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Enslaved By HimEnslaved By Him
By: Webfic

Chapter 7 Her Only Hope

Desiree's POV As I waited for the traffic signal to turn green before crossing the street, nothing astonished me anymore. Many individuals are engrossed in their phones, and some are rushing to get to work on time, whereas I recently graduated from university and have no idea what awaits me in life. My only hope is that some company will hire me to help support my financial needs, as my father has been in a coma for months and we have run out of money due to his hospital bills. I sat on a bench and dialed my friend's number to come pick me up, but no one answered. I moaned and fist-clenched. Now I'm going to catch a bus to the hospital to see my mother. That's correct. I'm going to see them because my mother hasn't phoned me today, and I'm curious about what's going on with her and my father. When I got on the bus, it was completely filled; there was one place at the back, and when I moved up there, a woman my age had already sat in that seat and with an empty seat she put her bag in that precious seat. Seriously, how could she do something like that? I merely sighed and remained standing where I was. The people there were looking at my big sized long sleeves, maybe they were thinking I borrowed this from someone. "You look cute on your husband's long sleeve." the old woman said and complimented me. I want to explain to her that I don't have a husband but never mind, I am tired of explaining things and just smile at her as a response to what she said. A few moments later, I saw him again when I went to the hospital, or maybe I was just imagining things, because that's what happens when I see him everywhere. When I entered my father's room, I noticed that my mother was sleeping there because she has her own bed. This hospital is private and only wealthy people can afford it; we had money before, so we could afford it; however, I'm not sure whether we can continue to put my father in this hospital. I took a step forward to wrap my mother with a blanket, exhaled as I looked at my father, who is always sleeping, and wondered how his dream was going. I wish him the best and hope that one day he will awaken and our life will return to normal. "Desiree…" My mother has already risen from her bed, and when I looked at her face, she did not appear to be the same as previously. She has wrinkles, bulging eyes, and a stressed-out countenance as if she were burdening the world with the problem we are having because we no longer have a source of income. "Have you ever attempted to feel at ease at home?" You can leave the father here for a day or two and rest at home," I say as I glance at her, and she shakes her head and looks at me. "I'm not going to leave you father here; what if he wakes up one day and doesn't recognize me?" she asked. "I know you love my father a lot, but you need to look after yourself, mum, since you're usually in the hospital, and being here is causing you stress." "The doctor warned that if he wakes up eventually, he might have some amnesia due to the brain shock, but I always talk to your father because I know he listens to me." "How can you say he's listening now when he's sleeping, in a coma, mom?" I don't think I'll be able to communicate with my mother because she's having hallucinations right now "I, too, have a problem; another round of payments is due next week. We are cash-strapped "Her tears were streaming down her face as she spoke. My mother was born wealthy, and while I do not want her to work because she will be bullied by some of our relatives, I will make the effort so that we can exist in this terrible world. I took a deep breath and tried not to cry in front of my mother; I needed to get to work as quickly as possible. "I have to go, mom, and I'll figure out a way to cover the costs. Take care of yourself and dad." My voice croaked and she hugged me tightly while crying, "I am sorry baby, if you experienced this kind of life, if your father-" I stopped her from saying that since we can't go forward in life if we always talk about the past. "Sssh…mom. It's okay, this is life, and we have to bear things like this. It's already occurred, mum, and we have no choice but to accept it." I said as I tried to calm her down. "I am sorry baby…" "Don't feel sorry mom…it's okay." I told her that so she would feel better and less self-conscious. I care about her and my father, therefore I'll go to whatever length to keep him alive, and everything will be OK in my hands. I simply want her to be happy again and have fewer bouts of depression in the future. "I have to go now…" I said and broke the hug. "Okay baby, just take care of yourself okay. I will be at home tomorrow to clean the house, to do some laundry." she said and kissed my cheek. "Don't forget to eat your breakfast, your lunch and your dinner. you look so skinny now my baby, just don't forget to take care of yourself because I am worry for you." I sighed as I looked at my reflection on the glass, I think she is right. my face became smaller and my hips are too small now. Maybe Alexander was right when he told me that I should finish my food. Damn it. I open the door and says, "Okay mom, bye for now."

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