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Chapter 8

THE COMEBACK OF THE REJECTED HEIR CHAPTER EIGHT Sawyer left the office with a smile on his face, he was retaining his job for the time being until he gets something else and of course he was able to convince Jerry who at first had a doubt about his statement. He was back to the kitchen, going on with the day's activities the day would soon be over and he needed to prepare the last meal of the day. Sawyer was busy on the meal at hand when his mind suddenly went back to the events that had occurred for the past days. He decided he was not going to think about Catherine anymore but can he? His attention was brought back by the grumbling he heard and he turned around to see the new lady Jt he boss had brought grumbling as she chopped some onion that was when he saw the blood oozing from her finger. He watched her intently as she kept on slicing and that was when it dawned on him that she might not be as pro as he had assumed she would be. He focused back on what he was doing, stirring and adding spice to taste. Sawyer sighed, this wasn't the life he had planned for himself. Yes, he loved cooking and at times when his father isn't home he would sneak into the kitchen and try to prepare something and when the time presented itself, Sawyer had registered himself and had taken cooking classes unknown to his father but now, far away from home and anything related to it, he might be here for now but he wants better and he wants better to show that father of his that he can do better without his help or even using his name and the connection that comes with it. He needed to do something and he needed to do it fast, besides Josh was on his ass and he knows sooner or later he would no longer be safe, first his identity would be revealed, second, his father would know his whereabouts and how wretched he has been since he left the mansion and third, the paparazzi's would be on his case as well and not to talk of other things that would follow the news as well. He took the pot from the stove and proceeded to the next step as he packed the food to the waiter who came to the kitchen to come get the orders. "Sawyer your burgers are getting better every hour and it seems to be drawing more attention to the restaurant" one of the waiter who Sawyer wasn't familiar with commended him as he took the tray of food before heading out. Sawyer smiled, it's been long he had heard a compliment from anyone well that was until he came here. Back at home, at the Johnson's residence all he has heard was he wasn't good enough and someone was better at whatever than he would ever be, he was a mistake and all sort of demeaning words but here with the little effort he puts compared to the effort he gave to the Johnson's distillery he was always commended which gladdens his heart. "Argh" the pained exclamation that came from the left made Sawyer forget his thoughts as he quickly turned towards the direction. "Are you…" he trailed off as he caught the angry looking mark on her hand. He quickly abandoned what he was doing and went over to her. He took her to the tap which he turned on and put her hand under the running tap. Jerry who had just walked in frowned at the sight he met. "How did it happen?" Jerry asked, with the frown on his face you might think he was angry but he was concerned especially the burn on her hand wasn't little either. "I don't know sir, I am taking a look at it" Sawyer responded. "Josh, come take over Sawyer's while he tend to Sofia" Jerry called the attention of Josh from the other end of the kitchen. Josh walked towards them and when he caught sight of Sofia's hand in Sawyer's hand, anger began to boil deep within him. "What did you do to her?" He fired at Sawyer. "What made you think I did something to her?" Sawyer responded as hotly as Josh had spoken. "Because where ever you go, you always wreck havoc" Josh glared at him, the mere sight of Sawyer pisses him more that he wished he could do something about it, he calmed himself since he knew he would do something about it soon. "That is enough Josh! Sofia got herself injured while she was frying the chicken, I am just helping her wrap her injury" Sawyer said calmly. He didn't want to pick any fights with Josh and based on how it was going it wouldn't be hard not to. "That's right, while Sawyer takes care of Sofia, you take his place in the kitchen" Jerry said. "Or Sawyer returns to his position in the kitchen while I assist Sofia with her injury" Josh said. "That's an order Josh! I wasn't requesting for your opinion!" Jerry glared at him and he grumbled. "Fine, whatever!" He said and walked away from them towards Sawyer's position, he checked the food that was on the fire and rolled his eyes. "He thinks he is really good, let's watch and see how well he would last" he muttered under his breath. Sawyer led Sofia to the back of the kitchen and brought out the first aid kit which he began to treat her injury, it wasn't that much of an injury compared to how it looked and it wasn't something he couldn't take care of. "So how long have you been working in the restaurant?" Sofia asked but was met with silence. "Do you know the boss on a personal level or something? I see the way he treats you as if he you are his son or something if not anything I would say you are his favorite person here" she said but sSawyer only grumbled without replying to her. "Okay, don't answer that, what's the big deal between you and Josh? You both argue like an old married couple" she asked again. "Alright, I see you won't reply to me but I will keep asking anyways and you will reply" she said. "What about your family? Do they live here? Or somewhere else?" She asked. "Alright, this will do just be careful" Sawter finally said, cutting her off from her incessant ramblings. "It doesn't really hurt that much, thanks for helping me out" she said with a beam of smiles at his way. "Maybe but be careful, next time I might not be here to help you and there might be no one around either" he said and she nodded eargerly like a little child. Sawyer walked away from the store before she would ask anymore question. "You don't seem to head to warnings do you?" The angry tone of Josh met his ears and he sighed. "Just like I said before, I would be gone from here soon enough, I just need sometime" Sawyer said. "And I don't need some time to expose your secrets" Josh said, smirking. "The world would definitely want to know where the heir to the Johnson's distillery disappeared to after lots of damages he had done that drunken night" Josh smirked with a hint of anger in his eyes. "I promise, I would get away from here as soon as possible please" Sawyee pleaded. "I am not a threat to you or anyone else here, I promise" Sawyer added. "I don't care. The sooner you leave the better it will be for you or else you might as well watch your back" Josh warned and walked away leaving a scared and frustrated Sawter behind. "What was that? And what secrets is he talking about?" Sofia asked and that was when Sawyer noticed she was there. "It is nothing" he said dismissively. "That wasn't nothing I saw" she retorted. "I know what I saw and it looked intense, you know you can tell me" she persisted. "I suggest you focus this energy in the kitchen instead of getting yourself burned or chopping your fingers instead of the onions" Sawyer snapped angrily at her when she didn't drop the subject. "By the way, it is none of your business" he added then walked away from her. He knew he was rude but he couldn't help it, Sofia wouldn't stop with her pognosing and he just wanted to get her off his case.

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