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Chapter 8 Patience

"I'm waiting for you, Scarlett. Don't test my patience." A cold icy voice echoed in the air. "Mr W..Wilson," she stuttered, fear engulfing her mind. There was a moment of silence, heavy and suffocating. Then Alexander's words cut through the air like a knife. "You know that I don't like to be kept waiting." Scarlett's mind raced. She was trying to find the correct words. "I had a meeting with Mr Hilton today." "He is already in London right now. So don't try to fool me around," Alexander snapped. Of course, eight hours had already passed. It was eight in the evening. "Shall I meet you tomorrow?" She asked in a terrified tone. Alexander was standing by the side of the glass window, overlooking the city's skyline. His jaw tightened as he cut the call without replying. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself before turning towards Lucas, who was standing silently, waiting for his orders. "Get Adrian on the line." Within moments, Lucas handed over a phone to him. "Adrian, I want you in my office now." Minutes later, there was a sharp knock on the door. Adrian entered. He was looking slightly uneasy. "Adrian," Alexander began, his voice dangerously calm, "did you inform Scarlett about her new manager, Veronica?" After listening to that direct question, Adrian shifted uncomfortably, avoiding Alexander's piercing gaze. "No, Mr. Wilson, I didn't ." Alexander gritted his teeth and asked, "Why the hell not?" Adrian trembled. "She had an important meeting with Jake. I didn't want to risk that." Alexander's fist slammed into his desk, making everyone Lucas and Adrian jump from their place. "That's not your call to make. I told you and you need to follow." Meanwhile, Lucas stepped forward and tried to interject, "Mr Wilson, we can..." "Shut up!" Alexander yelled, "Do you know who is the boss here?" Adrian's face turned pale. He quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, Mr Wilson. I thought it was the right decision." "Right decision?" Alexander raised his eyebrows. His voice was dripping with sarcasm. "You think not following my orders is the right decision?" Adrian was so terrified that he was struggling to find his voice. "I...I didn't mean to defy you." "Get lost!" Alexander took a deep breath, his hands were covering his face. Lucas gave a sharp nod to Adrian, indicating for him to leave. Alexander was walking back and forth in the cabin, his jaw clenched. He was barely controlling his anger. It seemed like the ticking of the clock was mocking him. Finally, he turned his gaze towards Lucas. His eyes were blazing with fire. "You know after meeting Mark and Camilla yesterday, I realized they desperately wanted to get a collaboration with Wilson Group. For that, they'll go to any extent to take over this project." He took a deep breath and continued, "They know that this is my mom's project. They'll find a way to bend me over their will." Lucas was standing silently. His face was unreadable but his eyes were showing concern. "And if Camilla will get this project, I'll think about collaborating, but that's the last thing I want," Alexander added further, his voice rising. "For a moment, Scarlett is not safe. She is important for this project. I need to know where she is." Lucas nodded his head, understanding the urgency of the situation. "I'll inform you about her whereabouts. Give me ten minutes." "You better," Alexander said through his gritted teeth. "We can't afford any mistakes. Johansson Limited will not get the upper hand. Not now, not ever." Outside the airport garden "Then you and I should bid goodbye for a while?" Scarlett heard him saying. Scarlett instantly turned around. "I suppose so." The girl grinned. That's when Scarlett realized she was still standing in the parking area of the airport. "And how do people bid goodbye? Teach me, Bella." The man once again gained Scarlett's attention. Both of them were staring at each other flooding Scarlett with the memories. Memories go down the lane seeing them together. "18th August," she uttered. An unknown smile adorned Scarlett's lips when she remembered the day they met. "Teach me. How is it done?" She heard him saying that. Her eyes traveled down to where he was gripping the handle of her suitcase, "What are you doing?" Scarlett asked him, blinking at him. "You looked like you needed some help." Scarlett just stared at his coffee-brown orbs, waiting for him to break that gaze. "No. I will manage." She hesitantly moved aside. "Are you sure?" He frowned at me. She nodded her head, and he left her suitcase. The sudden weight of it pushed Scarlett back but he held it. "You can take my help." He reached for its handle once again. "This way it's perfectly legal." He grinned at her. That was the first time they met. The vehicle screeched away. A pair of white tyre tracks scorched the asphalt and woke her up. "Come back to reality Scarlett. He is gone. He will never come back again." She breathed heavily. People were shouting at her, "Sorry!" She prompted and moved towards the walking lane. "Eric," she whispered his name. "Why did you leave me alone?" Tears welled in her eyes. "Forget him, Scarlett," she remembered how Maria ranted that same thing over and over again. But she forgot no matter how much time passed, no matter how much pain they felt, no matter what took place in their lives there were something's that they would never be able to settle into oblivion, there were always some memories that remained as special as the one with whom they had made. A loud vibrating sound broke the train of her thoughts. She saw the display was showing 'Maria' name. She answered her call. "Scarlett? Where are you?" she almost shouted. "Mario..." Scarlett teased her. "Don't call me that," she faked her anger. Scarlett was pretty sure that Maria was annoyed and might put her hands in her hair in annoyance. "Fine. Now stop ruining your hair," she mumbled. In complete silence, Maria didn't utter a single word. Scarlett chuckled. "Maria, Are you there?" Scarlett asked again. "Yes! Yes! I am here. I was just checking where you are hiding?" Then both of them ended up laughing hard. "Come fast. I am waiting for you," she told her again. 'The only person who does that for me," Scarlett whispered in mind, a sad smile adorned her lips. "Don't worry! Coming." "Fine. See you." Maria was about to hang up the call. But Scarlett stopped her. "Maria." "Yes, Scarlett." "Love you the most," Scarlett muttered. "What happened Scarlett?" But before she could have said anything, the signals were gone. She tried to get some but the efforts were futile. In Alexander's Office Lucas rushed into Alexander's office, breathless. "I found her, Mr Wilson. She is near the airport, walking in an isolated area." Alexander's eyes blazed with fire. "What was she thinking?" He threw the file in another direction. He grabbed his coat and determination covered his face. "She is important for our project. I won't let Johansson Limited get to her first." Lucas followed Alexander as he stormed out. "Make sure the car is ready." To be continued…

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