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Victoria hired someone to clean her new house. Before it was ready, she had to stay in a hotel for a while. Leaving the Ashbourne family felt freeing for Victoria. It meant she didn't have to learn all that heavy social etiquette or attend endless charity galas and balls. She had more time for herself now. Late at night, Victoria sat at her computer desk, typing away. She was intrigued by Mr. Woods' words during the day, so regardless of his interest in her ideas, she wanted to send them to him. Victoria studied energy and power engineering at university with a minor in economics. She always had top grades, and one of her patents had even been sold. Lady Eleanor bought it. She sent the email to Mr. Woods. As a public figure, his work email was public, and he received many daily emails. Victoria was curious if he would see hers. After that, Victoria took out her phone, intending to text someone, but halfway through typing, she deleted the message. Feeling restless, Victoria lay on the bed, tossing her phone aside. Eventually, she sent the message anyway. Surprisingly, the person responded immediately and even called her. "Good evening, Professor Julia!" Victoria said excitedly. The voice on the other end was older but powerful. "Dear Victoria, it's been a while since you called me. I thought you'd forgotten about this old lady after getting married." "I'm sorry, Professor Julia," Victoria apologized. Professor Julia chuckled, "It's okay. Dear Victoria, you texted so late. Do you have a problem?" Victoria hesitated momentarily, then said firmly, "Professor Julia, I want to go back to university." Julia was very pleased. "My lab is always open for you, and so is Professor Langley." Victoria’s eyes welled up. "I'm sorry, Professor Julia. I shouldn't have been so stubborn, and I shouldn't have married so early." Julia didn't blame Victoria. Instead, she comforted her, saying, "Victoria, everyone makes mistakes in life. Only by making choices do you know if they are right or not. When you got married, I didn't stop you because I knew you were a free person. You have your own thoughts and your future. Now that you're back on the right track, as your teacher, I fully support you returning to my lab. Tomorrow at nine in the morning, I hope to see you in the lab. For now, don't think too much, and get some sleep." "But I..." Victoria started. "Don't think too much. I'll help you with the enrollment process," Julia, an assertive old lady, said. "And my lab, I decide who stays. Anyone who's not happy can get out." Victoria smiled. "Thank you, Professor Julia." "Good night, Victoria. I look forward to seeing you," Prof Julia hung up. Victoria was very excited. She bounced on the bed several times before kneeling to calm herself. As she thought about it, she started crying again, "This is great, so great!" She could go back, and Professor Julia wasn't mad at her. This was great. She thought about all the friends she left for the past six months. There wasn't much communication between them all this while. It will be a rude shock to them when she finally resumes back to the lab. Will they be happy to see her? Victoria was caught up in two worlds of uncertainty at that moment. Victoria had requested to leave the lab six months ago because of her marriage. After understanding the situation, Julia didn't force her to stay but hoped she could be happy. Victoria wasn't happy at all. She didn't like meaningless social activities; she liked standing on the stage, speaking in front of the camera, and presenting her ideas and research results. Victoria needed to be cut out of the daily galas and strictness around her. The entire environment felt choking on what she loved doing, and for a while, she felt lost. She was very excited that Professor Julia had been open to taking her in without much to say. Now, she was finally back on track. Excited, Victoria couldn't sleep. She turned on her computer, looked through all the experiments she hadn't finished before, and downloaded many papers on energy and power engineering from the past six months. As she read through them, she fell asleep in front of the computer. In her dream, Victoria took her latest research results to an international exhibition. She confidently presented her research results, earning applause from the audience. "Beep beep beep... Beep beep beep..." There was no applause, just the sound of an alarm clock. Victoria slapped her face, quickly washed up, grabbed breakfast from the hotel, and headed to Saint George University. She promised to meet Professor Julia at nine, and she absolutely couldn't be late. Saint George University was one of the top universities in Birmingham and was renowned worldwide. Students who could study here were not regular people. Victoria hurried to the laboratory. On the way, she met many students. Their faces were so familiar, their smiles so sweet. Everything made Victoria happy. She hastened her steps towards the lab, as she couldn't wait to see Professor Julia. Victoria was the first to arrive at the lab. The lab door wasn't open yet when she arrived, so she waited outside. Soon, a tall boy walked over, looking surprised to see the golden-haired girl before him. "Oh, Victoria!" Martin exclaimed excitedly. "Oh my God, is it really you?" Victoria smiled at him and greeted, "Good morning, Martin." Martin asked, "Are you back? Or do you need to see the professor about something?" Before Victoria could answer, Martin continued, "Victoria, I really hoped you'd come back to the lab. With you around, Professor Julia would be less grumpy. Her throat isn't good; she should be less grumpy." Victoria replied, "Okay, I'll work really hard from now on to keep Professor Julia from getting grumpy." Martin nodded. "Welcome back, my friend!" He reached out his arm, intending to hug Victoria. Victoria hugged him tightly. "I'm so happy to work with everyone again." Martin nodded. "Alright, let's go in and work on the data. We want to surprise Professor Julia." He entered the lab password. "Professor Julia can give everyone a different password; just remember to ask her." Victoria used to have a lab password, but it became invalid after she left the lab. Nine o'clock came, and all the students arrived, but Professor Julia hadn't yet. "Wow, Victoria!" a girl hugged Victoria excitedly. "I'm so happy to see you!" "I'm happy too, Sarah," Victoria replied, hugging her back. Everyone welcomed Victoria's return and suggested going out for a drink to celebrate tonight, which Victoria didn't object to. After six months, Victoria returned to the place she loved so much.

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