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Miss RevengeMiss Revenge
By: Webfic

Chapter 6

At the Evans house, Roberta, Mrs. Evans's servant, was in the kitchen getting ready to start her work while her assistants were still in bed waiting for the time when the alarm would go off for them to wake up and get ready for work. . Because that was what they were paid for; to work, but not to sleep. Mrs. Evans was a woman who, since she married her husband before becoming a widow, had gotten into the habit of getting up early, she always got up at 6:00 in the morning even though she went to bed at 10:00. at night after reading a good book from your library to relax your mind. Mrs. Evans was one of those women so impeccable that if she didn't shower before going down to breakfast, she didn't, it disgusted her, she was scrupulous in that sense of cleanliness, besides, not even Roberta had had the opportunity to find her wearing a pajamas, and when he left the kitchen, he found her at the dining room table reading the newspaper from her tablet, she was alone as if she had sat there waiting for Roberta to serve her breakfast. "Good morning Mrs. Evans, would you like me to serve you her breakfast now?" Roberta asks, approaching the table to tell her boss about her. "Good morning Roberta, and yes, what's for breakfast?" answers Mrs. Evans without even looking at her servant. Well, she didn't want to get away from her cell phone even though she wasn't reading something interesting in the newspaper. "No, I'm just starting to organize everything to prepare it, what do you want me to prepare for breakfast?" Perpetua asks Mrs. Evans, avoiding wanting to have any kind of eye contact with her, because although this woman has been working for the family for many years, she had her respect for Mrs. Evans, since by living in her house, she has learned of thousands of unimaginable things, things that could only happen in a horror movie. "Just serve me a serving of fruit, a cup of unsweetened coffee, and some unsweetened oatmeal pancakes with a drop of maple syrup," Mrs. Evans replies without taking her eyes off her online magazine. "Of course, ma'am, do you want something else or is that okay?" Roberta asks Mrs. Evans again. "That's fine Perpetua, thank you, you can leave" says Mrs. Evans nonchalantly. Perpetua leaves the dining room, and does not stop thinking about what happened the previous afternoon, because after the wife of Mrs. Evans's son left the house in such a bad state of sadness that she was witnessed for the bad treatment that she received from her mother-in-law, and how little of a man her husband had been by not defending her from her mother for being spoiled even though he was already an older man, Perpetua kept wondering what had become of her Michael's wife, because last night the meeting had ended in complete chaos, not just because Michael's wife had fled without ever reappearing with so much as to make an okay call, or because Michael had been desperate to go find her because she was his wife, and that was what a husband should do. However, things happened the other way around, since after Christina ran out of the house, the meeting continued, and in fact, Perpetua was able to assume that everything had continued as if nothing had happened, as if they did not care. not at all the fact that Christina might have died, or disappeared, or made up her mind never to set foot in that house again. When night fell the day before, the Evans family made a complete riot at Mrs. Evans' house, a riot that she set about organizing herself because she called a couple of young women the age of her son Michael , and the other men present at the meeting without caring that some were with their partners there. The invited women left the house furious with the attitude of Mrs. Evans, because being practically an old woman, and a woman of the house and with such a high social status that she was in demand, she should not behave like a pimp with men of the house making them more macho than some already behaved. Many of them thought that perhaps, to be alive at that time, that lady was behaving like a general whom the soldiers hated for her ill-treatment, that she was a very old-fashioned woman, and too arrogant, nobody could stand her, and many of them , although they did not say it, they knew that even if it was a sin of God to say it or even to think it; They wanted the woman to be dead so that she would let the men of the house live in peace without her criticism, her opinions, or her meddling in marriages when she, despite the fact that she was a mother, did not correspond to him. Mrs. Evans' cell phone rang, she was looking at her screen, as she still had it held in her hands because she had been reading the newspaper. Mrs. Evans did not want to answer, because on her cell phone screen, she was seeing that the call came from an unknown cell phone number, a cell phone number that she did not have saved in her contact book. At first, she let the call finish ringing, thinking that maybe it wouldn't be an urgent call that she should have answered because she never knew when it might be an emergency. However, the call rang again, it was the same number, and Mrs. Evans had no choice but to answer so that the person calling her would leave her alone.

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