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CHAPTER THREE - The Morning After

Eventually, she returned to the table with the correct drinks. Jessica took one look at her face and said, "Uh oh. What happened?" Claire recounted the interaction with the bartender, rolling her eyes. "It's fine. Just one of those things, you know?" Jessica nodded sympathetically. "Some people just shouldn't work in customer service. But hey, don't let it ruin your night. We're celebrating, remember?" Claire smiled, pushing the incident out of her mind. "You're right. To your engagement!" They clinked glasses, and Claire allowed herself to relax into the evening, enjoying the company of her best friend and the excitement of Jessica's news. It was late by the time Claire unlocked the door to her apartment. She kicked off her heels with a sigh of relief, padding barefoot to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water. As she leaned against the counter, sipping her water and scrolling through her phone, it began to ring. Claire groaned when she saw the caller ID: Mom. For a moment, she considered letting it go to voicemail. But knowing her mother, that would only result in a barrage of worried texts and possibly a call to Claire's super to check if she was alive. Resigned, Claire answered the call. "Hi, Mom," she said, trying to inject some enthusiasm into her voice. "Claire, darling! I was worried you weren't going to pick up. Do you know what time it is? You shouldn't be out this late on a work night." Claire pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'm home, Mom. I was just out with Jessica. She got engaged." "Oh, how wonderful for her!" her mother exclaimed. "You know, that reminds me. I ran into Mrs. Holloway at the grocery store today. You remember her son, Kevin? He's a doctor now, and he's single. I gave her your number—" "Mom!" Claire interrupted, exasperated. "Please don't give out my number without asking me first. And I'm not interested in being set up with Kevin Holloway or anyone else right now." There was a pause on the other end of the line. When her mother spoke again, her voice was softer, tinged with concern. "I just worry about you, sweetheart. You work so hard, and I don't want you to wake up one day and realize you've missed out on having a family of your own." Claire sighed, feeling a familiar mix of frustration and guilt. "I appreciate that you care, Mom. But I'm happy with my life right now. My career is important to me, and I'm not ready to settle down yet. When I am, I'll let you know, okay?" "Alright, dear," her mother said, though Claire could hear the disappointment in her voice. "Oh, before I forget—are you still planning to come home for your father's birthday next month?" Claire's eyes widened. She had completely forgotten about her father's upcoming 60th birthday celebration. With her trip to Paris and the new investment strategy, it had slipped her mind entirely. "Of course," she lied smoothly. "I wouldn't miss it. Listen, Mom, I've got an early meeting tomorrow, so I should really get to bed." After a few more minutes of small talk and repeated assurances that she was eating well and getting enough sleep, Claire finally managed to end the call. She leaned back against the kitchen counter, closing her eyes for a moment. The day had been a rollercoaster—the triumph of her presentation, the tension with Emily, the celebration with Jessica, and now the guilt-inducing call from her mother. As much as Claire loved her parents, their constant pressure about her personal life was exhausting. Shaking off the lingering frustration, Claire made her way to her bedroom. She had a trip to Paris to prepare for, and she wasn't going to let anything dampen her excitement about that. As she began to sort through her closet, deciding what to pack, Claire felt her energy returning. Tomorrow was another day, another chance to prove herself and chase her dreams. Claire Langford strode purposefully down the hallway of Dayton Enterprises, her heels clicking against the polished floor. She clutched a sleek tablet in one hand, her mind racing through the final points of her presentation. As she approached the boardroom, she took a deep breath, squaring her shoulders. "You've got this," she whispered to herself, reaching for the door handle. The boardroom fell silent as Claire entered. Mr. Dayton sat at the head of the table, flanked by several senior executives. Across from them sat their potential clients, representatives from a major French corporation looking to expand their operations in the United States. "Ah, Claire," Mr. Dayton said, rising to greet her. "Just in time. Gentlemen, allow me to introduce Claire Langford, our top financial analyst. She'll be walking us through the proposed investment strategy." Claire smiled warmly, shaking hands with each of the clients. "Bonjour, messieurs. C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer." The French executives looked pleasantly surprised at her use of their language. Claire had been brushing up on her French in preparation for the upcoming Paris trip, and she was glad to see it paying off already. As she set up her presentation, Claire felt a flutter of nerves in her stomach. This was a big account, potentially worth millions to Dayton Enterprises. She needed to nail this pitch. "Thank you all for coming today," Claire began, tapping her tablet to bring up the first slide on the large screen behind her. "I'm excited to walk you through our proposed strategy for expanding your operations in the U.S. market." As Claire launched into her presentation, she could see the interest growing in the clients' eyes. They leaned forward, nodding along as she outlined the potential growth opportunities and risk mitigation strategies.

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