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Chapter 2

What speech???? Aadhira and Shraddha spoke together lowly. Before Mrs Singh could start calling the students on the stage, Aadhira quickly stood up from her seat. " Mam??" Aadhira called. Mrs Singh glanced at the human and couldn't help but feel disgusted. Aadhira didn't care either. She was used to getting such a response from every teacher and students. "Yes?" The teacher asked. " Mam, I think there's a mistake. We were not informed about any speech!" Aadhira said. " That's your problem. I specifically mentioned this to the class representative. She informed everybody. "Mrs Singh said. Aadhira clenched her teeth in anger. " But, mam I was not informed!" Aadhira repeated. " Me too!" Shraddha spoke. " Then you should have asked her!" Mrs Singh said. What the f***! Aadhira cursed internally. She knew the CR did that intentionally. " Yes, mam. We are sorry!" she said with a clenched jaw. She was fuming with anger but she couldn't say anything, or else her internal marks would be badly affected. She took her seat and stared at her textbook, which ironically had a front cover of a wolf howling in the direction of the moon. Aadhira took her pen and stabbed the wolf with the pen. Shraddha laughed at her and whispered. " If only, this could actually work!" Aadhira glared at her with pouted lips. " Get ready to fail this semester." Aadhira said. " So, let's start with the first roll no. .... come Shanaaya. " Mrs Singh announced. Aadhira sighed in relief, as she knew she had enough time to prepare for something. She never paid attention to this class, as she always fell asleep during the lectures which Mrs Singh gave on werewolves. But, today she promised to listen to the students' speech. Maybe, I can get some information from these dogs! She thought. The She-werewolf approached the stage and cleared her throat. She looked at the teacher, waiting for her to give a topic. " So, your topic is to talk about...... history of the werewolves. The time limit is only five minutes, so try to limit your words. "Mrs Singh said. " Good morning friends. My name is Shanaaya, and I feel honoured to talk about the history of werewolves. Werewolves once considered a myth by stupid humans, now rule the world. But coming into power wasn't easy. Humans are selfish creatures who always care about profits. Their thirst for power and money exceeded all the limits and the beautiful earth was no longer what it used to be once. The forests were cleared at a tremendous rate, and the greenhouse gases polluted the atmosphere like hell. The supernatural creatures couldn't survive in such a situation. So, all the supernatural creatures joined hands and swore to make the earth as it was once. This could be done only by destroying the whole species of humans. But, there was a problem. Humans are creatures of the Almighty. God loves them from his heart. So, the supernatural creatures couldn't actually kill them. So, they approached the witches. The witches agreed with the werewolves and vampires. They called upon the fairies by using their power of spells. The fairies appeared and listened to the grievances of the others. The fairies also agreed with them and they promised to talk to God. After a month, the fairies appeared on earth again and announced the new law made by God. According to the new law, the supernatural creatures were allowed to do anything they want to save the world. It also included the killing of humans. But, there was a condition. The condition stated that, after the new law was established, every supernatural creature would have a soul mate which could be a human. This brought a problem to our ancestors, as they couldn't kill the humans now. What if, one of the humans turns out to be someone's soul mate! This was a problem. But after a week they agreed to this condition, for the welfare of Earth. That is when the Great War started. Within two weeks, humans lost the battle and supernatural creatures came into power. The humans who surrendered were not killed of course, as they might come out to be someone's soul mate. But, till then three fourth of the human population was wiped off. And supernatural creatures became more in number. The names of the continents were changed. And new territories replaced the old nations made by humans. But, not all names were changed- like Jaipur! Since different supernatural creatures are natural enemies, they agreed to divide the land equally between each other. This is how the land division took place. The then known Asia and Europe were renamed as Goddess moon territory. The then known Australia was named a Witches Spell. The then known North and South America was taken by Vampires and is called sweet blood. And of course, fairies took Africa, which is now called the wing island. The efforts taken by our ancestors were appreciable. And we all are thankful to them that they gave us the earth that it once used to be. " The she-wolf finished her speech. All the students applauded her. " Very well explained Shanaaya. Now... Arijit come." Mrs Singh called. The boy named Arijit stood and walked towards the stage. He too was a werewolf, Aadhira could say just by his look. "Your topic of the speech is..... Goddess Moon territory." Mrs Singh announced. " Good morning guys! I am Arijit. And I will talk about the werewolf territory. Goddess moon territory is ruled by werewolves. It