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Today was the day of the prom, and I couldn't get more excited, but it died down at the scene in front of me as my steps faltered to a stop. Inside the dining room, only the Alpha and Luna were present. Usually, the Beta's and Gamma's families were present too. How unusual.. "Good morning Alpha and Luna," I greeted them. "Sit down," he said in his Alpha's tone. My body moved at his command, and I sat down on his left. What's with the serious atmosphere? "Make sure nothing will go wrong today. Don't make us lose face to the other packs," he said as he sipped his coffee. "Don't worry, Alpha. I'‘ll make sure the ball will run smoothly," I answered with my head down. "Are you excited about your birthday?" he asked, and his tone changed to his usual father's tone, which caused me to lift my head up and look at him. "Yes, I can't wait for your surprise." I grinned at him as the unsettling feeling in me changed to one of excitement once again. "I'm sure you'll be stunned soon," he said, and I swore I saw a vicious glint in his eyes, but it disappeared a second later. "I can't wait," I smiled at him, and he smiled back. Goddess, if only I knew the kind of surprise they had in store for me, I wouldn't have said those words. "Good." He nodded in satisfaction, and that vicious glint flashed through his eyes for a second again. I was about to ask him if there was anything wrong with the pack, but he and Luna Rose stood up to leave. "Remember, don't embarrass the pack and enjoy your night, as after the prom everything will be different," he reminded me before leaving with Luna Rose, who had been quiet throughout our entire exchange. Of course, my 18th birthday, everything would be different - I was turning into an adult! That thought made me happy once again. How naive was I at that time to think that was what the Alpha meant when he said everything would change.. "What was that about?" I heard Greg's voice, and he was striding toward me. "Huh?!" I was confused by his question. "Alpha suddenly ordered us to leave the dining room so he could talk to you. He sounded very serious," Greg explained. I repeated the Alpha's words to him. Nothing was wrong with our talk. "That's weird," he said as he took his place on my right and began piling his plate with food. "Maybe there's a problem with the rogues." I shrugged, not telling him about the vicious glint in Alpha's eyes. After all, my father would never hurt me. He nodded in agreement as he began wolfing down his food, and I followed suit. We chatted happily throughout breakfast and went to check the ballroom, making sure everything was in order until it was time for us to get ready. The maids helped me with my bath, my gown, and my makeup, and I was finally ready an hour before the prom. I was standing in front of the mirror checking my reflection when I heard a knock on the door. The maid opened the door, letting Greg come in. "Happy birthday, Aleena! You look beautiful." he said as he studied me. "Happy birthday, Greg, You look handsome yourself," I returned his compliment with a slight blush repeated his blessing. "Let's go. We need to get there now," he said before he turned to leave. I was sad that we wouldn't be walking arm-in-arm, but we weren't mates, so we couldn't do it. We walked toward the ballroom and saw the Alpha, Luna, Betas, and Gammas. As we were the main families, we would be stationed at the front to greet our guests. Around thirty minutes later, the other packs started arriving. They all arrived together - in large buses for each pack. The guests of the prom would consist of course all the Alphas, Lunas, Betas, and Gammas. As for the students, they consisted mostly of the students in the last grade, just like Grey and me. The Crimson Blood was the last to arrive, and oh wow..No one would have imagined that the Crimson Blood Pack would attend a social event. Even the invitation was sent out only as a courtesy of them being one of the packs here. There were a total of six packs in this country - Silver Moon Pack, Spirit Shadow Pack, Glowing Stone Pack, Crimson Blood Pack, and on top of them all was ours, the Black Heart Pack. We all had quite nice friendships and had businesses together, except for the Crimson Blood Pack. They were kind of a loner as their pack was situated far away from the rest of us. We all lived near forests, to not be seen by humans when we were in wolf forms, but they lived up the mountain, where even other pack members wouldn't see them. And they wouldn't usually attend social functions if they had no important issues to be discussed by the Alphas, and thus the reason why we were shocked by their confirmed