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Never too LateNever too Late
By: Webfic


#Chapter16 KYLE Well, this is going to be more embarrassing than I thought. “I sensed her for the first time today during lunch hour in the cafeteria. But when I got up to find her, she had run away from the place. I tried to follow her but there were a lot of confusing scents, and I lost her trail. So, I almost met her today. I need your help in finding her as soon as possible.” “Ok.” He nods and stays silent for a second and I can practically feel him thinking. “You sensed her which means she’s over seventeen years old. She will be at the training session today. You can come and look for her.” I hadn’t planned to attend the training session because I am not going to be in this pack much longer for obvious reasons. But if attending the session will lead to my mate, it’s probably the least I could do. *** Like back home, this pack also had training sessions straight after school. Knowing I didn’t have to wait much for the sessions brought a sense of peace to me. I’ll just go to the ground and before the sessions start, I’ll find my mate. There would be no need to fight because participating in something like training sessions, which is a way to build trust and fraternity amongst pack members seems abhorrent to me. I’m the farthest thing to a pack member here and I don’t need to do anything that would give any other message. But if Noah’s elated expression is to go by, he thinks I’m doing something momentous and trying to integrate myself into the pack. Well, if this lets me get my way, I won’t burst his bubble. I just hope other people who know about me don’t get the same idea. It’s good that the alpha here hasn’t made a public announcement about us, about who we are, and what roles we are to play because being under the radar makes it much easier to rebel against Mom’s plans. Granted, finding my mate here has put me in a loop but I’ll get to that bridge when the time comes. I had been waiting in my room for the time of the training sessions and when my phone pings with Noah’s message, I take a deep breath, my heart thudding a mile a minute and my palms sweaty in anticipation. I get up from my bed and climb down the stairs, remembering the way to the pack grounds where the training sessions are due to take place. I run, my feet barely getting the time to contact the floor. I burst through the gates separating the pack house from the grounds where I can see many wolves my age waiting. I easily spot Noah who waves at me, and I make my way towards him. If Noah hadn’t befriended me, I would have stuck out sorely. Other wolves would have not been so receptive to my arrival here. As he is the future beta, he is trustworthy and whoever he befriends is automatically elevated to the position of being somewhat trustworthy and reliable. Which I’m thankful for because it’s going to come in handy when I try to convince my mate to leave this pack and follow me back home. Well, if it comes to that. “So, do you sense your mate?” Noah whispers excitedly and I furrow my brows in confusion. “What do you mean? Is everyone here?” I ask him, my eyes shifting towards everyone that is gathered here, my nose desperately trying to pick up the scent of my mate. My wolf is running around in my mind, trying to imagine the scent I had briefly sensed in the school cafeteria, but it’s not there. “Surely, there are some wolves yet to come?” “No, everyone is here. I only messaged you once I was sure that everyone was here.” He looks around the wolves assembled, as if mentally willing my mate to appear right now. “Look, you sensed your mate which means she is older than seventeen years. This training session is for wolves under the age of 24. So, there’s a possibility that you know, she is, um, older.” I turn to look at his pinched face, and his discomfort is evident in his expression and his body language. I don’t know how to feel about this possibility, of my mate being very older than me. I don’t know if I’m particularly ready for that. My wolf is anxious about this development, and I’m as deeply unsettled. “Everyone gathers around me. All of you are required to take ten rounds off the pack grounds and you need to do this within fifteen minutes. If you fail to do this, we are going to have a separate session in the morning where I will force you to run till you drop dead.” A hulking figure of a wolf addresses us, and I can only assume that he is the leader of the pack warriors. His voice is heavy, and it booms and reverberates in the grounds, and I can tell that intimidates the hell out of these wolves. I raise my eyebrows in surprise. Ten rounds? Back home, we were only supposed to run half the number in no certain period. My wolf rears his head in anticipation of the challenge. I had planned to walk away the moment I realized that my mate wasn’t here but now I and my wolf can’t find it in ourselves to walk away from this challenge.   #

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