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Salvation or Damnation

••• Kyson's POV ••• I knew there was only one option left when Dr. Gwen told me that the poor girl wouldn't wake up anytime soon. "Get Witch Lily here. Now." I snapped at the nearest nurse. "No need, Alpha. I'm already here." A voice behind me said. I spun around and saw Witch Lily standing in the doorway, her green eyes shining with curiosity. "Wake her up." I pointed at the unconscious she-wolf on the bed. Witch Lily nodded and walked over to the bed. She placed her hand over the girl's face and started to chant. A yellow light glowed from her palm and enveloped the injured cheek. I watched with bated breath as the light faded and Witch Lily stepped back. "It's done, Alpha." She smiled at me. "She's healed." I looked at the girl on the bed and saw that her cheekbone was restored, along with all the cuts and bruises on her face. She looked peaceful, almost angelic. I pulled a chair closer to the bed and sat down. I studied her face, trying to memorize every feature. I reached out and traced her face with my fingers, feeling a strange connection to her. "Who are you?" I whispered. Why did she seem so familiar to me? Why did I feel a pull towards her that made me want to stay by her side and never leave? "Could she be our mate?" Night asked in my head, breaking my trance. "Do you feel any mate-bond with her?" I asked him back. I didn't feel any of the usual signs of a mate - no tingles when I touched her, no scent that marked her as mine, just a faint rogue smell. "Then why the attraction?" Night wondered aloud. "Can you contact her wolf?" I asked him. "Not yet. This is strange. What if she has no wolf?" Night suggested. "A half-breed?" we both guessed at the same time. No wolf… No healing ability… That would explain a lot, wouldn't it? I turned to Witch Lily, who was still standing there, watching the girl intently. "Is she half-human?" I asked her. I wanted to know everything about her and why she affected us this way. "No. She's something else," she said, shaking her head. "What do you mean?" I pressed her for more information. "Do you remember the prophecy I told you about, Alpha?" she asked me without looking away from the girl. "The lavender girl?" I recalled. She nodded in response, still not meeting my eyes. "She's the one?" I asked in disbelief. Even Night was shocked. But it made sense - we found her in a torn lavender dress after all. But she was so… small. She looked fragile and vulnerable. How could she be the one in the prophecy? "I have to go now, Alpha," Witch Lily said as she turned to leave. "Wait! Is she our mate?" I asked her. Maybe we couldn't feel the mate-bond because she had no wolf? Witch Lily stopped in her track and looked at me. "What do you think, Alpha?" And then she left with that ambiguous answer and smile. I let out a long breath. It seemed like we wouldn't get much information out of Witch Lily. She always came whenever she wanted or needed, and gone just like that too. All of us were used to it. Us werewolves and Lycanthropes had no control whatsoever over witches. She was always her own woman. But she had been helping our pack since way back before I was born. There used to be a lot of witches, but now there were only two left in this world - one was Witch Lily in our pack, and the other was Witch Rose, the Luna of the Black Heart Pack. It wasn't strange that the two witches were in the same country because they were needed here. Shaking all thoughts of Witch Lily away, I turned my attention back to the girl on the bed, who was now sleeping soundly. Reaching out my hand, my thumb began caressing her rosy cheek. "Are you really the girl?" I asked softly. My mind went back to the time I had just turned eighteen. After I was crowned as Alpha of the Crimson Blood Pack in secret, Witch Lily came to me and told me about a prophecy - that there would be a lavender she-wolf who would either be helping me with the Lycan's race or helping them lead the Lycan's race to extinction once and for all. Since I was the only Lycan left, then that meant she would either make or break me. Yes.. I am Kyson Night, an Alpha Lychantrope - the last in existence, all thanks to that fucking killer, Andre. Many years ago, there was a war between werewolves and Lycanthropes because of Andre's selfishness, and they drove my race into extinction. I was saved because my parents asked Witch Lily to mask my Lycan's scent into that of a werewolf, and my parents asked their friend, the Alpha of the Crimson Blood Pack, to treat me as his own. And since then, only a few knew of my identity. Since I didn't want anyone to know of my real identity - at least not yet, I appointed my Beta, Liam as my stand-in. I was now known as the Beta of the Crimson Blood Pack to many, and the Alpha of the Crimson Blood Pack to a few. I let out a long sigh and gazed at the girl again. Where did she come from? I knew all rogues were now under Colton, so what happened to her? How did she end up in that forest? I couldn't seem to take my eyes off her, I traced the side of her face with my index finger. "Will you be my salvation.. Or will you be my damnation?" I asked the sleeping girl while thinking of the prophecy again. To my surprise, she suddenly opened her eyes. My hand was hanging in mid-air, and I felt very embarrassed. If I thought she looked beautiful when she was unconscious, then she would be Goddess-like now. Fair skin, large dark brown eyes nearly as dark as my onyx eyes, pink cheeks, and slightly red full and plump lips. "Where am I?" These were the first words she said when she woke up. Before I had a chance to answer, her originally powerless eyes suddenly became bright and shiny. "You're Beta Kyson of Crimson Blood Pack, aren't you?" I was surprised that she knew my name, which made me soon become alerted, but Night was obviously very excited. "Kyson, she's so beautiful. And her voice is.." He howled in my mind and panted with his tongue out like a sex-crazed dog in heat as he tried to take control of my body. His reaction affected my body, too, causing my dick to twitch in my pants.

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