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When Harry came down, naturally, Victoria lowered her head and stepped aside. Mr. Harry Woods was a real nobleman; his family was one of the most distinguished in Birmingham, and even the president had to be polite to him. Unlike everyone who had kept their heads bowed, Victoria rose hers and stared at Harry. Accompanied by his bodyguards, he headed into Prague Castle but stopped when he saw Victoria staring at him. "Is there something on my face?" He asked her, moving closer. He was taller than Victoria, his broad shoulders towering over her. "What?" Victoria asked, her mind still absent. "You're staring openly at Mrs. Ashburne; I was wondering what exactly made you do that." He asked again. His words snapped Victoria back to reality. "Good afternoon, Mr. Woods." He smiled. "Afternoon Mrs. Ashbourne." The name sent a sharp pain to her chest. "I'd really appreciate it if you called Miss Victoria instead." Harry arched his brows. "That would be quite informal, would it not? " "Doesn't matter." Victoria shrugged. She was way past caring about the image of the Ashbourne family. Soon, she won't even have any ties to them. "It does matter in a society where people gossip about the tiniest details. We aren't close enough to speak on a first-name basis, Mrs. Ashbourne." Victoria rolled her eyes. "Again, with the Ashbourne, do you not get tired of being so stuck up and formal." She was surprised by her sudden confidence. Harry chuckled. "Fine then, Miss Victoria." He said, his formal tone changed. Victoria grinned. "Fair enough." His secretary, noticing his boss diving into a conversation with Victoria, whispered in his ear. "Sir, we are going to be late. Mr. Luca is already waiting for you." Harry nodded his head. "Such a shame, Mrs. Victoria, I have something significant to do. Maybe we could spare a few minutes to get to know each other better next time." I was very interested in your ideas and those you proposed at the St George's University public lecture." Victoria was taken aback but then smiled. "Thank you, Mr. Harry. If you want, I could send them to your email." "That's perfect; it'll be so much easier if you do." Harry replied, " I'll be looking forward to it." Perhaps Harry was saying this casually, but this was a win for Victoria. A couple of minutes ago, she claimed to be working with Harry Woods even though she knew nothing about him, and now he was asking her about her research. "Thank you, Mr. Harry," Victoria called after him. When Harry was out of sight, Victoria hurried back to the Manor to pack her things and end this absurd marriage. She knew Edmund well enough to know he was impulsive and could do something foolish. Just as she arrived at the fates of the Manor, she met two men in suits and a suitcase; they looked like lawyers. They were standing beside a confused-looking Jamie. "Jamie, who are these men?" Victoria asked when she got closer to them. The first man bowed his head slightly. "I apologize for the intrusion, Mrs. Ashburner, but we were sent here by Mr. Ashbourne." "To discuss about the divorce." She finished for him. "Yes, ma'am." He replied. "Jamie, I want you to go up to my room and pack my things, all of it," Victoria said. "But ma'am…" Jamie protested. "Just do what I said, and don't question me. You two, follow me to the study." Victoria said and headed up the steps. They followed her into the study and arranged the documents on the closest table. "Where am I to sign?" She asked them and picked up a pen. The first lawyer was taken aback. "Wouldn't you at least hear the terms?" "I know I'm going to be caught off by that dirtbag and be given ten million naira as a bonus." That's it, isn't it?" She asked "Yes." He stammered and pushed the documents closer to her. "You're just meant to sign here. Victoria glanced through the documents briefly, not completely trusting Edmund. When she was satisfied enough, she signed. "There you go. Now, where's my money?" He nodded to the other lawyer, and he placed a call to somebody, probably Edmund. A moment later, Victoria's phone chimed. "Like Mr. Edmund promised, ten million dollars and a house in your name." "A house?" Victoria asked, confused. "Yes, since you are moving out of the Manor, Mr. Ashbourne wanted you to have somewhere comfortable to stay." "Comfort?" Victoria said and chuckled. "He's just scared and desperate. What exactly is the reason why he gave me that house, and don't lie to me." The lawyers stared at each other. "The house is located on the east side of England. You are not to have any contact with the Ashbourne family after this moment." "East side?" Victoria muttered. "That's quite far. He must be really scared, huh? Tell Mr. Ashbourne that he has nothing to worry about. I wouldn't dream of having anything to do with anymore." Victoria scoffed and walked out of the study. She met Jamie and a couple of her maids in the living room; her bags were already packed. "Madam, are you sure about this?" Jamie asked. "It's already been done, Jamie. Edmund and I are not compatible. Id signed the divorce papers." Victoria replied. The maids gasped while Jamie shook his head. "There has to be a way around it. We could call Lady Eleanor.' "Do not disturb her," Victoria said, her tone firm. "This marriage is already over, but this must not leak to the ear of Lady Eleanor. It would worry her and could mess up with her health." Thinking of Lady Eleanor, Victoria felt a little sad. She had been so good to her and repaid her by divorcing her son. It was because of Lady Eleanor that she had married Edmund. She hadn't loved him when they married, but she had promised herself to try to. But Edmund was a chronic cheat and a liar. They hadn't even gotten officially married because Edmund always complained of being busy, and she lied to him, telling Lady Eleanor that she didn't want a significant affair. There were so many red flags with Edmund, but she had ignored them for Lady Eleanor. "Maybe you could talk to Mr. Ashbourne then, couples therapy.". Jamie persisted. "That's enough, Jamie. What is done is done." Victoria said. "Edmund would rather be with someone else and would rather be free." After a moment of thought, Jamie said, "I understand. I won't stop you. I hope you'll be happy in the future, Madam." Victoria nodded slightly. "I hope you can, too." The maids helped her pack her bags into her car, and Victoria said goodbye to each of them, wishing them a good life. On her way out, she glanced at her rose garden. It was in bloom this season, the one thing she would miss about this place. With a sad smile, she got into her car and drove off, leaving her life as an Ashbourne behind.

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