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Chapter 1

"Say it again....." Aadhira gaped at her best friend, Shraddha's soul mate as if he had grown two heads. Again? She wondered. " I love you." Shraddha spoke reluctantly, her voice came low and forced. She hated moments like this. Her so-called soul mate wouldn't rest until she confesses her love for him. But, the problem was, she didn't love him. How could she love a monster! Aadhira knew very well what her friend was going through. She has always known how possessive werewolves were for their soul mates! But, somehow she thanked all the gods in heaven, for not giving Shraddha an Alpha as a mate. Alphas are famous for their possessiveness and obsession with their soul mate. Shraddha glanced at Aadhira for help. It was only Aadhira who could save her from her soul mate, Jay. Right from the moment, she had hit puberty, werewolves couldn't harm her physically. Why no one knew! " I love you too, my Love." Jay told Shraddha. The truth was laced in his voice. He really loved his soul mate, Shraddha from his heart and soul. The beast inside him urged him to hug his woman. And so he did. Shraddha gasped a little, as she had gone used to this. It was just three days ago that he had found out about her being his soul mate. And from that day onwards, her life had become a living hell. Aadhira could see her friend getting suffocated due to the strong grip he had on her. This was the time she decided to interrupt. " The lecture is about to begin." Aadhira spoke low and steady. Her head was facing the ground, as she didn't want to enrage a werewolf. She knew, what her fate would be if she tried to take a werewolf's soul mate away from him/her. She heard a growl erupt from Jay, and Aadhira rolled her eyes in her head. Jay wanted to snap at her for interrupting the moment he was having with his woman, but he couldn't. Right from the day he had met Aadhira, he couldn't snap at her. Why? He didn't know. His wolf couldn't disrespect her. Jay ignored Aadhira and looked at his soul mate. " I don't want you to talk to any male. Or else....." Jay threatened, but Shraddha didn't let him finish. " I won't. " Shraddha spoke in her low timid voice. Jay smiled and hugged her again. " Good. I'll pick you after your last class ends, and....." he gripped her chin lightly and made her look at him. "...... DO NOT TRY TO RUN AWAY." he threatened. Shraddha couldn't say anything, so she just nodded. Jay finally decided to leave his little woman. But, before that, he kissed her intensely on her lips. Aadhira looked away, to give the couple their privacy. The sound of their kiss was making her feel disgusted, but she remained silent. What could she say anyway! She was just a normal, powerless human being. " I'll go now. Don't miss me much." Jay said. This time, Aadhira again looked at him as if he had gone mad. Can't he see she doesn't love him!!!!! Aadhira exclaimed in her mind. " Okay." Shraddha replied, while internally cursed him with every word she knew. Finally, Jay left for his car reluctantly. When his car drove far away from their view, Aadhira faced Shraddha who was still staring at the car which has now vanished from sight. " Don't miss me? ??" Aadhira asked sarcastically. Shraddha glanced at her angrily, her anger was of course towards Jay. She bent down and picked up a stone. She threw it towards the direction where the car had gone. " f*** o**" she screamed. The student passing by them, who were mostly werewolves, looked at her with disgust. Aadhira calmed her down. " Hey! Don't get mad over that dog. He isn't worth it." She said. " You know what, you are right. I have six hours to stay away from him. Finally, I can enjoy my personal time. These three days were no better than hell." Shraddha confessed. They both turned around and faced the main gate of their college. Werewolf college of medical science and research, Jaipur. (A/N: FOR non-indians: Jaipur is a city in Rajasthan, India. Google it if you wish. It's an awesome place." ) " I really missed you, Shraddha. I thought that dog won't allow you to come to the college. " Aadhira said lowly so that only she can hear her. They started walking towards the college. " You thought right. He didn't allow me to continue my studies. " Shraddha replied. " Ouch! Why?" " He wants to take care of me by himself. He wants me to bear his child, oh sorry...... pups. He also wants me to wait for him every night on his bed, and ask him to make love to me." She replied with disgust. " That's so cheap!" Aadhira concluded. " Oh dear, you haven't heard enough. If I will disclose all the things he had done and told me in these three days, you would vomit right here. " she said. " Shraddha, I am so sorry." They showed their college identity cards to the sensor, which granted them entry. " Don't be. It's not your fault. " Shraddha replied rudely. Of course, she was jealous of her friend as she had to face the fate of having a monster soul mate, whereas Aadhira didn't. But, she also prayed to God, to not give Aadhira any mate. She loved her friend more than the jealousy that was creeping out of nowhere. "Why did he say, to not run away?" Aadhira asked curiously, as they walked towards their lockers. Shraddha couldn't help but chuckle at this. " That is because I tried to run away the first two days. And frankly, I almost succeeded, if not for this....." Shraddha spoke and pulled her scarf out of her neck. Aadhira froze as she saw the bite of a werewolf. It was crimson red and the shape of the teeth was clearly visible. " This is ..... insane!" Aadhira exclaimed. " He is a psycho!" Shraddha stated. " Why do they bite? I mean what do they get by hurting the one whom they call their soul mate?" Aadhira asked sincerely. She seriously wondered why, werewolves bite or vampire sucks the blood? It just didn't make sense. "You wanna know why?" Shraddha asked with an evil smile. " Please enlighten me!" Aadhira said jokingly, to which Shraddha