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It was at this most wretched moment that Luna Rose came over and asked me if I was ready for my birthday surprise. I really wasn't in any mood to celebrate my birthday. This damn 18th birthday that sucks. But I didn't want to upset Alpha and Luna, who were so intent on giving me a surprise, even though I really wanted to tell my father what Beta Erick had done to me. But if told him, Beta Erick would be punished, and the punishment would be severe, since one of the rules in the Black Heart Pack was to never seduce or touch anyone from our own pack, except if they were your mates.. I would be going to the human world soon, and I would find myself a new love. I did not want to cause trouble for any of my pack member. I held back my tears, then forced myself to put on a fake smile and told Luna that I was ready. "Great!" Luna Rose quickly ordered the maids to come forward and then left me alone. "Here's the gown that Luna Rose had prepared for you, my lady," one of my maids said as she laid the gown on my bed. "It's so beautiful.." I said as I caressed the thin and soft fabric. The gown was made from thin layers of fabric stacked together, making it flowy and would look really good when I danced with my father later on. Yes, there would always be dances every time I had a birthday. And the color was my favorite! I had always loved lavender since I was small. The gold was a little bit too blinding, but it looked good with the lavender. Luna is more thoughtful this year, which must be because this is the year I turn into an adult! I stepped into the bathroom where the maids had drawn up a bath and prepared everything for me. When I was ready, I saw one of them holding a rope, and the other a blindfold. What the.. "What are they for?" I asked with suspicion. "They are to tie up your hand and blindfold you, my lady. Alpha had commanded us to do it, to make sure that you wouldn't be able to see the surprise until we take you to the place where the surprise has been prepared," one of them explained politely. "Can I not be tied? I promise I won't take off the blindfold," I asked. The blindfold was okay, but did they really need to tie my hand up? Wasn't it too much? "I'm sorry, my lady," the other said apologetically. I let out a defeated sigh. What Alpha wants is what Alpha gets. I kept quiet while they put the blindfold over my eyes and tie my hands behind me with the rope. "Are we going there now?" I asked once they finished their tasks. "Yes, my lady. We will lead you there now, and we are sure you will be very surprised when we reached there," I heard them say happily. What I didn't know was that they were giving each other evil smirks. I let them lead me, and when I heard a door opening after some distance of walking, I forgot about my resentfulness of being tied. "Have we reached there?" I asked excitedly. But instead of an answer, I felt someone push me forcefully, and I fell to the floor on my side. "Hey, that was too much!" I yelled in anger. Do they need to shove me like that? I felt someone yank me up, and I was on my knees with two hands holding down my shoulders. When someone removed my blindfold, I was indeed very surprised. Nearly all the members of the pack were there.. and I realized that I was in a room where they usually passed out judgments for misconduct. "Dad, what's going on?" I asked my father, but he just looked at me icily. "Today, we are going to be passing out a sentence for Aleena, a member of the Black Heart Pack!" one of the members of our High Council suddenly spoke in a booming voice. A.. sentence? My eyes widened and almost budged out of their sockets. What.. What is happening? What sentence? I never did anything wrong! "We will first list out her wrongdoings, and then the Alpha will give out the judgment," that High Council spoke again. "Dad, I didn't do anything wrong!" I shouted in hopes I tried to stand up, but our two strongest warriors were pushing my shoulders down. "Silence!" he said in his Alpha-voice, and my mouth clammed shut. "We'll begin now!" the High Council stated. "We found out last night that she's not who we thought she was all this time. She's not the Alpha's daughter, and she knew all along!" the High Council declared, and I heard collective gasps from the crowd, along with mine. "We have evidence! We found a read-letter from the late Luna to this wolfless and weak female telling her that she was, in fact.. A rouge!" the High Council announced. I gasped along with the pack members again. Letter? What letter? I didn't know of any letter from Mother! And I was a rouge?! I began hearing murmuring from the pack's members after that fact had been announced. "She knew all along, and she was still.. pretending?" I heard a she-wolf say. "She was cuckolding the Alpha!" one of the pack members exclaimed. "No, no! I knew nothing of it!" I shook my head repeatedly, and screamed, denying that fact and that I knew something about it. I couldn't not be the Alpha's daughter. I've always been with him my whole life! "Alpha had always been so good to her, but she was just pretending! She's treacherous!" someone yelled, and others began booing at me. "I swear I don't know anything!" I yelled again over their murmuring and booing. "Silence!" We all heard Alpha's voice again. He didn't need to yell or shout, the command in his voice was strong, and we all fell silent. "Beta Erick, would you tell everyone what you had told us?" the High Council turned to Beta Erick and stepped aside for Beta Erick to take his place on the podium. "Last night during the ball," Beta Erick began speaking, "this female seduced me and tried to get me to have sex with her." The crowds' gasps sounded again, louder this time. "You lied!" I yelled at him. "You were the one who forced yourself on me!" "We knew you were going to defend yourself, so let us let Luna Rose see your memories," the High Council turned to Luna Rose. "Luna, if you will." he stepped aside again to let Luna Rose go to Beta Erick. Placing a hand on each side of Beta Erick's head, she began chanting her spell to read memories. After a short while, she turned to me and did the same. Hope bloomed in my heart. If she watched the scene in our heads, she would know the real story, and it would be advantageous to me. They would all know the real truth! I waited with anticipation as Luna Rose went back to the podium to announce what she had seen. "From their memories, I saw that.." Luna paused for a while, and I could tell that everyone was waiting with bated breath for her to continue. "She was the one who seduced Beta Erick!" Luna Rose exclaimed while pointing her index finger at me. A roaring noise rose over the pack members. They couldn't believe that I dared to do one of the most punishable misdeeds. I was so shocked that I was rooted to my spot for a few seconds until I came back to reality. "You lied! I wasn't the one seducing him!" I yelled and tried to stand up, but they pushed me back down again. Why would Luna Rose lied? How could she do that to me?! "Dad, please! I swear I didn't seduce him!" I kept pleading with my father to believe me. "Aleena, how could you!" I heard a voice rise from above all others, and I turned my head in the direction of that voice. Greg was holding his mate's hand and glaring at me with something I had never seen before in his eyes - disappointment. "I've always treated you as my sister, and my father's always treated you like a daughter! How could you do this to us?!" he asked with a raised voice. My heart broke once again at his words. My first love didn't believe me. He was accusing me of something I didn't do. I saw the Alpha stand up from his throne and go to the podium to speak. I looked at him with hope. Maybe he was going to stop all this nonsense! Maybe he believed me! But his next words dashed all my hopes away.

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