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Miss RevengeMiss Revenge
By: Webfic

Chapter 5

"I understand, don't worry, what's more, I wanted to propose something to you, if you let me, I would like to help you" says Dr. Reynolds. "How are you going to help me?" Christina asks. "Well, for the moment, I can see that you don't have a house, or a place where you can stay, and we don't know when the day will be that your family can start looking for you, if you want, and consider it, I can offer you a roof in my house, Of course, for a season only if you prefer it" says Dr. Reynolds. "As? Is he sure that his wife won't mind my presence in his house?" Christina asks. Although from a distance you could see that Dr. Reynolds was a single man, without commitment, dedicated to his work, and to himself. "No, I'm not married, so don't worry, I don't have a girlfriend either, or I don't have lovers, I'm a man who is simply dedicated to his work, and to himself, many times I don't even have time to go out for a drink to a bar" he answers, laughing a little shyly. "Okay, I'll listen to him, I'll accept that he lets me stay at his house, but yes, it will be temporary while my family takes the time to look for me, because the truth is that I don't even remember the address of my house" he lies Christina. That was a lie, Christina remembered very well how to get home, she knew the exact address, she knew the route to go, she knew the names of each one of the members, what they did, what they did, their role in the family, and how they had made their fortune, but with the humiliation she had experienced that afternoon at her mother-in-law's house, unfortunately, she had lost all interest in wanting to return there. Even her mother-in-law could have been one of those who wanted to prevent her from returning to her house with her husband and her daughter, because she really was a bad woman who didn't love her from the beginning. first moment he met her. Christina was sure that her mother-in-law was already putting a new woman up her nose to her husband to replace her as his wife and as the mother of his daughter who also did not feel the slightest love for her mother, she was a girl, but he was growing up under the hatred and influence of his classist grandmother. She would take advantage of the opportunity that life was giving her to meet a good man to get out of that house, and then take revenge, of course, she would tell the doctor everything, but she would do it as soon as she had him eating from the palm of your hand. "Well, okay, you're the one who decides, I'm not going to insist, and excuse me, it's time for my dinner, I have to order something to eat because I don't like the taste of hospital food at all, Do you want me to order something for you?" he says. "Yes, that would be fine, just ask me for a sandwich, I'll settle for that, I don't like hospital food either," Christina replies. "Okay, when the address arrives, I'll send it to you with one of the nurses, rest," says the doctor. Doctor Reynolds approaches Christina to kiss her forehead as if she were a girl, but Christina took the initiative, and on her own impulse, she grabbed him by the neck of his gown, and made him approach her to kiss him, it was a kiss tender, it was not passionate, nor with the intention of turning it into a kiss that sexualized the situation. That kiss was one of the few that she had come to receive from her husband, even when he wanted to make love he was a tender man, he went straight to the point, with passionate kisses and taking off his clothes with such force It looked like it wanted to break it. It was such a sweet kiss that she felt like she was going to die, but die of love because Dr. Reynolds seemed like he was a real man. And he didn't hesitate for a single second to kiss her back, she didn't move away from her or anything from her, she followed his kiss as if it had been something he wanted. But then, the doctor separated from his patient's lips, not because he wanted to, but because he was lacking in hunger. "Um, I have to go, I'll send you your food for a while, okay?" he says trying not to sound too nervous. "Okay, thanks for the review, doctor," Eliana replies. The doctor smiles at him, and he stands up from the bed, starting to walk to the door without taking his eyes off the woman who was lying on that gurney in the hospital room, and despite the fact that that woman was dressed in a white gown, and with her hair was disheveled, she was a little pale, but that had perhaps just been a side effect of the accident she had been in. And while the doctor walks to the door of the room ready to leave, however, he bumps into the door that is being opened by the same nurse who was checking Christina's vital signs a couple of minutes ago. they read from her monitor connected to her veins, the same nurse who lent her the cell phone so that she could call her husband and tell him where she was. "Excuse me doctor, did I hurt you?" the nurse asks after she's finished opening the door, realizing that she's hit him all over the left side of her arm. She was sorry. Don't worry, I didn't notice where she was walking, see you later "says the doctor. The doctor leaves the room in a hurry as if he had run into some ghost that took him out of there in a fright. Christina couldn't believe it, she had just met a good man, a man different from her husband who had reciprocated a kiss from him, that had only been part of her plan to take revenge against her husband's family for all things that they had made him suffer.

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