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Chapter 8: Crossing Boundaries

"It was nothing but a small accident, Tiago," Mariana said lightly, trying to lighten the tension. Tiago, however, remained focused on Claire, his voice icy. "What are you doing here, Claire?" Claire, taken aback by his cold demeanour, stammered, "I, uh, I just dropped by to see how you were doing." He took a menacing step closer, his dark eyes narrowing. "This is my house, Claire. And Mariana," he gestured towards his wife, "is my wife. Nothing my father or you think will change that." A flicker of anger sparked in Claire's eyes, quickly doused by a surge of fear. "But Tiago," she whined, "we've known each other forever!" Tiago cut her off with a sharp tone. "And Mariana is the woman I chose to spend the rest of my life with. Show her the respect she deserves." Claire's face flushed crimson with resentment. How could he choose Mariana, a nobody, over her? She gritted her teeth, muttering under her breath, "One day, I'll be Mrs. Alarc?o," Tiago walked past her, his jaw clenched tight. He entered his office and emerged moments later with some documents in hand. "I'm going on a trip, Mariana," he announced, his voice devoid of warmth. Surprise flickered across Mariana's face. "A trip?” "Business," he replied curtly, as he walked towards the room. "Can I help you pack?" Mariana offered tentatively. Tiago paused, his eyes meeting hers for a fleeting moment. A flicker of something unreadable passed through them before he simply nodded. Mariana followed behind him as they both walked towards the room. Mary also took the fruits back to the kitchen. Taking her cue, Claire slunk away from the mansion, her designer heels kicking up dust on the gravel driveway, Shame burning in her gut. The morning light filtering through the sheer curtains found Mariana in a restless sleep. Her face was flushed with fever, and a thin sheen of sweat clung to her skin. Mary, ever the attentive caregiver, materialized at her bedside, a cool cloth and a steaming cup of herbal tea in hand. "Good morning, Mrs. Alarc?o," Mary greeted softly. "You didn't look well last night, so I called Dr. Sanchez. He prescribed some medication, and said you should rest." Mariana stirred, her eyelids fluttering open. The tell-tale dryness in her throat confirmed Mary's observation. "Thank you, Mary," she rasped, accepting the tea with a grateful smile. "Did the doctor say anything else?" Mary helped Mariana sit up and adjusted the pillows behind her. "Just to take the medication regularly and get plenty of rest. He'll be back to check on you in the afternoon." Mariana nodded, taking a sip of the tea. The bitter taste did little to soothe the raw feeling in her throat, but the warmth did provide a measure of comfort. It was while swallowing a dose of medication that the sound of the front door opening and closing reached her ears. A moment later, Tiago entered the room. He had just returned from his business trip. He stopped short at the sight of Mariana, his gaze flickering between her pale face and the empty pill bottle on the nightstand. "Mariana," he said, "Mary tells me you weren't feeling well yesterday." Mary, stepped forward. "Yes, Mr. Alarc?o. She developed a fever last night. Dr. Sanchez prescribed some medication, and advised her to rest." Tiago's eyes remained fixed on Mariana. The silence stretched, heavy and uncomfortable. Finally, he spoke, his voice devoid of warmth. "Take your medication regularly," he said curtly, before turning away to leave the room. "Of course," Mariana mumbled. He paused at the doorway, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his features. "Mary," he addressed the maid, his voice low, "make sure she gets the rest she needs." With that, Tiago left the house for his office, leaving Mariana and Mary alone. Taking advantage of the quiet house, Mariana reached for her phone. The jewelry design opportunity she'd seen advertised the other day, applications were closing that very day. It was a long shot, but it was a chance she couldn't afford to miss. A quick search later, she found the application form online. Down the hatch it went, along with a portfolio showcasing her best work. With a sense of accomplishment, she popped the remaining medication and started getting ready. There was no way she was letting a fever stand between her and her dream. Moments later, Mariana appeared at the top of the stairs, dressed and ready to face the day. Mary, bustling about downstairs, looked up and her face fell. "Mariana," she began hesitantly, "Mr. Alarc?o asked that you rest today." Mariana smiled reassuringly. "Thank you for letting me know, Mary. But I have an important appointment I can't miss." Mary's lips pursed, "Then please be careful." With a nod and a determined glint in her eye, Mariana descended the stairs and headed out the door. The bus stop offered little comfort under the unforgiving midday sun. Mariana, pale and drawn, leaned against the metal pole, her body wracked with a cough. The fever still clung to her, making every breath a struggle. Despite the discomfort, her eyes remained glued to the approaching vehicles, desperately searching for the familiar blue of the city bus. A sleek black car glided past, momentarily catching Mariana's eye. A flicker of recognition sparked within her before it disappeared into the distance. "Sir, that was Mrs. Alarc?o at the bus stop " Kyle said. "Pull over, Miguel.” Tiago spoke curtly, his voice devoid of warmth. Just then, the car screeched to a halt a few meters ahead, tires protesting against the sudden stop. Miguel, their stoic driver, nodded silently and eased the car to the curb. Kyle rolled down the passenger window, his brow furrowed in concern. "Where are you going to, Madam?” he asked, his voice easily reaching her across the short distance. "Actually, I’m good." she croaked, her voice raspy. Tiago's head snapped towards her, his eyes sharp. "Get in," he commanded, his voice leaving no room for argument. Taking a deep breath, Mariana pushed herself off the pole and made her way towards the car. Her legs felt like lead, and each step sent a jolt of pain through her feverish body. Finally, she reached the car and climbed into the back seat, collapsing gratefully against the plush leather. "34th and Elm," she rasped out, providing Miguel with the address. He wasted no time pulling back into traffic, the car gliding smoothly along the road. Mariana leaned back, closing her eyes against the throbbing in her head. The air conditioning felt heavenly against her heated skin, offering a much-needed respite. A low murmur emanated from Tiago's phone - the tell-tale sign of an online meeting. The car finally came to a stop. Mariana opened her eyes and turned towards the front seat. "Thank you, Kyle," she managed, her voice still weak. Kyle offered her a warm smile. "You are welcome, Madam." She nodded weakly, then shifted her gaze towards Tiago. He remained focused on his phone, not even acknowledging her presence. With a sigh, Mariana reached for the door handle and pushed herself out of the car. "Remember to take your medication." He blurted, his eyes remaining glued to the phone screen. She nodded in acknowledgement and closed the door. She watched as the car sped away, the sleek black silhouette disappearing into the city traffic. Then, with a determined glint in her eye, she turned and headed towards the towering glass building where the jewelling company was located. Stepping out of the sleek, modern building, Mariana took a deep breath of fresh air. The interview had gone even better than she'd hoped. The designers were impressed with her portfolio and her passion for jewellery design was palpable. As they concluded, they offered her a position on a prestigious jewellery brand design project, a golden opportunity she wouldn't readily find anywhere else. However, Mariana requested some time to think about it. Accepting this position would mean a demanding schedule, long hours, and a potential conflict with her current commitments. Just as she stepped off the curb and into the bustling city street, a notification buzzed on her phone – a bank alert. Her heart skipped a beat as she unlocked the screen. An eye-watering sum of 500,000 euros had been deposited into her account, courtesy of Alarc?o Group Inc. Her jaw slackened in disbelief. “What for?” She thought to herself.

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