button pushed, but he catches me around the throat and hauls me back, holding tight but not hurting me the way Demagio did. It's more the shock of how he grabs me and pulls my face to his, so we're literally nose to nose and that enables his control over me. Touching so briefly he is breathing against my mouth and my body sweeps with a new wave of cold fear and becomes completely obedient and still. He looks vacant and my eyes start to bite with moisture as deep-rooted terror turns to tears. He looks like every other evil monster who ever defiled me right now and I feel like the man I have been getting to know and marginally trust is a million miles away. ''I will kill anyone you touch that isn't me.'' He sounds venomous, voice low and husky and just glares deep into my soul, making a very real statement that I know he is capable of carrying out. A moment of intense tension before letting me go and dropping me on my arse, back on the couch in an ungraceful heap. I can't breathe, literally clawing for air and curl up instinctively into a ball when he steps towards me. Scared this is going to escalate, but he just brushes past and stalks out of the sitting area and heads for his bedroom without a backwards glance. I take a deep hysterical breath, trying to pull air into my starved lungs painfully and let out a huge sigh of relief as I hit the body consuming shakes. I try to get my legs to work but they feel like Jelly. I don't know how to react at all, and I know this isn't normal Alexi conduct. I have been around him enough to know this is drug-fuelled and sibling pushed rage, and he's showing the side to me that he's famed for in the underworld. If I ever doubted Carrero was a complete psychopath, then I just witnessed a tiny glimpse of it. I wipe a solitary tear from my cheek with the back of my hand and try hard to regain my composure, shaking like a leaf. All the past weeks of settling in here, finding my place with him, it's all been a sham. I just got a massive reality check. He's not some romance hero that will sweep me into a better life. He's controlling, borderline abusively so and this is fast becoming a toxic environment. If this is the mask lifting to show a little of his true colours, then I know it won't be long before more of that side comes into play. The sooner I break free from this the better and if I can't work off my debts fast enough then I will run far enough away that he can never find me. Alexi Carrero is not my happy ever after in any kind of way.

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