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Never too LateNever too Late
By: Webfic


#Chapter15 KYLE I am so frustrated that I’m having trouble functioning; I think my lungs have forgotten how to breathe, my legs how to walk, and my head how to think. I feel euphoric and drugged, my hind so hazy that it can’t comprehend what’s happening. I feel as if the world is moving in a supersonic version while I’m trailing behind at a snail’s pace. My mind was whirring like an exhausted fan, my wolf had been extremely antsy the whole day and I don’t know how I have managed to get through the whole school day. Maybe the thought of seeing my mate in any of my classes helped me get through the day. Not that this hope led to fruition. The amazing scent I had smelt in the cafeteria hall seemed to magically vanish from the corridors of the school. The cafeteria was big but even then, it would be impossible for her not to sense my scent. Maybe, like me, she doesn’t want to have a mate, so she freaked out and ran the second she got a whiff of my scent in the cafeteria. The thought makes my wolf whimper, and I can’t help but snort derisively at the irony of my life. I didn’t want a mate and at the slightest possibility of finding her, I’m high-strung and frustrated and the cherry on top, it looks like she might not want me. If I could smell her scent and recognize her as my mate, it means she is over seventeen years old, most probably older than me since I had my birthday barely a week ago. With these thoughts thrumming through my head, I exit the school building towards the parking lot. This day had been pretty eventful, and I had imagined being stared at by every student in the school, but my head was so far up in the clouds that I barely noticed anyone glancing at me. I spot Noah casually leaning against his car, waiting for me. As the future beta of the pack, Noah must know everyone in the pack. He has been friendly enough to me, welcoming me and not treating me like an outsider or freak. Even though his idea of me being the future alpha is pretty far-fetched, I can’t blame the guy for thinking like that. At least as the beta, he could help me find the girl who is supposed to be my mate. But how am I supposed to ask him for his help without actually asking for his help? Noah stands at his full height when I reach his car and while I’m still scrambling for words, he looks intensely at me. “How did your day go? Any stares or whispers?” I stumble a little at his question, flustered that he would ask about my day while I was thinking about using him to find my mate. I inwardly cringe and throw my bag on the backseat of his car, gearing up to answer him as truly as possible. He deserves at least that from me. “It has been eventful.” To say the least. I settle down in the passenger seat and buckle my seat belt. Noah reverses the car and zooms out of the school’s parking lot, heading straight for the pack house. My eyes keep drifting to Noah and I struggle to form the words that I need to. My wolf is desperate to find his mate and doesn’t mind asking for a favor from Noah, but I don’t want to be indebted to him in any way possible. “Would you quit staring at my face?” Noah turns around to face me and I almost jump in my seat in surprise. “I need your help!” There, that wasn’t so hard, was it? Noah nods in reply and gestures for me to go on. I hesitate a little, the thought of telling him about this big thing, of meeting my mate before even telling my mother seems like a huge deal. But without his help, it will take me a longer time to come face to face with my mate and I don’t think my wolf has the patience to wait. “I think I found my mate today,” I mumble, not wanting Noah to hear my words and hoping he would hear them all the same. Of course, with his enhanced hearing he easily understands what I’m trying to say. “You’re kidding me?” He jumps in excitement and turns his body to look at me while my eyes widen in horror at how the car jerks and skids for a second. My heartbeat thuds in my chest. Even though we heal much faster than an average human, I doubt being plastered around a tree or being crushed under a car would keep us alive. Noah understands his mistake immediately and takes control of the steering wheel and I release a loose breath, my chest deflating in response. He grins apologetically at me, and I have half a mind to smack the back of his head for his carelessness. “Dude, that’s so great.” I nod in response but then Noah frowns. “Wait, what do you mean that you almost met your mate today? How do you almost meet your mate?” #

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