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Chapter 1: She can't conceive

Regina widened her eyes in shock as she stared at the paper in her hand. Her body trembled all over. Everything that was happening seemed like a dream to her. A horrible dream that she wished to wake up from immediately. She found it hard to digest what was happening. Her company was sold to Finesse Telecom. And the shocking fact was that her signature was boldly there. She would have said she signed the agreement when she was drunk but it has been so long since she last drank. One thing was clear. HER SIGNATURE WAS FORGED. She found it hard to digest it. She suddenly dropped the agreement and raised her head. Her eyes met with her secretary's. She also looks troubled. "Wanda. Can you please explain what is going on to me?" She asked. Trying her best not to stutter. She thinks she will soon run mad if someone does not explain what is going on to her. "I also don't know Mrs Wilson. We only have till tomorrow to pack our things or else it will be thrown out in the mud." Wanda said and a deep sigh escaped her lips. "What the hell is going on? I don't seem to understand. I should pack out of my own company? I don't remember ever selling my company to Finesse Telecom. Greg must know about this right?" She asked. Hoping Wanda would give her the answer she was hoping for. "I don't know ma'am. But you can give him a call. He is the CEO of Finesse Telecom anyway. I think he should be able to explain it." Wanda was being careful with her word. She didn't want her boss to transfer her aggression to her. "Yeah, that's a good idea. I should give him a call first. He should be able to explain what is going on to me." She punched some strings on her phone and dialed Greg's number immediately. She waited impatiently for him to pick up the call but unfortunately. He did not answer the call. Regina dialed his number again while tapping her foot to the ground impatiently. But Greg did not still pick up the call. "He is not fucking picking up the call." She cursed loudly and smashed her phone to the ground making Wanda flinch. She knows her boss well. She has a very bad temper. If anyone dares to annoy her when she is in a bad mood. The person will regret ever coming into this world. "Should I fix the phone for you ma." She asked nervously but a cold glare from Regina made her shut up instantly. "Shit the hell up if you have nothing useful to say." She scoffed at her and ran her hand through her hair in frustration. She made her way out of the office. Slamming the door shut. Wanda let out a sigh of relief once the she-devil was gone. News spread like wildfire. Everyone in the company has already heard about it. They were all giving Regina a weird stare. Some mockingly greeted her while some did not. She's not their boss anymore after all. But Regina didn't care about all this. That's not the important thing right now. The important thing now is to get her company back. She opened her car door hastily and zoomed off. Her car disappeared out of the place. She went straight to Finesse Telecom. "Hello, ma'am." The receptionist greeted her with a slight bow. She's well known in the company as the boss's wife so the receptionist doesn't need to ask if she had an appointment with the boss before she can enter. She took the private elevator to the tenth floor and went straight to Greg's office. There. She met his secretary who was busy arranging some files "Hello, Mrs Wilson." The secretary greeted me. Bowing to Regina politely. "Hi." She replied hastily "Please, where is your boss." "Boss is not around. He left an hour ago" The girl replied. "Any information of where he is?" Regina asked. Furrowing his brow. "No, I don't know. He just left without a word." Regina ran her hand through her hair in frustration. She's so angry right now and feels like breaking things. "Thank you." She thanked the girl and ran out of the office. Not minding that she did not behave ladylike. To hell with being Ladylike. She could see how the employees were staring at her as if she was a mad woman. But she didn't spare any of them a glance. Her problem is much more than that. "Where could Greg possibly be? Where could he be in this kind of situation " She mumbled in a low breath and dragged in some air into her lungs. Can he be at home? Should she go home first? That seems to be a good idea. She ignited the car engine and drove off. She was driving like a crazy woman. One would mistake her for a drunk woman. Her black hair look messy like that of a bird nest. It sticks to her cheeks and neck due to sweat. She was turning on the Air Condition in the car yet she was sweating profusely. After what seems to be like an eternity. She finally arrived in front of her house. She got out of the car without closing the door. She walked hastily to the entrance. Almost running. She stepped her foot in the house and was surprised to see the house empty. Even the two housekeepers are nowhere to be found. She remembered leaving them at home earlier before leaving for work. Just as she was about to call for Greg. She heard a faint sound coming from the bedroom. Her matrimonial bedroom to be precise. She swallowed back her word instantly. Out of curiosity. She made her way to the bedroom to find out what was going on. Just as she was about to turn the doorknob. She heard a female laughter coming from the room. Her hand froze on the door instantly. What is going on here? Just as she was about to enter. She heard Greg's voice. "Do you know why she's unable to get pregnant for all those while? I have been feeding her with the pill that will damage her womb. And now. Her womb is damaged. She will never conceive. I don't want a girl like her to carry my child. You are the only one that is capable of doing so. Not that b*tch." Regina widened her eyes in shock. Her hand went to her mouth to prevent herself from screaming. Though Greg did not mention anybody's name here it was clear that he was referring to her. So he has been feeding her with what will damage her womb. No wonder she didn't conceive. They have been married for one year yet she has never missed her period. So Greg is the one responsible for it. She will never conceive again? Tears welled up in her eyes instantly and they were threatening to fall. Her feet seemed rooted to the ground and she couldn't talk. Neither could she move. "That b*tch. I'm sure she thinks you can't live without her. I also heard the news. Did you forge her signature?"
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