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CHAPTER TWO - A Night to Forget

She clicked to a new slide, showcasing a complex risk assessment matrix. "As you can see here, I've conducted an extensive analysis of the regulatory environments in both Vietnam and Indonesia. While it's true that there have been recent changes, our legal team has confirmed that our proposed investments would not be significantly impacted by these new regulations." Claire moved through her slides with renewed vigor, addressing each of Emily's points in turn. As she spoke, she could see the doubt in the partners' eyes being replaced by interest once more. "Furthermore," Claire concluded, "the currency fluctuations actually present an opportunity for us. By implementing a sophisticated hedging strategy, which I've outlined in detail in the appendix of my report, we can not only mitigate the risk but potentially profit from these fluctuations." As Claire finished her rebuttal, a hush fell over the room. She held her breath, waiting for the response. After what felt like an eternity, Mr. Dayton spoke. "Well, Claire, I must say I'm impressed. You've clearly done your homework on this. Emily, thank you for bringing up these important considerations. This is exactly the kind of thorough analysis we need before making any major moves." He turned back to Claire. "I think your proposal merits serious consideration. Let's set up a follow-up meeting next week to dive deeper into the details. Excellent work, everyone." As the meeting adjourned, Claire felt a mix of relief and triumph. She had weathered Emily's attempt to undermine her and come out on top. As she gathered her materials, she caught Emily's eye across the room. The other woman's expression was unreadable, but Claire could sense the simmering tension between them. The rest of the workday passed in a blur of emails, phone calls, and follow-up meetings. By the time Claire left the office, the sun was already setting over the Manhattan skyline. She hailed a cab, giving the driver the address of her favorite rooftop bar. As she settled into the backseat, Claire allowed herself a moment to relax. The meeting had been a success, despite Emily's interference. She made a mental note to be more cautious around her colleague in the future. Office politics could be treacherous, and Claire had no intention of letting anyone derail her career. The cab pulled up to a trendy building in the Meatpacking District. Claire paid the driver and made her way to the elevator, which whisked her up to the rooftop bar. As the doors opened, she was greeted by the sound of laughter and clinking glasses, the New York skyline twinkling in the background. She spotted Jessica waving from a corner table and made her way over, weaving through the crowd of after-work revelers. "There's my girl!" Jessica exclaimed, standing to give Claire a hug. "I was starting to think you'd stood me up." Claire laughed, sliding into the seat across from her friend. "Sorry, Jess. Work was... intense today." Jessica raised an eyebrow. "Uh oh. I know that tone. Spill it, sister." As a waiter approached, Claire held up two fingers. "Two martinis, please. Extra dry." Once the waiter had left, Claire leaned in, recounting the events of the investors' meeting to Jessica. Her friend listened intently, her expressive face registering shock and indignation at all the right moments. "I can't believe that snake Emily tried to sabotage you like that," Jessica said when Claire had finished. "You should report her to HR or something." Claire shook her head. "No, that would only make things worse. Besides, I handled it. Mr. Dayton was impressed with my presentation in the end." "Still," Jessica persisted, "you need to watch your back around her. Office Mean Girls are the worst." Their drinks arrived, and Claire took a grateful sip of her martini. "Enough about my drama. How are things with you and Mark?" Jessica's face lit up. "Oh my god, I almost forgot to tell you! He finally popped the question last night!" Claire's eyes widened in surprise and delight. "Jess! That's amazing! Congratulations!" The two friends spent the next hour chatting excitedly about Jessica's engagement, the upcoming wedding plans, and Claire's business trip to Paris. As the night wore on, the bar became increasingly crowded. "I'm going to grab us another round," Claire said, standing up. She made her way to the bar, squeezing between two groups of boisterous finance bros. "Excuse me," she called to the bartender, who was busy mixing a complicated cocktail. He glanced her way but continued with his task. Claire waited patiently, tapping her fingers on the bar top. After several minutes, the bartender finally approached her. "What can I get you?" "Two martinis, please. Extra dry," Claire repeated her earlier order. The bartender nodded and turned away. Claire watched as he prepared the drinks, her brow furrowing slightly as she noticed him reach for a bottle of gin instead of vodka. "Excuse me," she said, trying to get his attention. "Those are supposed to be vodka martinis." The bartender shot her an annoyed look. "You didn't specify vodka. A regular martini is made with gin." Claire felt a flash of irritation. "I'm pretty sure I did specify, actually. But it's not a problem, could you just remake them with vodka, please?" The bartender rolled his eyes. "Fine, but you'll have to wait. I've got other customers." As he walked away, Claire took a deep breath, reminding herself that it wasn't worth getting upset over. Still, the interaction left a sour taste in her mouth, a reminder that even on good days, there were always little annoyances to deal with.

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