Chapter 3: Should she commit suicide?
"Can you let me stay at your place tonight?" She asked. Her voice was very low and could barely be Heard.
"Yes, you can. The password is still the same. I did not change it. I will be back either tomorrow or tomorrow. Wait for me till then. We will sort everything out." Rose said from the other end of the line and Regina nodded with a sad smile on her lips.
"Thank you so much, Rose. I'm grateful."
"You don't have to thank me. What are friends for."
It is already getting dark. All Regina did was cry. She wanted to stop herself from crying further but she just couldn't help it. Her heart hurt so much. She can't even sleep if she wants to. All she did was cry. She knows staying alone in Rose's house is not the right thing for her to do. She's slipping into depression slowly. She needed to clear her head first before she finally went crazy. Life has been so cruel to her. Life isn't worth living anymore to her. Everything will end if she just dies. The pain and the suffering would end if she died. No one will miss her anyway.
Rose's beautiful face suddenly appeared in her mind. She had been her friend since Kid. She's her one and only friend. They love each other so much since they are both orphan. Rose soon got adopted by some rich couple and they took good care of her. Rose will steal food and money for her to survive. Rose is the reason why she's able to build her company. She's her backbone to be frank. She's more than a friend to her. It wouldn't be nice if she repaid all her effort with suicide. Rose will be so sad and she will resent her so much.
No, she must not die. Greg loves her. He didn't mean anything he said to her earlier. He was probably smitten by that lady. Who knows maybe he was hypnotized that was why he was spouting nonsense. Greg loves her so much the same way she also does. But first. She needed to clear her head.
She drove to the nearest club in the city. She will drink away all her sorrow. She and Greg will sort out the discord between them tomorrow. Greg will be back to his senses by then. Everything will be back to normal tomorrow, right? She's sure of that.
The club was filled with many people. One could easily get lost around here. She's not the type that visits this kind of place. This is her first time to be precise. She hardly drinks either. She knows she has a low alcohol tolerance so she always avoids it at all costs. But now. That is exactly what she needed. Her dress does not match where she was. She wore an office dress with her handbag firmly placed on her shoulder. She held on to her bag firmly as if one of the hooligans staring at her would snatch it and run away.
She could feel men's gaze on her. They were all staring at her lustfully but she spared none of them a single glance. Regina is a rare beauty so the man's stare is nothing strange to her. She got that a lot. She found a quiet place to sit and a waiter walked over to her with a smiley face.
"Welcome to Dark Knight Club ma'am. Can I take your order?"
Regina raised her head when she heard the waiter's voice "Get me a wine that will easily get me drunk."
A look of surprise crossed the waiter's eyes but it quickly disappeared in the next moment. This is the first time someone would be asking for something weird like this. And the person is just a young girl who seems to be in her early twenties.
"Okay, ma." He replied with a professional smile. Bowing to her politely.
After what seems to be an eternity. The waiter finally returned with the bottle of wine and a glass cup beside it.
"You can take your cup away. I won't be needing that."
Regina grabbed the wine aggressively and uncapped it. She drank the waiter directly from the bottle and this shocked the waiter even more. Regina noticed the weird stare the waiter was giving her and shot him a cold glare "What are you waiting for? Do you also want to have a taste?"
The waiter's face turned red instantly in embarrassment "I'm sorry ma." with that. He left.
Regina only averted her gaze from the waiter until he disappeared into the crowd. She grabbed the wine bottle again and poured the contents right in her throat. Ignoring the burning pain she was feeling in her throat. She continued to drink the wine as if her life depended on it.
Within a short period. She was drunk. She placed her head on the table in a drunken manner and dropped the bottle on the floor.
Some men who have been eyeing her for a while now saw this as their golden chance. The girl is now drunk. The three chubby men walked over to her and took the seat opposite her.
Regina raised her head immediately as she heard some movement around her. She blinked her eyes to see the people well and pouted her lips.
"Who are you people?" She asked in a drunken state.
The men exchange glances and force back out a laugh "We are good people. We only came here to help a beautiful damsel like you." One of them said and reached out his hand to touch Regina's hand but Regina was quick to move her hand away. She shot the man a glare.
"Who are you? Why do you want to touch me." She pouted sulkily. She looks so cute in her drunken state. A mere sight of her alone is enough to turn the man on. They are already in the mood and can't wait to get Regina in their bed.
"We are here to take you home. You see this place is a very bad place and a girl like you is not supposed to be here. We are good people and want to take you home." Another said while staring at Regina's boobs. He is dying to touch her big breast. Regina has a curvy figure that will make any man go crazy for her immediately.
Regina was silent for a while. It was as if she was contemplating what to do next. The men almost ran out of patience until she talked.
"How can toads take me home? Are we in some kind of fairytale? Hahaha." She suddenly laughed out loud "Three chubby toads wanted to take me home. I would have followed you if you were not ugly. But the three of you are ugly. Three chubby toads wanted to take me home." She said with a giggle.
The men's faces turn red in anger immediately when they realize they are the ones the girl is calling toads.
"How dare you b*tch. We thought we should use the soft side for you before but you just crossed the line." The man growled, "You two should carry her."