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A Rogue She-Wolf

••• Kyson's POV ••• I had just returned from the prom night at the Black Heart Pack, where I had seen my dead enemy, Andre. He was clueless about who I really was, and that suited me just fine. I had a mission to accomplish, and it was better if he knew nothing about the fact that his death was imminent. I walked into the rogue's headquarter, where my friend and ally, Alpha Colton of rogues, was waiting for me. He looked like a Greek god with his blonde hair and blue eyes. But he was also ruthless and cunning, and he shared my hatred for Andre and his Pack. "Hey, Kyson. How was the prom?" he greeted me with a smirk. "It was boring as hell. But I think we were right. He knows I'm a Lycanthrope." I shrugged casually. "Did you find your mate?" he teased me, knowing that I didn't believe in mates. "Please. You know I don't need a mate." I rolled my eyes at him. A mate would only slow me down and distract me from my goal. "So, what's the news from the Black Heart Pack? I heard there was a judgment today." he asked, changing the topic. "Yeah, there was. But our scouts couldn't get close enough to see what it was about. Something big, though." I replied, feeling curious. "When are we going to strike?" he asked eagerly, his eyes gleaming with malice. "Soon, Colton. Very soon." I answered, feeling a surge of excitement. I couldn't wait to kill Andre and his Black Heart Pack, and make them pay for what they did to me and my family. "Easy there, Kyson." Colton laughed, noticing my fangs and claws coming out. "You don't want to blow your cover." I relaxed and retracted my weapons. "Sorry. I just can't stand them." "I know, buddy. I know." Colton said sympathetically. He knew my story. He knew how Andre's Pack had killed my parents and tried to kill me when I was a pup. He knew how I had escaped and survived on my own, until I met him and joined his pack. He knew how I had discovered that I was a Lycan, a rare breed of werewolf that could transform into a humanoid beast with immense power and speed. He also knew how I had infiltrated the Black Heart Pack as a spy, pretending to be a normal werewolf who had lost his pack. He knew how I had befriended Andre, who was the heir of my enemy pack. He knew how I had planned to use him to get close to his pack and kill him when the time was right. He knew everything about me, and he supported me all the way. "Come on, let's have a drink." Colton said, gesturing to his liquor cabinet. "Thanks, but no thanks." I declined politely. "I need to be more prepared for my mission." He winked at me, understanding what I meant. "Be careful out there. Don't let them see your true form." "Don't worry. They won't." I smiled confidently and left. I mind-linked my Beta, Liam, who was waiting for me outside. I deliberately made Beta Liam the Alpha Liam of Crimson Blood Pack because I did not want to expose myself too much in public. "Ready?" "Yes, Alpha." He replied. We ran towards the forest that separated our territory from the Black Heart Pack's. It was dark and quiet, perfect for our stealthy operation. We reached a secluded spot where we could safely transform without being seen by anyone. We stripped off our clothes and shifted. I felt a rush of adrenaline as my body changed into a muscular humanoid creature with black fur, red eyes, sharp teeth and claws. My wolf, Night, was happy to be free. "Finally!" he exclaimed in my head. Liam shifted as well. He looked similar to me, but with brown fur and green eyes. His wolf, Blaze, greeted Night warmly. We ran deeper into the forest until we reached the border of the Black Heart Pack. We could smell their scent marking their territory. We crossed the border, ignoring the warning signs. We were on a mission, and nothing would stop us. We were going to find out what was going on at the Black Heart Pack. And we were going to kill Andre if the time was right. We were almost at the heart of their territory when we heard a scream that made our blood run cold. It was a female voice, full of pain and fear. A she-wolf. "Damn it!" I cursed. "Are they raping and killing a she-wolf? And in their own land?" "Or is it a human?" Liam suggested. "They've been known to kidnap and torture humans for fun." "Either way, it's wrong." I said, feeling a surge of anger. "We have to stop them." We ran towards the source of the scream, hoping we were not too late. We reached a clearing where we saw two werewolves attacking a girl. One was holding her down while the other was punching her face. Night growled and charged at them, moving so fast they didn't see him coming. He ripped their throats out with his claws, ending their lives in seconds. I shifted back and looked at the girl. She was unconscious, but still breathing. She was barely clothed, her dress torn and stained with blood. Her face was bruised and swollen, one side more than the other. She had long blonde hair and fair skin. She was beautiful. And she was a rogue. "A rogue," Liam confirmed as he threw me my pants. He had shifted back too and was kneeling next to the girl. "Poor thing." I put on my pants and walked towards them. I felt a strange pull towards the girl, something I had never felt before. "We should bring her to Colton as she is a rogue," Liam said, reaching out to lift her up. I snarled and pushed his hand away. "No. She's mine." Liam looked at me with surprise and confusion. "What do you mean?" I didn't know what I meant either, but I knew I had to protect her. I picked her up gently in my arms, making sure not to hurt her more than she already was. "Cover her with my shirt," I ordered Liam, feeling a possessive urge to hide her body from his eyes. He did as I said and I didn't know why, but the thought of Liam seeing her naked body made me want to poke his eyes out of their sockets. I cradled her in my arms. A surge of possessiveness swept over me as I felt her warm body against mine. I didn't want anyone else to see her like this. I turned away from the trail that led to the rogue's headquarter and headed for the road where Liam had parked his car. He was supposed to be my Beta, my second-in-command, but right now he felt like a threat. "Alpha, where are you going?" Liam asked, following me with a puzzled look. "To the Crimson Blood Pack's infirmary," I snapped, not looking at him. "Shouldn't we take her to Colton first?" he persisted. "He's the Alpha of the rogues. He should know about this." I growled low in my throat, warning him to back off. I didn't care what Colton thought. I wanted to take her to my place. Liam wisely kept his mouth shut as he opened the back door of the car for me. I gently laid her on the seat and climbed in next to her. Liam got in the driver's seat and started the engine. I stroked her hair and looked at her face. She was beautiful, even with the bruises and cuts that marred her skin. She didn't seem to have any healing ability. Her wounds were fresh and bleeding, and they didn't show any signs of closing up. "Hey, Liam," I called out to him. "She's a she-wolf, right?" He glanced at me through the rearview mirror. "Yeah, why?" "Her wounds aren't healing," I said, pointing at her face. "Does she not have healing ability?" He frowned. "That's strange. Maybe she's too weak or traumatized to heal." "Or maybe she's something else," I muttered under my breath. Something stirred inside me again as I looked at her face. There was something familiar about her, something that drew me to her like a magnet. "Night," I said to my wolf in my head. "Can you connect with her wolf?" "I've been trying," he said. "But I can't reach her. Her wolf is asleep or unconscious." "Maybe she'll wake up when we get to the infirmary," I said hopefully. I hoped she would wake up soon. I wanted to see her eyes, hear her voice, feel her breath on my skin. I wanted to know who she was and why she made me feel this way. She whimpered in pain and tears rolled down her cheeks. I wiped them away with my thumb. "Hang in there, little girl," I whispered to her. "You're safe now." I held her close and watched the scenery pass by outside the window. We were driving to the pack's infirmary, where Dr. Gwen would take care of her injuries. But we were also driving away from the rogue's headquarter, where Colton would demand an explanation for why I had brought a stranger into our territory. And we were driving towards a destiny that neither of us could escape.

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