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By: Webfic

Chapter 4

"Gwen, Gwen, you have to wake up now, it's morning already". Emily said as she tried getting Gwen to wake up. She remembered yesterday's event and smiled. #flashback "Gwen, why are we running?". Emily said, seeing they were almost at her house. "Hmm, nothing, Emmy, just wanted to get away from those guys". She replied as she slowed down her pace. "Those guys or one guy?". Emily said, having a funny look on her face. "Shut up Emmy, don't even start, I'm not thinking about him or anything and besides he's not my type". She said defensively. "Wow, hold your horses right there, I never mentioned anything about you thinking of anyone so, why are you getting all worked up, or else…". Emily said as she flashed Gwen the "it is what I'm thinking look". "Shut up Emmy, don't even complete whatever you want to say and for heaven's sake, stop giving me that annoying look you have on your face". Gwen replied, feeling frustrated as she hurried inside to avoid Emily. "Awn, come on Gwen, wait up, and you know look cute with this angry looking witch face of yours". She said, running In after Gwen. "Gwen, Gwen, come on, I was only teasing you, I didn't say you love him or something even if it looks like it". She said, muttering the last part. "What did you say?". "Nah, it's nothing, so are you sleeping over?". "Yup, I don't think mum will return tonight, and I certainly don't want to stay alone, so yea, I'm staying". "Yes!". Emily screamed as she jumped up happily. "Yes, I'm staying, and I don't need your silly tease, ok". Gwen said, glaring at her. "Silly tease". Emily said, feigning pretense at what Gwen means. "Really?". Gwen said with a bored look. "Ok fine, I won't talk about it but don't you find him very attractive and sexy, and those red eyes are a killer, I bet ladies would drop dead with just one smile from him". Emily said, having this dreamy look on her face. "Emily, I'm warning you". Gwen said, eyeing her. "What, I'm just saying ok, but what do you think about the other two, they all look like they fell from another planet, how could someone be that good-looking?, I even felt ugly standing there". "Hmph, please, they are not that good-looking". Gwen replied, rolling her eyes. "What!". Emily yelled. "You must be blind to say that, how could you even say that?Come here, let me check your eyes". She said, moving towards Gwen. "Come near me, and I'll kill you". "Whatever, but you know I heard him say something like Mate, ha, what are they?, werewolves?". She laughed. "Very funny Emmy, now shut up and quit talking, I'm tired, and I want to sleep". Gwen said as she went upstairs to Emily's room. "Yeah, yeah, but don't you think they're drop-dead gorgeous". She said as she went after Gwen. "Goodnight". Gwen said as she laid on the bed, using a pillow to cover her ears. "Oh, Gwen, admit it". She said, hands akimbo, waiting for a reply from Gwen. "You know Emmy, one more word from you and the only thing I'll admit is me killing you". Gwen said, still covering her ears. "Jeez, fine, I won't say anything again". She said as she went and laid beside Gwen. "Goodnight sissy ". #flash ends. "Gwen, wake up already". Emily said giving Gwen a little shake, she heaved a sigh seeing this wasn't working, and then she grabbed a pillow in an attempt to hit Gwen when she heard her say something inaudible. Moving closer to her, she placed her ear close to her mouth to get what she's saying. "Mate, mate". "We need mate". Feeling shocked by this, Emily was determined to wake her up. "What is she saying?Who is mate?". She said, and an idea struck her. She hurried into the bathroom and came out with a bowl of water, taking some in her palms, she sprinkled it on Gwen's face and that did the trick as Gwen woke up sneezing. "Oh goodness, what was that for?". She yelled. "Don't blame me silly, I've been trying to get you to wake up for ages, and you wouldn't wake up, so I decided to use water ". She shrugged. "Oh yeah, no kidding, everyone seems to love waking me up with water". She said, getting up from the bed and heading towards the bathroom. "Gwen wait, I uhm, I heard you muttering something in your sleep". She said, giving Gwen a questioning look. "Really?". "What's it?". "Well you kept saying *mate, we need mate*, who is we and what mate?". "I said that?". She frowned. "Yeah". "I don't know, Emmy, maybe it's nothing". "You're sure it's nothing or did you have a dream about the man from yesterday". Emily smirked. "Oh Emmy, shut up, don't start please, and I need to hurry home, something tells me mom would return today". Gwen said as she went into the bathroom to do her business. ★ "Thanks for walking me home, Emmy". Gwen said, having a sad expression on her face. "Gwen it's alright, do take care, ok". "I will Emmy, you too and thanks again, I undeniably had fun yesterday". She replied as she engulfed Emily in a hug. "Gwen, I'm truly going to miss you". Emily said, hugging her tighter. "Me too, Emmy, thanks for everything". "Oh Gwen, stop, you're talking like this would be the last time we would be seeing each other". Emily scolded as she disengaged from the hug to take a good look at Gwen. "Gwen, look at me". She said, lifting her chin up. "Tell me you're ok". "Emmy, I don't know, I just keep getting this weird feeling, and it's making me scared". Gwen said as she tried to control the tears that were threatening to fall. "Hey, you'll be fine ok, and if you want I can stay with you". "Emmy, I'll be ok, and you should get going now, your mother might need you". Gwen said, trying to convince her. "Gwen, don't worry about my mother, she'll be able to manage". "No, Emmy, I promise I'll be fine". "Gwen, please, let me stay with you ". "I'll be fine, I promise". "Hmm, are you sure". "Yes". Gwen smiled, as if to hide her fears. "Ok then, I'm leaving". Emily said, placing a kiss on Gwen's forehead. "Yea, bye Emmy''. "Bye Gwen". Emily said as she turned to leave. Gwen stood for a while watching her until she could see her no more, she let out a sigh as she also went inside. Gwen didn't notice that she was being watched.

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