laughed. " then see." She said and looked to her left then right. Her gaze fell on a couple, who were standing in front of their locker. Well, they were not standing, they were kissing the hell out of each other. "Hey, get the f*** out of here." Shraddha scolded the two werewolf couple. The male werewolf growled to see who had the audacity to shout at him. Aadhira was counting how many seconds she had before her neck would be snapped in two halves. But, looking at the expression of the male werewolf, Aadhira couldn't help but gape. Her mouth fell open. She saw the male bow lightly and reluctantly to Shraddha and left. His soul mate walked behind him too. Aadhira looked towards her friend and asked for an explanation. They were humans, and till today, the werewolves treated them as waste. But, today they bowed to her? This was out of her intelligence. " Did they just bow to me?" Aadhira asked getting shocked. " No. They bowed to me." Shraddha replied. " Oh please!!" Aadhira scoffed and opened her locker. " What, you don't believe me?" Shraddha challenged her in a friendly manner. " Why would they bow to you? What happened in a day?" Aadhira asked while she removed the books required for the first half. " Because of this." Shraddha pointed at her neck where the mark was. "I don't get it!" Aadhira said. " I am Jay's soul mate, which makes me his equal. He is the head of the 'warrior wolf committee, Jaipur. This means all dogs below him will have to give respect to me. " Shraddha smiled proudly. " Me too?" Aadhira asked. " You're not a dog Aadhira? " Shraddha joked. " But, how do they know, that you are his soul mate?" Aadhira asked. " Curious are we? " Shraddha teased her. " Oh speak already. " Aadhira said. They started walking towards their classroom. " When a werewolf bites his mate, and mates with her, his scent gets mixed with his soul mate. This helps the other males to identify who the woman belongs to. And if her scent is stronger than the other males, then the other males have to bow to her. " she explained. " And, if her scent is less than the other males?" She asked. " Then, she will have to bow to them. AND NO MORE QUESTION ABOUT THESE DOGS. " she said. " Last....Please? " Aadhira begged sarcastically. " Okay. " Shraddha said. " How do you know all this. Last time I checked, we both sleep during 'werewolf education' . " she said. " Jay thought it was important for me to know everything about werewolves before we mate." Shraddha confessed. " Oh my god? You're not a virgin anymore?" Aadhira asked while bringing her palm over her mouth. " a werewolf never waits, Aadhira. They are monsters- cold-hearted monsters." Shraddha whispered angrily. Scenes of the first night came into her mind when Jay forcefully bit her and mated with her. A shiver of disgust ran through her spine and she couldn't help but shake. Aadhira placed her hand over her shoulder to soothe her emotionally. She knew exactly how her friend was feeling. She couldn't imagine herself being mated to some monster. " But I am thankful, that I didn't get an Alpha as a soulmate." Shraddha confessed. Aadhira agreed with her. They entered the classroom and as usual, sat on the last bench. The first lecture for every class was 'werewolf education'. " God knows why we study about these dogs?" Aadhira whispered, making sure no other werewolf could hear her. Shraddha smiled back and gave her a light nudge. " So that, the werewolf students can score more than the humans." Shraddha reasoned. " Nonsense! No matter what, these monsters can't study. Can't they see, these dim wit dogs hardly score above 60% marks in main papers! " Aadhira scoffed. " And we hardly score more than 60% in werewolf education paper!" Shraddha said. " True!" Aadhira said lowly. 'werewolf education' was the only paper in which she hardly scored anything. No matter how much she studied, she just never got marks above 65 in this paper. Thanks to her that she receives full marks in other main medical papers, or else the university would have kicked her out of the college. Yes, Aadhira was a tremendously studious student. She was the most intelligent student in the class. But, she never received the honour, because she was a mere human! And human's status was like sh*t in the world now. Her memories suddenly turned back and she recalled the days when the monsters were only but a myth! Her parents and she used to have awesome moments with other humans. But everything changed when the monsters literally declared a war against humans for power. Humans of course lost the battle, and since then the monsters ruled the world. Her parents also died in the battle and she wondered why she was not dead! It took almost three months for Aadhira to get used to the new rules and laws imposed by the monsters. Everything had changed since then. The whole geography had taken a U-turn. One kind of monster ruled one particular area. The whole of Asia and Europe were ruled by werewolves. North and south America were ruled by vampires. Australia is ruled by witches. And Africa is ruled by Angels/Fairies. Aadhira cursed herself for getting born in India, which is obviously a part of Asia. She despised the werewolves who were her superior. But, then she thinks, werewolves are better than vampires! Maybe! She never had imagined, the world would take such a turn! Her memories instantly faded when somebody hit the back of her head. She glared at Shraddha. " Teacher!" Shraddha informed. Aadhira mouthed an oh, and stood up to greet the teacher. " Good morning students...." Mrs Singh said. All the students replied except the two humans in the class. Yes, there were only two humans in a class of forty werewolves. When the class settled, Mrs Singh spoke. " So, I hope you all are ready for the speech that you have to deliver!" She asked. " Yes." The class chorused. Aadhira and Shraddha shared worried glances. What speech???? Aadhira and Shraddha spoke together lowly.

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