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By: Webfic

Chapter 5

Lance stood at a secluded area watching the whole scene happening between my mate and her friend. He had to see his mate, so he left his beta and gamma in charge of the pack until he return. He used his werewolf hearing to listen to their conversation, and he felt hurt that he wasn't the one comforting his mate. Seeing her cry felt like a thousand knives were being pierced into his heart, and it took every of my will power to keep my wolf calm. He waited a while to see if she would come out again, but there was no sign of her, and he don't think she would be coming out soon. *Hmm, I wonder if mate is ok in there* "Lance, let's go in there and check on mate." His wolf said. "No Connor, you need to stay calm, we can't go in there, what would she think? And we can't ruin any of our plans on getting her". He said, trying to reason with him. "Arrrg, fine then, but let's just stay here and watch over her, I keep getting a feeling that something not so good is about to happen". "You are right Connor, and I trust Asher and Leo would be able to handle the pack, we'll keep watch over mate tonight". ★ Night time... Gwen keep feeling restless as she turned on her little bed, the weird feeling she seem to be having was stronger than before, she couldn't even sleep due to that. "Oh heavens, please help me". She prayed silently as she stared at the ceiling. ★ Lance stood in the woods, staring at my mate's home, when he saw a figure like that of a woman opening his mate's door. The person was about going inside when she paused to answer a call. Using his werewolf hearing, he listened to the conversation, and what he heard made his blood boil with rage. "I need more time, I just arrived". The woman said. "What?, ok fine, I'll do it now and make it look like an accident or something". "I'm sure no one would notice as I always keep her locked in, I can just kill her and dump her body somewhere, a place no one would ever find it". She said with an evil laugh. "Ok, mistress, consider it done". She said as she dropped the cell phone on the floor, and I knew immediately that it was my mate they were planning to kill. "Who would want my mate dead?". He thought angrily. He saw her brought out a silver dagger before going inside and not being able to hold his wolf anymore, my eyes glowed bright red as he brought out his claws and his teeth elongated. The only thing he could see was red as his blood boiled at the thought of mate getting hurt. His wolf took control as he ran with inhumane speed, going after the lady who wants to kill his mate. ★ Gwen was still on bed, fully awake, when she heard the sound of the door being unlocked. "Hmm, maybe mother is back". She said as she stood up from the bed, she heard the sound of something being smashed and she got scared immediately. "Oh goodness, are we being robbed?". She thought in fear, then came the sound of an ear-piercing scream, then, silence. "That's mother's voice". SheI said in fear at the thought of something bad happening to my mother. Yes, I know she had never treated me with love, but she's still my mother. "Mother". She screamed as she ran out of the room. The sight she met downstairs was enough to make me puke, she saw my mother's severed head rolling on the floor and her decapitated body drowning in a pool of her blood. She feel on my knees crying, not being able to believe this. "Mother". She said in tears as my body shook with fear, the air reeked of blood and she couldn't withstand the sight before me. She was about to scream when she heard the sound of an animalistic growl, she raised her head and her eyes came face to face with that of the glowing red eyes of a beast, and then it hit her. This was the beast who killed her mother. "Oh my God, what's this?". She thought in fear as she stared at the beast. She was surprised he didn't make any move towards her or any attempt to also kill her, It only stood, watching me closely. "I can't stay here like this, what if this beast changes its mind and decide to kill me too". She thought in fear as the tears continued to roll down her cheeks. Not wanting to stay any longer, she came up with the only plan she could think of, and that was to run. She stood up quickly, taking one last glance at her mother's dead body before dashing out through the back door and into the woods. The only sound she could hear at first was that of an owl, which seems to scream as if In lament. "Oh God, please save me". She prayed silently. She had no idea where she was running to, but does that really matters? She just wanted to get away from here, far away from that beast. Everywhere would have been totally dark if not for the moon that seems to be unusually bright tonight. She kept on running in zigzags, and she was getting weak and tired, but no, she can't stop now, not when she could hear the fast approaching footsteps of that monster. *Who would help me?, Who would save me?, no one dares to come into the woods at this hour of the night and this was the only place I could think of running into*. She thought as the tears flowed uncontrollably, blurring my vision. She slipped and fell due to the log of wood lying on the floor that she happened not to see, she stood up immediately and continued running with only one thought in mind and that was to escape She fell down once more, but this time she felt too weak to get back up. She heard the low growls of the monster, and she turned sharply to see it staring intensely at her. She wanted to scream, to call out for help, but my voice failed me, at that moment, she felt numb, and she could only pray she escape this monster. The beast approached her and she moved back in fear, which she guess angered the monster as he let out a growl. "Am I truly going to die like this?" The thought of dying by the hands of this monster scared her to death, and this monster seems to be death himself. It gave a powerful roar and that was the last thing she heard before slipping into unconsciousness. **** Lance could see the fear in her eyes and he know she thought he would actually kill her, this thought alone saddens he and his wolf, if only she knew the truth. She passed out, and he guessed it was due to the fear and weakness. He walked towards her, carried her in his arms then he took in her sweet scent. Letting out a roar, he felt thankful to the moon goddess. He howled to the full moon before heading to the pack, knowing fully well they would be happy that their Luna has been found. If only he had known that tonight would mark a new beginning for us and bring fort truth, a truth that would change their lives forever.

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