Chapter 4 Stepping Out Of Line

For a moment, Chiara held her cutlery even more tightly. Michael told her that he and Ivanka had gotten a divorce, but they had yet to collect their divorce certificate even though it had been so long! No way, Chiara must not let her efforts go in vain! She said solemnly, “Don’t do that. Why did you two decide to get a divorce so suddenly? Iv, there’s nothing between Mic and me. Why won’t you trust him? If you dislike seeing me around him, I will stop keeping in touch with him in the future.” As Chiara was speaking, she turned to Michael and said seriously, “Even if Iv wants to leave you, I shouldn’t stick my nose into your business and causing you two to split up. Mic, women are very easily pleased. Say some nice things to her, and she won’t ask for a divorce anymore.” Ivanka narrowed her eyes and thought. “She has such a way with words. She’s basically saying that it’s a shame to be dumped by a woman and that I’m throwing a tantrum and that I’d be scared if he really files for a divorce. She’s implying that I won’t ask for a divorce if he just butters up to me a little. “As such, Michael will have to force himself to butter up to me just for the sake of his ego.” However, Ivanka could care less about this. After all, she had no intention of maintaining the marriage with him. In fact, Chiara had just done her a favor. Michael cast his razor-sharp gaze at Ivanka. His glare turned colder when he noticed that she remained unperturbed. The next moment, he snorted, “I don’t have time for this right now. My assistant will contact you when it’s time for the divorce.” After he finished speaking, he stood up and left. He never even bothered to look back. Chiara stiffened. She cast a glance at Ivanka before following him. Meanwhile, Suki stood in place with a cold look in her eyes. “Iv, you made the right choice in leaving him. He’s a scum and is not worthy of you. Trust me, you can find a better man. I think Mr. Sadler is a good man.” Ivanka returned to her senses. She could not help but chuckle. “Mr. Sadler is a playboy. Are you teasing me or setting me up?” “He may be a playboy, but he is a caring playboy. Look at Mr. Barkworth, he’s useless.” Of course, Suki did not truly mean what she said. She did not really want Ivanka to be together with Jonah Sadler. “Let’s eat.” Ivanka smiled. Once the duo left, she regained her appetite. Suki sighed in resignation. She was about to comfort Ivanka when her phone rang all of a sudden. Ivanka cast her a glance just as Suki picked up the call. “Hello.” Suki’s expression turned serious as soon as she heard the caller’s voice. “Okay, I’ll have to speak with Iris about this. I’ll call you back in a while.” After a brief conversation, Suki hung up politely. Suki whispered to Ivanka, “The caller is from the legal department of Sadler’s Group, Flint Lambert. He graduated from the same college as you, and he wants to discuss the lawsuit with you. Do you… want to meet up with him?” Ivanka raised an eyebrow. “Of course. Why not?” Suki said in relief, “That’s great! I’ll inform him in a moment.” The corners of Ivanka’s lips curled upward slightly, but she said nothing. Without Michael and Chiara around, they had a hearty meal together. Worried that Ivanka was sad, Suki took Ivanka shopping for the whole day. It was only after their dinner that Ivanka finally got back home. She was tired. She looked through the case before resting. To her surprise, she actually managed to drive the man out of her thoughts. She initially thought that she would have a sleepless night, only to find that she slept through the night soundly. By the time she woke up, it was due to the sound of the morning alarm. Ivanka could not help but chuckle. In high spirits, she washed up, ate breakfast, and left her house. ...... Flint was seated by the window in the cafe. Ivanka walked over to him and said with a smile, “Flint, you’re early.” Flint looked up in surprise. He was shocked to find that it was Ivanka who greeted him. “Ivanka?” Ivanka smiled. “You should call me Iris.” Flint was taken aback. “Iv, you…” He had always admired his excellent junior, but he had not expected her to be Iris! His gaze was filled with admiration and shock. In fact, the love he had always kept hidden for her was also prominently displayed in his eyes at the moment. Unbeknownst to Ivanka, a man and a woman stood outside the French window, watching them. Michael’s face turned as gloomy as thunderclouds when he noticed Ivanka smiling radiantly at Flint. Chiara, on the other hand, felt that things were going south. Michael did not care about Ivanka in the past, so why was he looking so angry at the moment? She drew in a deep breath and pretended to have just seen Ivanka with Flint. She then asked in surprise, “Is that Iv? Oh? Isn’t that man her upperclassman?” Michael pursed his lips. Chiara said worriedly, “Mic, Iv was never like this. I heard that she has been keeping herself in check over the past few years. I believe she is stepping out of line this time just to piss you off. Why don’t you go in and talk to her?” “Talk to her?” Michael snorted. “If it hadn’t been for the fact that she went through great lengths to force me into that marriage, I wouldn’t have ended up with her.” Ivanka was in the middle of a discussion with Flint when she sensed a hostile gaze. She turned around and saw the duo staring at them from outside.

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