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CHAPTER SEVEN - Broken Promises

As she led the reporter away, Ava caught sight of Max across the room. He was now talking to the mayor, but his body language was all wrong – too casual, almost dismissive. Ava could see the mayor's face growing increasingly red with barely suppressed anger. She spent the rest of the evening running interference, smoothing ruffled feathers, and trying to salvage what she could of the event. By the time the last guest left, Ava was exhausted, her feet aching in her high heels. "Well, that was fun," Max said, approaching her with a glass of champagne in hand. He seemed oblivious to the near-disasters that had occurred throughout the night. Ava couldn't hold back anymore. "Fun? Mr. Bennett, do you have any idea how close we came to a PR nightmare tonight? Your comment about charity events was overheard by a reporter. The mayor is furious about your dismissive attitude. And don't even get me started on the potential donors you ignored all evening." Max raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Come on, Ava. Lighten up. The event went fine. Everyone seemed to have a good time." "That's not the point!" Ava exclaimed, her frustration boiling over. "This event wasn't just about having a good time. It was about building relationships, securing donations, showing that Bennett Enterprises is committed to giving back to the community. And you treated it like... like it was just another party!" Max's smirk grew wider. He seemed to be enjoying her outburst. "My, my, Ms. Hart. I don't think I've ever seen you this worked up before. It's quite... entertaining." Ava felt her face flush with anger. She opened her mouth to retort, but Max cut her off. "You know, you're quite attractive when you're angry," he said, his voice low and teasing. "Maybe you should lose your temper more often." Ava stared at him in disbelief. Was he seriously flirting with her right now? After everything that had happened? "Mr. Bennett," she said, her voice tight with suppressed rage, "I suggest you take this more seriously. Your behavior tonight could have serious repercussions for the company." Max chuckled, clearly amused by her reaction. "Always so serious, Ms. Hart. Don't you ever just let loose and have fun?" "Some of us actually care about doing our jobs properly," Ava snapped. "Ouch," Max said, placing a hand over his heart in mock hurt. "You wound me, Ms. Hart. And here I thought we were becoming friends." Ava took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure. "Mr. Bennett, I am your employee, not your friend. And right now, I'm trying to do my job and protect this company's interests. Something you seem incapable of doing yourself." For a moment, something flashed in Max's eyes – hurt? Anger? But it was quickly replaced by his usual cocky grin. "Well, then," he said, raising his glass in a mock toast, "here's to you, Ms. Hart. The savior of Bennett Enterprises. Whatever would we do without you?" As he sauntered away, leaving Ava seething in his wake, she couldn't help but wonder how much longer she could put up with this. Max seemed determined to push her to her limits, and she was dangerously close to reaching her breaking point. Little did she know, the real challenges were only just beginning. The morning sun glinted off the sleek curves of Max's latest acquisition - a cherry-red Ferrari 488 GTB. He twirled the keys around his finger, a mischievous glint in his eye as he approached Ava, who was waiting by the company's usual town car. "Change of plans, Ms. Hart," Max announced, nodding towards the sports car. "We're taking the Ferrari to the meeting." Ava's eyes widened. "Mr. Bennett, I really don't think that's appropriate for a business meeting. The town car is already-" "Live a little, Ava," Max interrupted, already striding towards the Ferrari. "Come on, we don't want to be late." Reluctantly, Ava followed, her heels clicking on the pavement as she hurried to keep up. As she slid into the passenger seat, the rich scent of leather enveloped her. Max revved the engine, the powerful purr sending vibrations through the car. "Ready?" Max asked, not waiting for an answer before peeling out of the parking garage. The Ferrari shot onto the busy New York streets like a bullet. Ava gripped the edge of her seat, her knuckles turning white as Max weaved through traffic with reckless abandon. "Mr. Bennett!" she exclaimed as he narrowly missed sideswiping a taxi. "Please slow down! This is incredibly dangerous!" But Max only laughed, the rush of adrenaline evident on his face. He accelerated even more, zipping between cars and running yellow lights. Ava's heart pounded in her chest, a mix of fear and exhilaration coursing through her veins. As they approached a busy intersection, the light turned red. Instead of stopping, Max gunned the engine, sailing through the crosswalk just as pedestrians began to step off the curb. Horns blared and tires screeched as other drivers slammed on their brakes. "Are you insane?" Ava shouted, her professional demeanor completely shattered. "You could have killed someone!" Max's response was cut short by the sudden wail of police sirens behind them. Ava's stomach dropped as she saw the flashing lights in the side mirror. "Shit," Max muttered, finally slowing down and pulling over to the curb. The next few hours were a blur of flashing cameras, stern-faced police officers, and Max's infuriatingly cavalier attitude. By the time they finally made it back to the office, Ava's head was pounding, and she knew their troubles were far from over. Days later, Ava found herself in the midst of a PR nightmare. She sat at her desk, phone pressed to her ear as she tried to placate yet another angry journalist. "I understand your concerns," she said, her voice strained but professional. "Mr. Bennett deeply regrets his actions and is cooperating fully with the authorities. We'll be releasing an official statement later today." As she hung up, Ava's gaze fell on the stack of papers before her - draft after draft of public apologies and statements. She rubbed her temples, trying to ward off the impending migraine. The door to Max's office swung open, and he strode out, looking far too relaxed for someone facing potential legal trouble. "How's it going out here, Ms. Hart?" he asked, perching on the edge of her desk. Ava fixed him with a withering glare. "How do you think it's going, Mr. Bennett? I've been fielding calls from every news outlet in the city, trying to minimize the damage you've caused. The legal team is working overtime to keep this from turning into a full-blown lawsuit." Max had the decency to look slightly abashed. "I appreciate your efforts, Ava. I know this isn't easy." "No, it's not," Ava agreed, her voice sharp. "And it wouldn't be necessary if you'd just behaved responsibly in the first place." Max's expression hardened. "I don't need a lecture from my assistant. Just do your job and fix this." As he stormed back into his office, Ava felt a mixture of frustration and something else - a grudging respect for the pressure Max must be under. She shook her head, refocusing on the task at hand. Over the next few weeks, Ava and Max were forced to work closely together, navigating the legal and PR minefield that his reckless driving had created. Despite their frequent clashes, a strange sort of understanding began to develop between them.

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