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Miss RevengeMiss Revenge
By: Webfic

Chapter 10

"No problem, I'm glad you liked it, I had to go and ask a girl what clothes you might have liked to wear, and I see that it turned out very well" says Dr. Reynolds, looking at her from top to bottom without even taking a look the trouble of hiding a little in front of Christina his desire to take her to bed. Christina smiles at him without feeling uncomfortable about it and without saying anything else about it. "Regarding work, if you want to start today or tomorrow, you can do it, I don't have a problem, even today the work hasn't been complicated at all, in fact, I even think I have a lot of free time after 5:00 in the afternoon, and I think I can go home early, and I want to know, finally, are you going to accept my proposal to come live with me?" asks Dr. Reynolds. Christina had forgotten about that proposal, and of course, she was going to take advantage of this opportunity to go live in the house of a doctor, a doctor who was single, without children, without a wife, without any friends with benefits, without women. in her life, that was what she expected from a man right now. Besides that he could be a good man for her life, that he was not an abusive man, that he was not offensive and much less stressful, that he would allow her to be someone in life because she did not like that idea of being a kept woman at all. Dr. Reynolds was the kind of man who promised her not to be everything she didn't want. "Yes, I will go live with you, the truth is that I have nowhere to go, and if I will just start working again, it will be several days that I will have to wait to receive my salary and be able to start looking for an apartment that will be fit all my expenses" says Christina. "If I understand, don't worry, I will be very punctual with your payments only if you are very good to me" says Dr. Reynolds. Doctor Reynolds has stopped doing what he was doing on the computer that he had on his desk, he has stood up, turned his desk around, and leaned his body on it, crossing his leg and putting his hands inside it. the pockets of his white doctor's coat. Christina has been looking at him, they were quite close, because with just him reaching out and reaching out his hand to grab her by the waist and pull her close to him, she was going to be able to do it, and she did as if she had read Christina's mind, Dr. Reynolds stretched out his hand to her waist, and with a little push, she brought her closer until her body was attached to his. Christina has been looking into her eyes, she feels her breath hitting her face, and he feels the same about her, but mainly, Christina is feeling something that perhaps she is interested in knowing in person. "What's up Dr. Reynolds?" Christina asks in a seductive voice that she was sure she knew the doctor would love. "What's wrong with me is that you are a very sexy woman, and I want you to be mine," Dr. Reynolds confesses. Christina smiles at her with satisfaction because she knows perfectly well that Dr. Reynolds was falling for her charms, charms that she believed had gone off. "Oh yeah? Do you want me to be yours?" Christina asks being flirtatious with him while she brought her lips closer to the doctor's. "Yes, the truth is that I do want to" he tells her. Christina was going to take advantage of that moment, she would comply with Dr. Reynolds by being his for one night, if he agreed to help her think of a good revenge plan against her ex-husband and her ex-mother-in-law for having made her life impossible. "Well, I promise that it will be yours for just one night if you promise that you will help me with my revenge" Christina tells him, whispering into his lips as if she didn't want anyone to dare to listen to what they were talking about. "As? Revenge? Against whom? What was it that they did to you that you ended up having an accident and being hospitalized here?" Doctor Reynolds asks him, completely changing his face from a flirtatious man to a man interested in knowing what had happened to his future lover in the past. Christina decided to tell him everything, not forgetting the most important details. "That? Were those people capable of treating you like this? Seriously, what century do you live in? How come you didn't go to report them to the police? You can do it, they have mistreated you both psychologically and physically," Dr. Reynolds tells him, feeling disconcerted by what he had heard. "Yes, that was all I experienced, that's why I ended up having that accident and ended up hospitalized here, that's why I tell you that I have nowhere to go because the truth is that I have nothing, I had everything because of my husband, or well, that was what I thought, but I don't have anything anymore, and I have to start looking for my things on my own" she said without needing to feel bad about what happened to her past. "Okay, I'm going to help you, not just so you'll be mine, but so you can also have some peace and you can live your life as if none of that ever happened," says Dr. Reynolds with a smile on his face. look that gave him security. "Do you want to help me?" Christina asks her, surprised at her comment, because, without another man, he would have demanded that she first have been his before having to accept a deal like that. "Yes, I'm going to do it, I don't tolerate that these kinds of people still exist like your ex and your ex-mother-in-law, they should be in jail right now paying for what they did to you instead of enjoying life as if nothing had mattered to them," says Dr. Reynolds.

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