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CHAPTER TWO - The Talk of the Town

As the afternoon wore on, the diner slowly emptied. Lucas lingered, nursing his coffee and occasionally glancing at his phone. Ella found herself drawn back to his table during lulls in her work. "So, what do you do?" she asked during one such moment. "When you're not escaping to small towns, I mean." Lucas's expression tightened almost imperceptibly. "I run a technology company. Nothing too exciting." Ella raised an eyebrow. "A technology company that made you a billionaire? Sounds pretty exciting to me." He shrugged, looking uncomfortable. "It's just work. What about you? Have you always wanted to be a waitress?" The abrupt change of subject wasn't lost on Ella, but she decided to let it slide. "Not exactly. I mean, I love the people here, but..." "But?" Lucas prompted gently. Ella sighed, surprised at how easy it was to open up to this stranger. "I always dreamed of traveling, seeing the world. Maybe writing about it. But life has a way of keeping you in one place, you know?" Lucas nodded, his eyes softening. "I do know. But it's never too late to chase your dreams, Ella." She snorted. "Easy for you to say, Mr. Billionaire. Some of us have bills to pay." "Fair point," Lucas conceded. "But money isn't everything. Trust me on that." Before Ella could respond, the bell chimed as a group of teenagers entered the diner. She excused herself to tend to them, her mind whirling with the strange conversation. As the sun began to set, Lucas finally stood to leave. He approached the counter where Ella was tallying up the day's receipts. "Thank you for the meal and the company," he said, placing a folded bill on the counter. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Ella." She smiled up at him. "You too, Lucas. Will we be seeing you around Willow Creek?" He paused at the door, a small smile playing on his lips. "I think you just might. Goodnight, Ella." As the door closed behind him, Ella unfolded the bill he'd left. Her eyes widened at the hundred-dollar note. "Marge!" she called out. "I think we've got a problem!" Marge hurried over. "What is it, honey?" Ella held up the bill. "Lucas left this as a tip. His meal was only fifteen dollars!" Marge's eyes bulged. "Well, I'll be... Looks like the rumors were true after all." Ella stared out the window, watching as the sleek black car pulled away. Something told her that life in Willow Creek was about to get a lot more interesting. The next morning, Ella woke with a strange sense of anticipation. She tried to shake it off as she got ready for work, telling herself it was ridiculous to be excited about the possibility of seeing Lucas again. As she walked to the diner, she noticed people gathered in small groups, talking animatedly. When she passed Mrs. Henderson's house, the older woman called out to her. "Ella, dear! Have you heard the news?" Ella paused, curious despite herself. "What news, Mrs. Henderson?" The older woman's eyes sparkled with gossip. "The billionaire – Mr. Montgomery – he's not just visiting. He's moving into the old Fairfax mansion! They say he's going to renovate the whole place." Ella's eyebrows shot up. "Really? That's... unexpected." Mrs. Henderson nodded enthusiastically. "Oh, yes! And there's more. Apparently, he's looking to invest in some local businesses. Can you imagine? This could change everything for Willow Creek!" Ella forced a smile. "That's certainly exciting, Mrs. Henderson. I'd better get to work, though. Have a good day!" As she continued her walk, Ella's mind raced. Lucas moving to Willow Creek permanently? It seemed surreal. And investing in local businesses? What did that mean for the town – for The Cozy Corner? The diner was buzzing with excitement when she arrived. Marge greeted her with a knowing grin. "Morning, Ella! Guess who's already been in for breakfast?" Ella's heart skipped a beat. "Lucas?" Marge nodded. "Said he'd be back for lunch. I think someone's made quite an impression." Ella felt her cheeks heat up. "Don't be ridiculous, Marge. He's probably just scoping out the local businesses for his investments." The morning passed in a blur of coffee refills and excited chatter. Everyone wanted to talk about Lucas Montgomery and what his presence might mean for Willow Creek. Ella found herself growing increasingly irritated by the speculation. Just before the lunch rush, the bell chimed, and Lucas walked in. The diner fell silent for a moment before erupting into hushed whispers. Ella took a deep breath and approached his table. "Back so soon?" she asked, trying to keep her tone light. Lucas smiled up at her, and Ella felt that same flutter in her stomach. "What can I say? The food's good, and the company's even better." Ella rolled her eyes, but couldn't help the small smile that tugged at her lips. "Flattery will get you nowhere, Mr. Montgomery. What can I get for you today?" As Lucas placed his order, Ella noticed several people not-so-subtly trying to eavesdrop on their conversation. She sighed internally, already tired of the attention Lucas's presence was bringing. When she brought his food, Lucas gestured for her to sit. "Join me for a moment? If you're not too busy." Ella hesitated, glancing around the diner. It wasn't too crowded, and Marge was giving her an enthusiastic thumbs-up from behind the counter. She slid into the seat across from Lucas. "So," she said, folding her hands on the table, "I hear you're becoming a permanent fixture in Willow Creek." Lucas nodded, taking a bite of his sandwich. "News travels fast here, doesn't it?" "Small town," Ella shrugged. "We don't get much excitement. A billionaire moving in is practically front-page news." Lucas winced slightly. "About that... I'd appreciate it if we could keep the 'billionaire' talk to a minimum. I'm just Lucas here." Ella raised an eyebrow. "That might be a little difficult, considering everyone already knows. And there are rumors about you investing in local businesses..." Lucas sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I should have known better than to think I could keep a low profile. Yes, I'm interested in investing in the community. But that's not why I came here." "Why did you come here?" Ella asked, genuinely curious. Lucas was quiet for a moment, his eyes distant. "I needed... peace. In New York, everything is go-go-go, all the time. Endless meetings, constant pressure. I built my company from nothing, and I'm proud of that, but..." "But it's not everything," Ella finished softly. Lucas met her gaze, surprise and something like recognition in his eyes. "Exactly. I thought coming here, slowing down... maybe I could figure out what I really want." Ella nodded, understanding all too well the feeling of being stuck, of wanting something more but not knowing quite what that was. "Well," she said, standing up as she noticed more customers entering the diner, "Willow Creek is certainly the place to slow down. Just don't slow down too much, or you might start growing roots." Lucas chuckled. "Would that be so bad?" Ella paused, considering. "I guess that depends on what you're looking for." As she walked away, Ella couldn't shake the feeling that her life was about to change in ways she couldn't even imagine. For better or worse, Lucas Montgomery had arrived in Willow Creek, and nothing would ever be quite the same.

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