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Chapter 9: Unveiling Intentions

The grand doors of the mansion swung open. With a sigh, Mariana stepped inside, the weight of the day clinging to her. "Mariana, you look exhausted," Mary greeted her concernedly. "How was your interview?" Mariana forced a smile. "It went well, Mary. Much better than expected, actually." Following Mary to the dining room, she sank gratefully into a chair. A steaming plate of her favourite pasta adorned the table. "Thank you," Mariana sighed, taking a long sip of water. Swallowing the last bite of her dinner, she reached for the medication Mary had placed beside her plate. "These pills are strong," she confessed, her eyelids already drooping. Mary chuckled softly. "They are meant to knock you out. Dr. Sanchez's orders." Taking the medication with another sip of water, Mariana knew resistance was futile. The drowsiness was a heavy blanket, pulling her under. She resolved to wait for Tiago, hoping to clear the air about the mysterious deposit, but sleep claimed her before she could carry out her plan. The morning light found Mariana tangled in the sheets. Emptying her bladder, she noticed Tiago's side of the bed remained untouched. Disappointment pricked at her heart. He was gone again, another business trip Mary informed her over breakfast. Mariana dressed meticulously, beaming with excitement. Gone were the days of late shifts and spilled drinks; her role as a bartender at one of Tiago's many hotels was no longer an option. Today, she was a designer, ready to step into the world of sparkling jewels and intricate craftsmanship. Taking a deep breath, Mariana straightened her shoulders and pushed open the doors of the sleek glass building of Jewellery company. The receptionist, a young woman with a bright smile, greeted her warmly. "Good morning! Can I help you with something?" "Actually, I'm Mariana Alarc?o. I'm here for my first day," she replied with anticipation. The receptionist's smile faltered for a moment, a flicker of recognition crossing her eyes. "Alarc?o, you say? Are you… Mrs. Tiago Alarc?o?" "Yes, that's me," Mariana confirmed, a hint of unease creeping in. Why did the woman's demeanor change so drastically? Hurried footsteps echoed from behind, and a voice sliced through the air. "Mariana? What are you doing here?" Mariana spun around to find Claire standing there, her face contorted in a mixture of anger and disbelief. "Actually, Claire," Mariana cut in, her voice laced with ice, "I'm here for my first day as a designer." She turned back to the receptionist, a tight smile plastered on her face. "Sorry about the interruption. As I was saying, I'm Mariana Alarc?o, and I'm here for my new position." The receptionist nodded in acknowledgement. "Of course, Mrs. Alarc?o. Please follow me to HR. They'll get you settled in." Moments later, Mariana was equipped with a shiny new ID badge and a set of design tools. Meanwhile, Claire stormed out of the building, her face contorted with fury. Mariana working at the same company as her? The audacity! Fuelled by anger and a twisted sense of entitlement, she whipped out her phone and dialed a familiar number. "Kane," she hissed. "It's Claire. Listen carefully. There's a woman named Mariana Alarc?o. I’ll send you her details. I need you to disappear her." A low chuckle emanated from the phone. "Consider it done, Miss Dupont. Just tell me where to find her." A cruel smile played on Claire's lips. "She'll be walking towards the bus stop on Elm Street after closing hours. You can't miss her." The day’s activities came to an end, and Mariana exited the building, her phone clutched in her hand as she reviewed the details of her new project. Lost in thought, she barely noticed the sleek black car that slowed down beside her. Two figures emerged in a blur, their faces hidden behind dark glasses. Before she could react, a rough hand clamped over her mouth, a suffocating veil pressed against her face. She was shoved into the back seat of the car, the doors slamming shut with a sickening thud. After a short drive and some raggedy movements, the veil was yanked away, revealing a dimly lit, dusty warehouse. Two burly men, their faces etched with malice, flanked a hulking figure sitting on a crate. "Well, well, well," he boomed. "Look who decided to join us." He gestured towards his men. "Give her a little welcome committee, boys." The men lunged forward, their fists clenched. But Mariana, fuelled by a surge of defiance, stood her ground. "Don't touch me," she spat, her voice surprisingly steady. "You have the wrong person. I can assure you, it won't end well for any of you if you hurt me." The sky begins to darken at Tiago’s city residence. An unsettling silence hung heavy in the air. Mariana, who usually returned home early, was nowhere to be seen. Mary paced the foyer, worry etched on her face. Tiago entered, his briefcase swinging from his hand. "Mariana isn't back yet?" he inquired, a hint of surprise in his voice. "No, sir," Mary replied, her voice tight. "It's very unlike her to stay late without calling. I've tried her phone several times, but it goes straight to voicemail." Tiago shrugged, as he walked away feigning indifference. He retreated to his study, burying himself in a stack of files. Hours ticked by and a gnawing unease settled in Tiago's gut. He glanced at the clock – it was well past midnight. Still no sign of Mariana. He grew concerned. He strode out of the study, clutching his phone to his ear. "Kyle!" he barked. "Gather the men. We need to find Mariana, and fast. Leave no stone unturned." "Consider it done, sir." Tiago didn't waste another moment. He jumped into his car, and sped towards Mariana's workplace. Security footage from the office building showed Mariana exiting after work, followed by a nondescript black car. With a growing sense of dread, Tiago followed the trail from traffic cameras scattered throughout the city. The final stop – an abandoned warehouse on the city's outskirts. Tiago threw open the creaking warehouse doors, a primal snarl ripping from his throat. He was greeted by the sight of Claire standing over Mariana, a cruel smile twisting her lips as she raised a hand to strike Mariana again. Mariana's face was bruised and bloodied, her spirit barely holding on. In a heartbeat, Tiago was across the room. He launched himself at the closest of Kane's men, his fist connecting with a sickening crunch. A feral roar echoed through the warehouse as Tiago's men charged in. The ensuing fight was swift and brutal. Claire, caught off guard by Tiago's sudden appearance, stumbled back. Mariana, battered but unbroken, lunged into Tiago's arm.. He cradled her close, his anger radiating from him. With a menacing growl, Tiago pointed at Claire, his voice a low rumble. "Teach her a lesson. And as for the rest, finish them." His men didn't hesitate. They grabbed Claire, dragging her away from the scene. As Tiago carried Mariana out of the warehouse, the warehouse echoed with the sounds of gunshots and violence. Mariana lay in the hospital bed, exhaustion etched on her face. Machines beeped rhythmically beside her, monitoring her vitals. Tiago sat beside her, his hand gently wrapped around hers, his face a mask of concern. Just then, Mariana's phone buzzed on the bedside table. She winced as she reached for it, her body aching with a dull throb. A glance at the caller ID sent a jolt through her. It was Dr. Santos, her mother's doctor. Her heart hammered in her chest as she answered the call. "Dr. Santos? It's Mariana." A grave voice filled the receiver. "Mariana, I'm afraid I have some bad news. Your mother's condition has worsened significantly in the past few hours. She's been moved to the ICU." Mariana's breath hitched. "The ICU? What happened?" Panic clawed at her throat, threatening to consume her. "We're still running tests," Dr. Santos continued. "But it appears there may be complications…" The doctor's words faded into a distant hum as Mariana's world narrowed. A scream ripped from her throat followed by tears streaming down her face. "Tiago!" she gasped, desperation clawing at her voice. "We have to go!"

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