attendance. They all wore all shades of red, even the males too, and they looked stunning! Not even a little bit strange. The Alpha and Luna of Crimson Blood Pack came to us to greet us, but the one who caught my eye was the Beta. He was alone, still unmated, and looked no more than 25 years old with piercing onyx eyes, which actually looked more gorgeous than Greg's ones, and slicked black hair. He was the definition of "Dark and Dangerous" looking dashing in his blood-red tuxedo with a black tie. I had met him before but never had I noticed him like now, must be because I was still naive then and only had eyes for Greg. I searched for his name in my mind and found it - Beta Kyson Night. We welcomed them, yet Beta Kyson only nodded briefly and went inside without even waiting for the two Alphas and Lunas. How impolite, I thought to myself. "I'm sorry, you know how Beta Kyson is," the Luna of Crimson Pack, Luna Christine apologized to us. Alpha Andre chuckled and replied, "Don't worry about it, we do know how he is." He looked back toward the Beta, and I swore that vicious glint appeared again! What is going on with Alpha Andre today? He seems so hostile! "Shall we all move inside?" Luna Rose invited all of us in, and the Alphas agreed. We all began walking inside, with the two Alphas in front, followed by the two Lunas and then Beta Erick and his wife, and lastly, me and Greg. I looked at the two Alphas and Lunas and realized how different they were. Alpha Liam and Luna Christine looked so young compared to our pack's Alpha and Luna. They actually looked as young as Beta Kyson. "You two go and have fun," Alpha Andre dismissed us as we reached the ballroom. We nodded and separated ourselves away from them. Both Greg and I mingled and chatted with our friends and made new friends from other packs. This all went on until five minutes before midnight. Greg suddenly took two drinks, offered one to me, and led me to a quiet corner. My heart began thumping. Is he going to ask me to be his mate? And then we heard the chime of the clock from far, indicating it was midnight. "Happy birthday again!" He cheered and clinked our glasses together. "Happy birthday again!" I returned his wish. I waited until he finished his drink, but the mate subject still didn't come out of his mouth. I felt my heart fell, but still decided to be brave and asked him myself. "Greg.. Actually, there's something I wanna say to say.. to ask you," I began speaking shyly. I was about to continue when I saw him suddenly look up, sniffed the air, let out a low growl, and bolted away so fast. What is happening? I began running to follow him. Is there an enemy here? But when I saw him, my heart broke into pieces. I ran away from the ballroom to the garden outside. How could it be? How could my first love, the one I've been loving for so long and wanted to be my mate, found his mate today? How unfair it was! I let myself cry over him when I heard a rustle, and Beta Erick came to me. "What happened to you, Aleena? Why are you crying?" he asked and reached out his hand toward my face. I instinctively stepped away from his touch. "Why are you shying away, Aleena? I know you want me," he said with a predatory look in his eyes as he stepped toward me. I gaped at him. When did I ever say I wanted him? Is he crazy? He's mated and Greg's father, for Goddess' sake! Before I knew it, I was cornered to a wall, and my wrists were pinned against it. "Let me go!" I yelled and struggled to get free. "You smell good, Aleena," he said as he sniffed my neck. His free hand began running all over my clothed body before he ripped one side of my dress. No, no! It couldn't be! I kept struggling, but my attempt was futile until I remembered something. I lifted my leg and kneed him. He backed away as my attack succeeded while bending over, his hands covering his groin. I took the chance to flee as fast as I could and bumped into the last person I wanted to see. "Aleena, meet my mate," Greg said, but he turned serious as he looked at the condition I was in. "What happened to you?" he asked with a low protective growl. "Nothing. I fell into the bushes just now, and I want to go home now," I lied to him and began walking away, but he caught my arm. I was about to yank his hand away when he suddenly sniffed me. "Why is my father's scent all over you?" "Oh, he was the one who helped me when I fell into the bushes. Please, Greg, I need to go back to my room. I can't show up in the prom anymore while looking like this," I made up an excuse and begged him. He looked at me with suspicion, but at last, let me go, and I fled without saying anything anymore.

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