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Chapter 13

Chapter 13 It was morning already and Sawyer knew that it was high time he returned to his working place. A new day to signal another moment to begin work at the restaurant. Getting up from the very large and soft bed he slept in last night, he went into the bathroom to wash and clean himself up. When he was done, he walked towards the large living room of the man he met yesterday at the bar. His helper who had given him a place to rest and lay his head for the night even though he didn't know much about him except for being a worker at the restaurant he often frequents. Holding his head, he groaned silently as a result of having too much to drink the other night. Only God knows what would have become of him in his drunken state had the Don not met him. " Good morning Sawyer" the Don greeted him the moment he saw him come into the living room. " How was your night? I hope you slept well?" He asked the young man. " Yes..I did, except I am left to battle with a headache" Sawyer told him. " It's understandable, you can't expect your body not to react to that amount of drink you had last night even though it's just in the form of a headache" he explained to him, because he had watched Sawyer almost drink himself to stupor. He kept drinking and drowning himself in his misery. " There's a hangover soup I usually take each time I have a drink as heavy as that…..I can tell my maid to give it to you if you need it." " Hangover soup?" Sawyer asked surprised, he wasn't sure he knew about such a thing. " Well, you know I travel a lot as a result of my business, I pick up different cultures and all of that….I learnt about the effectiveness of this wonderful delicacy from one of my travels in Thailand and Korea" " Ohh…" Sawyer mouthed. One of the advantages of traveling. He had the opportunity to travel once when he was still with his family. Although he didn't travel quite as much as he would have loved to, he could say that he was lucky enough to go for one or two events back then when he still worked with the family's company. " She would get it for you," the Don told him, while beckoning on one of the maids to prepare it for both of them but Sawyer wasn't sure he could wait that long at the moment. He had to get to work as soon as possible. He didn't want to be late today again, his boss would not be so glad about that and the boss's son would definitely use that against him. Josh was just so antagonizing towards him and would always look for ways to make him look stupid anytime he got the opportunity. " I wanted to say thank you sir," Sawyer told the man. " I am really grateful for all you did for me yesterday. For the words of comfort, I can't thank you enough" " And for giving me the privilege to stay over at your magnificent abode. I'm honored sir" he told the Don, appreciating him for the kindness he had shown him. " Whenever you come over to the restaurant, I promise I'd show more of my appreciation to you sir." Sawyer added, smiling at the man. " It's nothing young man….I just had to do what I did. You don't have to thank me for it" he told Sawyer in return while patting his shoulder. He liked the young gentleman and found it quite intriguing to be able to work with him as time goes on. " You just have to stop worrying about all that has happened. They are not worth your precious tears. You should get your mind off all that has happened over the past one year. This is a moment where you have to reevaluate yourself and let go of those things that aren't worth your time." He told Sawyer so he would not continue living in pain. He had to forgo the hurtful past to focus on the future ahead of him. " Thank you so much for the advice sir, I'm really grateful" After their discussion, Sawyer left the rich man's mansion and headed for the restaurant. He let his mind ruminate over all that he had just heard that morning and made up his mind to do things differently from that moment on. He left for the restaurant that morning with a fresh and renewed mind. ***************** " Alexander, I don't know how you could go ahead making such a stupid mistake!" Benjamin Johnson yelled angrily at this son that morning. They were both arguing, father Bd son, inside his office concerning a bothering issue that concerned their business. " What foolish incompetence, how can you carry out such drastic actions, you made such a decision without considering the consequences it could cost our company? How can you be so lackadaisical about these matters?" He asked his son further, getting really frustrated at his present display of handling the company the wrong way. Alexander was just so different from his brother, Sawyer. Even Benjamin knew that, he knew from deep within himself that should Sawyer be the one in charge, such kind of a thing would not have occurred. " It's all your fault that our business is facing the crisis it is going through now. The board of directors called me, we had to have an urgent meeting because of this Alex!" He said further. "Why can't you handle these little things like Sawyer did?" " I tried every of my fucking best dad!" Alexander yelled also at his father. He was just as mad at his father for getting angry at him, comparing him with Sawyer and blaming him for everything. " I had our business in mind when I took that step…you can't blame it all on me old man!" He added angrily. " I fucking did what I did for the best of the company.." " Do you even know what you're saying?" His father asked, glaring hard at him. " " Our business, our company's image is at stake here, the media, our competitors, if they get to find this little set back and weakness, they'd use it against us and it's because of your incompetency. You have failed to show me that you can manage the business." Alex only rolled his eyes at his father's statement and Catherine, his wife who was standing beside him felt intimidated by both her husband and father-in-law. She didn't want the argument to go on, so she calmed Alex down by holding his hands. " I guess getting someone else to manage the business would just be the perfect idea since you've just displayed by this attitude of yours that you cannot manage it well enough. If you cannot do a better job, then someone fitted for the duty will come to handle it" " What!??" Alex yelled when he heard his father say that. Did he just say he would replace him as the Managing Director? No fvckin way!!. Catherine on hearing her father-in-law utter his threat about replacing her husband immediately rushed to his side. She went down on her knees and began pleading on Alex stead. " Please sir, don't take it out on him," she begged him " He's going to do a better job. We'll definitely come up with something more great than the last time. Please, just give us one more chance" She begged him because she knew that her father in-law was the kind of person that always meant every word. If he got angry and threatened to do something, he could do it. She had seen it first hand, had seen him do the same thing for Sawyer. He had stood his ground in seeing Alex marry her instead of Sawyer. " What are you doing Catherine?" Alex asked her, not feeling pleased about seeing her on her knees before his father. " Get up Catherine!" He shouted at his wife to stop pleading on his stead but she wouldn't listen. She didn't want him to lose his position and it was not really bad to ask for a second chance was it? What she could not understand was why her husband would not bother begging his father also. If he would not do it, she was going to do it like she was doing now. " It's not my fault the business is this way" Alex continued. " We both know it, dad!" " You should be ashamed of trying to pin your faults on me. Don't blame me for your mistakes dad!" He said again, not feeling sorry. " It was your fault Sawyer left, the same one you feel can manage the business better than I can. You chased him away, remember??" He said to his father, reminding him of how he had caused Sawyer's frustration which finally made him leave the house and was gone, doing whatever in God knows where. Benjamin Johnson fell speechless as he swallowed in the accusations thrown towards him from his son. It was not so good, he was mad at the fact that Alex was wrong with the company's mismanagement and yet couldn't care less. He was only interested in insulting him. " You chased Sawyer away from here….who knows he's probably dead or something…so, old stop being a foolish oldie and just own up to your faults in that aspect." " You should live with the consequences of your actions rather than look for how to hurl blames on other people. Take responsibility for your shit man!!!!" Alex yelled. " Alex" Catherine called his name softly as she turned her face away from her father-in-law to her husband. She wanted to calm him down. " You should take the blame. If the business is going through this hard time, it's your fault!!" Alex didn't seem to want to stop, he kept insulting his father, making him feel guilty for everything. Alex walked towards Catherine and pulled her up from the ground. He felt that his father was not worth begging. Holding her by the hands, he walked out of the office leaving his father shocked to the bones after all he had just said. Immediately they had left, Benjamin collapsed on the ground in shock and went unconscious. He felt greatly affected by all of the issues.

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