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5 Late Calls

As the taxi pulled up to the curb, Calantha gazed out at the sleek, modern exterior of the tech company's headquarters. The building's facade was a gleaming expanse of silver and glass, with a stylized logo emblazoned on the side. The words "White Orca" were etched in bold, futuristic font, seeming to shimmer in the fading light of day. As she stepped out of the taxi, Calantha’s eyes were drawn to the lobby, where a hive of activity was underway. As Calantha approached her supervisors’ office, she quickened her pace, carefully balancing the tray of doughnuts and coffee on their desks. "Your morning treats, just as requested!" Calantha announced, forcing a cheerful tone. Her bosses barely looked up from their screens, their eyes gleaming with a mixture of annoyance and expectation. "Finally," one of them muttered, snatching a doughnut off the tray. "We've been waiting for our sugar fix." The other boss grunted, taking a sip of coffee without even acknowledging Calantha’s presence. "Thanks, I guess," they said, their tone dripping with sarcasm. Calantha stood there, feeling like a servant, waiting for their next command. But she refused to let her frustration show. She forced a smile and said, "Is there Anything else I can get for you?" They barely bothered to respond, already dismissing her. "No, that's all. Just get back to work." Calantha nodded, her smile faltering for a moment before regaining her composure. "Of course," She replied, running a hasty retreat from their office and back to clean up the mess in her own office. The clock on the office wall ticked away the final moments of the day, its steady rhythm punctuating the silence that enveloped the empty workspace. Calantha sat at her desk, watching as her colleagues filed out one by one, their voices fading into whispers and then silence. It was a routine she never wished she’d have to become accustomed to—a ritual of solitude before the world outside transformed into a bustling metropolis once more. And as she suspected it to be, it was the manager and his P. A who made the first leave, and then her superiors. Calantha had to finish all of the work she was given before she could even think of leaving. By the time she was done, no one was in the office except the janitors and security who worked night shifts. Calantha stood up from her chair, stretched her arms, and yawned. She logged out of her system, tucked it into her bag, and headed out of the office. The evening sun that cast a warm orange glow over the city was soon gone and gave way to darkness. Calantha hailed a taxi. She settled into the back seat, feeling the exhaustion of the day catching up with her. As the taxi drove through the crowded streets, Calantha’s eyelids grew heavier. She rested her head against the window, and before she knew it, she was drifting off to sleep. The taxi screeched to a halt in front of Calantha’s apartment building, jolting her awake. She rubbed her eyes, disoriented, and stumbled out of the cab. Calantha paid the driver and trudged into her apartment, her legs heavy with fatigue. As she entered her room, she flung herself onto the bed, feeling its soft embrace on her tired body. The day didn’t last long, and soon night took over. That was when she received a phone call that seemed familiar, although she couldn’t remember whose line it belonged to. Calantha’s heart raced as she answered the phone, her mind still reeling from the earlier interview. "Hello?" "Hello, Calantha. This is Freiherr von Everstein, CEO of White orca." Her eyes widened in surprise. "Mr. Freiherr! I didn't expect...I mean, I'm still waiting to hear back about the interview." She had applied and sent several Emails to the company, requesting to be a full-time worker, and she had sent her documents for review. Freiherr chuckled. "Ah, yes. The interview. Well, let's just say I'm willing to fast-track the process. Can you make it to the office right now?" Calantha’s eyes darted to the clock on her wall. 9 pm. New York City wasn't exactly the safest place for a woman to be out alone at this hour. "I...I don't know, Mr. Freiherr. It's quite late, and I'm not sure it's safe for me to travel alone at this time." There was a pause on the other end of the line, and for a moment, Calantha wondered if she had lost the connection. But then Freiherr spoke up, his voice low and persuasive. "I'll make you a deal if you can make it to the office within the next hour; no more interviews, no more waiting. You'll be a full-time worker starting tomorrow." Calantha’s heart skipped a beat. It was a tempting offer, but could she really take the risk? She hesitated for a moment, weighing her options. And then, before she could change her mind, Freiherr spoke up again. "Your time starts now, Calantha." The line went dead, leaving her staring at her phone in disbelief. What had she just gotten herself into? Calantha didn’t waste any further time thinking; she began to prepare for the meeting with the CEO. Soon, she was out of her apartment and stopped by a taxi. She was a bit relieved that the roads were lonely, but there were still signs of vehicles. “Get me to White Orca company.” The driver stared at her, head to toe, and whistled. She knew exactly what he was staring at; Calantha fixed the loose button that made her cleavage visible. The driver saw this and wasted no further time. The taxi’s engine roared to life as it got back on the road. *** Calantha ran into the building after paying her fare. The atmosphere was awfully quiet and creepy. Soon, she saw him. Freiherr in the transparent elevator. Its doors opened, and he walked gracefully until he stood off her. Too close that she could feel his warm breath on her skin. He was doing it again, making her feel vulnerable in his presence. "What am I doing here?" Calantha asked, her voice barely above a whisper. The office was deserted, except for the night shift janitors and security guards. The only sound was the soft hum of the fluorescent lights overhead. "Is this like an interview?” She added, her eyes scanning the empty hallway. Freiherr only smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Hello, Calantha. We meet again!" He extended his hand, and she hesitantly placed hers in it. He pressed the elevator button, and Calantha felt weird being alone with him. "Where are we doing the interview?" She asked, trying to hide her unease. "There’s… there’s no one here.” Freiherr just smiled, his eyes glinting with amusement. Calantha felt a flush rise to her cheeks as she turned away, trying to compose herself. “Don't smile at me, you're... too hot,” she thought, feeling a flutter in my chest. The elevator doors slid open, and Freiherr led her to his office. She gasped as she stepped inside. "Woah!" The room was massive, with floor-to-ceiling windows and a sleek, modern desk that seemed to stretch on forever. "All this space for just an office?" Calantha breathed, her eyes wide with wonder. Freiherr felt the richness in him begging to show off, his eyes sparkling with pleasure. "I like to think of it as my own personal sanctuary," he said, gesturing for her to take a seat. "Make yourself at home, Calantha. We have a lot to discuss." This was when she realized it wasn’t just an interview; she couldn’t help but be scared. Freiherr leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers together as he gazed at her with an intensity that made her heart race. "I must say, I'm impressed. Your determination is admirable. Multiple applications, each one showcasing a different skill set. You're a true Renaissance woman."

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