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CHAPTER SIX - The Charade Continues

As he left, Ava couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Pride at his recognition of her hard work, certainly, but also a lingering sense of... something else. Something she wasn't quite ready to name. The day before the gala arrived in a flurry of last-minute preparations. Ava was at the venue from dawn, overseeing the setup and making sure every detail was perfect. "The flowers for table seven are the wrong shade," she said to one of the florists, her voice firm but kind. "Can we swap them out for something that matches the color scheme more closely?" As she moved from task to task, Ava felt a sense of satisfaction. Despite all the challenges - Sophia's interference, the long hours, the constant pressure - she had pulled it off. The venue looked stunning, the menu was perfect, and the guest list was a who's who of the business world. As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the city skyline visible from the venue's floor-to-ceiling windows, Ava allowed herself a moment of quiet pride. She stood alone in the beautifully decorated ballroom, taking in the fruits of her labor. The sound of footsteps behind her made her turn. It was Max, looking dashing in a perfectly tailored suit. "Ms. Hart," he said, his voice low. "I wanted to see how everything was coming along." Ava gestured around the room. "See for yourself, Mr. Bennett. Everything is ready for tomorrow." Max walked slowly around the room, taking in every detail. When he turned back to Ava, there was a glimmer of something in his eyes that made her breath catch. "It's perfect," he said softly. "You've outdone yourself, Ava." She felt a blush creep up her cheeks at his use of her first name. "Thank you, sir. I'm glad you're pleased." Max took a step closer to her, and for a moment, Ava thought he might say something more. But then his professional mask slipped back into place. "Well done, Ms. Hart," he said, his voice back to its usual businesslike tone. "I'll see you tomorrow evening." As he left, Ava let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. Tomorrow was the big day. Everything she'd worked for over the past few weeks would come to fruition The night of the event arrived, and Ava felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation as she surveyed the elegant ballroom. Everything was in place – the decorations were stunning, the catering was impeccable, and the guest list was a who's who of New York's elite. Ava's initial sense of accomplishment began to waver as the evening wore on. The gala was in full swing, the elegant ballroom filled with the soft murmur of conversation and the gentle clink of champagne glasses. Everything looked perfect - from the shimmering centerpieces to the impeccably dressed wait staff circulating with trays of hors d'oeuvres. But Ava's attention was increasingly drawn to one particular attendee: Max Bennett. At first, she had been pleased to see Max working the room. He looked dashing in his tailored tuxedo, his charisma on full display as he greeted guests. However, as the night progressed, Ava noticed a troubling pattern emerging. Max seemed to be gravitating towards a certain type of guest - namely, the most attractive women in attendance. She watched with growing dismay as he lingered with a statuesque blonde, his hand resting casually on her lower back as he leaned in close to whisper something that made her laugh. Moments later, he was charming a striking brunette, his eyes never leaving hers as he refilled her champagne glass. Ava felt a knot forming in her stomach. This wasn't just harmless flirtation; Max was squandering valuable networking opportunities. She could see several influential business leaders standing off to the side, clearly waiting for a chance to speak with the CEO of Bennett Enterprises. But Max seemed oblivious, his attention fully focused on the parade of beautiful women who seemed all too happy to bask in his attention. "Excuse me," Ava murmured, deftly inserting herself into a conversation between Max and a redhead whose dress left little to the imagination. "Mr. Bennett, I hate to interrupt, but Mr. Tanaka from Nihon Tech has been trying to catch your eye. He mentioned earlier that he was eager to discuss a potential collaboration." Max blinked, seeming to come out of a daze. "Oh, yes. Of course. Thank you, Ms. Hart." He flashed a apologetic smile at his companion. "If you'll excuse me." Ava watched him go, hoping he would now focus on the business at hand. But her relief was short-lived. Within minutes, Max had somehow managed to turn his conversation with Mr. Tanaka into a group chat that included two elegantly dressed women who Ava was fairly certain weren't even part of the business community. As the night wore on, Ava found herself running interference more and more. She skillfully maneuvered Max towards important contacts, only to turn around and find him once again engrossed in flirtatious banter with yet another beautiful guest. The frustration building inside her was reaching a boiling point. This event was supposed to be about forging connections, about elevating Bennett Enterprises' standing in the business world. Instead, it was turning into Max Bennett's personal dating pool. Ava caught sight of her reflection in one of the mirrored columns. She looked tired, her earlier excitement replaced by a mix of disappointment and irritation. She had poured her heart and soul into making this night perfect, and Max seemed intent on squandering every opportunity she had created. As she watched Max charm yet another woman, Ava couldn't help but feel a twinge of something else beneath her frustration. Was it jealousy? She pushed the thought away as quickly as it had come. No, this was purely professional concern. The success of Bennett Enterprises was at stake, and Max's behavior was jeopardizing everything they had worked for. "Mr. Bennett," Ava said, catching up to him between conversations. "The mayor has arrived. He's very interested in discussing the new community outreach program." Max barely glanced at her, his eyes fixed on a statuesque blonde across the room. "Hm? Oh, yes. Tell him I'll be there in a minute." But a minute turned into five, then ten, and still Max showed no sign of leaving his current conversation. Ava could see the mayor growing impatient, checking his watch with increasing frequency. Just as she was about to approach Max again, she overheard a snippet of his conversation that made her blood run cold. "God, these charity events are such a bore," Max was saying loudly to his companion. "But they're great for tax write-offs and picking up women, am I right?" Ava's heart sank as she saw several people nearby turn to look at Max, their expressions a mix of shock and disgust. To make matters worse, she spotted a reporter nearby, furiously scribbling in his notebook. Moving quickly, Ava approached the reporter. "Excuse me," she said, flashing her most charming smile. "I couldn't help but notice you writing. I hope you're enjoying the event?" The reporter looked up, his eyes gleaming with the prospect of a juicy story. "Oh, I am. Especially after that interesting comment from Mr. Bennett. Care to comment on your boss's views on charity events?" Ava's mind raced. She needed to diffuse this situation fast. "I'm afraid there's been a misunderstanding," she said smoothly. "Mr. Bennett was actually discussing a character from a play he recently saw. He has a rather... dry sense of humor. In fact, he's incredibly passionate about tonight's cause. Did you know he personally donated over a million dollars to this charity last year?" The reporter's excitement visibly deflated. "Oh... I see. Well, that's less interesting, isn't it?" Ava nodded sympathetically. "I know. But I'll tell you what – if you're looking for a story, why don't I introduce you to some of our other guests? I'm sure they'd be happy to discuss the important work this charity is doing."

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