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Enslaved By HimEnslaved By Him
By: Webfic

Chapter 6 Uncomfortable

Chapter 6: He's Uncomfortable "Please stop!" I screamed at him and shoved him with all my strength, then I started looking for my clothes, and when I turned around to face him, he looked angry and frustrated. "Are you hungry?" he asks as he approaches me. When he asked if I was hungry, I suddenly felt a grumbling in my stomach. "Come on, breakfast is waiting for you downstairs, and if you're looking for your clothes, I'm not sure where it is, you are welcome to wear my clothes..." He added casually, pointing to his closet, and then left me alone in his room. I don't know what to say to him right now because I'm feeling shy, I'm feeling something that makes me want to flee here, and I don't want to wish my path would cross with him again. When I opened the wardrobe, all I saw were black long sleeve shirts, pants, and boxers. I choose to wear his black long sleeves because I like the fabric and because it has one boxer that fits me well. I go to his bathroom, which was an extension of his large and cozy room, and wash my face. I noticed a new pair of electric toothbrushes that I knew he didn't use, so I used them to brush my teeth. I like to brush my teeth every morning because it makes me feel more confident. Then I decided to leave the room, as I looked around, this is the same house where I'd been before; I recall everything from that one night; I bit my bottom lip as I walked and stepped downstairs. He noticed me, his gaze falling on my bare legs, and he bit the inside of his lower lip. It makes me feel even more tense, and I find it hard to walk now that he's staring at my f*cking legs. "Uhm…" As I began to speak with him, I cleared my throat. He opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out of it; all he did was stare at me as if I were the first person he had ever seen. "What?" I ask. He asked, "Did you wear underwear?" My brows furrowed as I gazed at him. Why was he asking me such vexing questions? "What!?" Maybe I misheard him, so I ask again. "Did you wear any underwear?" This is so uncomfortable that I scrape the back of my neck. "I… I wore your boxer." He grinned and grabbed my wrist. "The breakfast has been prepared." "Are you...alone?" I ask because there are no guards or maids around. So I assumed he prepared this meal for me. "Sit down and eat," he said.I immediately sat down because I felt intimidated by him, maybe he didn't like too many questions. I straightened my back and took the little knife for my toasted bread and butter to mix them together. He smirked as he handed me the strawberry jam. I tried my hardest not to look him in the eyes, but I always did meet his cold stare. "Do you know that you are the reason why I always have sleepless nights?" I cast a glance at him, wondering how and why he could blame me for it. I began to munch and bite my bread while casually staring at him. "I'm sorry, but I'm not sure why you blame me for it, and we only met once, so don't hold it against me." "Yes, we only met once, but we had sex," he remarked as he handed me the spoon and I placed some sugar in my coffee, I try not to think about what he said. "It's really memorable," he said, sending shivers down my spine. All I want is to be comfortable, yet he constantly manages to make me uncomfortable. I take a drink of my coffee and remain silent. "By the way, I am Alexander and your name is Desiree right?" I murmured "I know your name already…" and peered at him. I was ready to bite onto my bread when he bit it for me. I was surprised since his lips just touched mine for a fraction of a second before he chewed and swallowed the piece. "I want to go home." "Oh yes you can go home but you need to finish the food." I gulped and said, "Okay…but please stop making me uncomfortable, you are doing this every time." "So you are uncomfortable with me, how about I'll change that for you?" His voice was loud but not too loud, and he leaned in close to me while I was still chewing on my bread. "No..." I murmured, my brows pinched. His face is the definition of a hot man that I see in magazines all the time, but he stands apart. His lips are kissable, but I'm not going to let him kiss me; he's the worst nightmare I've ever had, and every time I look him in the eyes, it reminds me of that sinful night. He turned around and returned my gaze as he drew me closer to him. I gasped and we locked gazes. I flinched and backed away from him as he bit his lower lip and gently touched my cheek. His other hand moved to my thigh, and I flinched and backed away from him. "How come I was naked when I finally woke up this morning?" "It's because I enjoy seeing you naked." "You're insane!" I hissed angrily at him, then dashed upstairs to seek for my jeans, which I found beneath the bed. He gazed at my ass when he opened the door. "Are you getting ready to leave?" After putting on the jeans, I tucked my hair behind my earlobe. "Yes..." I groaned and answered. "I want to kiss you before you go, that's your payback because I saved your life," he said as he grabbed my hand and stopped me from moving. When he said that, I parted my lips, my mind was racing, and I closed my eyes, I could smell his masculine perfume that engulfed my nose. When I open my eyes, he is kissing me, and the touch of his hot lips and tongue that enters my mouth and nibbles my lips makes me feel tense and wants more. I break the kiss before it gets deeper and says, "I have to go…" "If you need something, just call me." "I don't need you…" "Yes you do, darling."

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