is the most beautiful and green continent at present. And seriously, I am so proud of it. Werewolves love to live in woods, so our authority has decided to replant trees as much as possible. Before going into much detail, I would like to tell you about the rank system in werewolf territory. The highest position or rank is taken by the Alpha King- who is at present Mr Nicolas. He resides in North territory as the main head office of our territory is in North. He has a mate or I should say we have a Luna Queen to rule us. After Alpha King, comes the five alphas of the five regions of our territory. I would like to directly talk about our alpha. Our region comes under the South Goddess Moon. Our Alpha, Mr Arnav is regarded as the strongest of the other four by the Alpha King. Goddess Moon territory has the largest number of forests after Africa. What else should I say..... it's just beautiful!" Arijit finished his little speech. " Okay.... Now, Megha, come and talk about Alpha Arnav." Mrs Singh announced. Aadhira listened to everything with 100% attention. She knew about this Alpha. He was the Alpha of the region where she resided. She had seen his picture but never met him. But, since he was her Alpha, she listened to whatever the she-wolf was saying. A question may come about this Alpha, she wondered. " Hello. I am Megha and I am so excited to talk about our Alpha. Alpha Arnav, is 28 years old and is one of the youngest Alpha of all times. He received the inheritance when he was 25 years old. The ex- Alpha was a very powerful man, and the current Alpha is thought to be more powerful than him. He topped the werewolf royal university- a university for the royal family of werewolves. He lives in the headquarters of South Goddess Moon which is two days away from Jaipur- if travelled via public transport. His father and mother had already moved to the kingdom of Alpha King, according to the werewolf law. He is the only child of the family and so he lives alone in his mansion. Yes, he lives alone. He hasn't found his soul mate yet. And, articles say that he has turned more violent due to this. His desperation to meet his soul mate is evident to anybody who looks at him. So, we all pray to Goddess Moon to make him meet his soul mate as soon as possible. Our Alpha, do not like publicity and this is why very little information is available about him. His personal information like his favourites is unavailable on the Internet. So, this is all I know. And, last but not the least, our Alpha has very poor anger management skill, and he is very obsessive towards the things that belong to him. These are not my words! I read an article which was given by his Beta. " the girl finished her speech. Aadhira rolled her eyes. Was the last sentence really necessary? She wondered. Other students' speech went by and the topics given to them didn't seek Aadhira's attention. Thankfully, only thirty students came to the class today. When the last roll no. of werewolf students reached, she straightened herself in a sitting position as her number was next. " Okay.... Anjali, come and talk about soul mates." Mrs Singh announced. The whole class howled in joy, as their favourite topic has come. Some even said she was lucky to get this topic. But, Aadhira and Shraddha rolled their eyes as usual. "Hey everyone. I am Anjali, and I shall talk about soul mates- our other half. Our other half! It may sound very Cliché, but it's true and we werewolf know it better than anyone else. Well surely, vampires also get soul mates, but very rarely. But this is not so with werewolves. Every werewolf has a soul mate. Thanks to the moon Goddess! A werewolf senses his/her soul mate by their scent. The scent of their mate is very attractive and can be realised from a large distance. The confirmation of the soul mate is felt when the werewolf looks in the eye of their soul mate! Time seems to stop and sparks fly. Both the werewolves feel a wave of lust and desire. This is why a werewolf never waits to mark and complete the mating process. But, this process is a bit different when one of the soulmates comes out to be a human. Human can't feel the attraction and lust that their other half-werewolf feels. They realise their soul mate only when the werewolf claims to be theirs. Coming to the mark or claim that the werewolf gives to their soul mate by biting on her/his neck. A mark is a very special thing to any werewolf. It ensures your safety and tells other werewolves to stay away! The marking is pleasurable for werewolves, but it is painful for humans. Therefore, the werewolf is supposed to bite his soul mate two times if she is a human. The second time, the marking isn't painful. While marking, the werewolf shares their blood and scent. When the soul mates meet for the first time, the werewolf's wolf side gets dominating and primal instinct comes to the surface. They kind of lose their sanity, because all they see at that moment is their soulmate. What happens after sanity appears is very well known to us. Werewolf loves their soul mate unconditionally, and they are the only weakness of the wolf! Due to lack of time, I can't say much. But, one thing is for sure, lucky are those who get their soul mates! " The girl finished her speech dramatically. Shraddha scoffed at the last comment lowly. " Very good! Now..... Aadhira come." The teacher called.

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