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Chapter 6 Details.

Charlotte. Not long after I left Damian's, I got home, and as fate would have it, it wasn't really far from the place. What was I thinking? Well, it wasn't like I could have asked for his address before agreeing to go home with him. There was no need to think about anything that had happened in the last 24 hours. I was moving to another state, and the chances of us meeting again was one in a million. Maybe even more. Glancing at the card, I noticed it only had a name and number on it. Nothing more, nothing less. ‘Did he do nothing? Or was he a conglomerate or such?’ I wondered. I squeezed the card in my hands and almost threw it into a waste bin, but I changed my mind last minute. I could also keep it as a souvenir. I wouldn't call him, but it would remind me of the pleasurable night I had spent with a stranger who took my v card. “Well.” I let out a sigh as I punched in my security code. Stepping into my apartment, I inhaled deeply. It was just a night, but I missed the scent of my apartment. However, I could still feel his scent lingering on my body. I had been so distracted on entering my apartment that I didn't notice jet black hair on my sofa. ‘Someone had broken into my apartment.’ I panicked. And what was this sweet smell in the atmosphere? Then it dawned on me. The thief was cooking in my apartment! This is crazy. How could this happen the night I was away? ‘What do I do?’ I thought, looking around the room. I needed to call the police first and inform them of the situation. All my years of staying in this apartment, nothing like this ever happened. However, just on my birthday and the day I was going to move, this was happening. “Welcome home.” I heard a familiar voice say and I almost jumped out of my skin. My phone however fell on the tile. It was Laura. “You scared me.” I half whispered, placing my hand on my chest as I picked up my phone. “Why would you be scared?” She asked pointedly, turning to face me. “Hey! You showed up unexpectedly with your hair dyed to a new color and you tell me not to be scared?” I scoffed and Laura's eyes raked over me. “When did you get your hair dyed? And will you please stop looking at me like you want to eat me up?” “You really did it.” Laura flashed me a silly smile, blatantly ignoring my question. “So tell me, how was it?” “What?” I asked her, feigning ignorance. “Charlotte.” She swore. “Do not play with me.” “I don't know what you are talking about.” I walked away from the door and then I went to the kitchen where I poured myself a glass of water. “What are you cooking?” I asked, returning the glass to its spot. “I am starving.” I groaned. “Tell me about him. What was his name again?” Laura asked and I let out a chuckle. “Drop the act, Laura. How can you know his name? It is not like you were there with me yesterday or something.” I snorted. “Eww. That's unladylike, you know. And who says I am acting?” “Well, if you aren't acting, you should at least tell me his name, right?” I took the coat off my body and walked to sit beside Laura on the sofa. “You don't know him.” I smirked at her. “Trust me, Chica. I do. Isn't he Damian?” She asked and my face went pale from astonishment. Was Laura psychic now? She probably just took a wild guess. “Stop playing guess games with me.” I chided her. There was no way she could know him. I mean, I hadn't even told her about him yet. “I'm serious. I'm not joking. You do not remember me calling you yesterday? Sorry, earlier this morning I mean.” “You called?” I frowned as I opened my phone app. I definitely couldn't remember her calling. “Of course. You picked up and wouldn't say anything, so he probably took the phone from you and we spoke.” Just like Laura said, I saw her name in my recently contacted list. Eight hours ago. I was probably asleep then. More like passed out. Then I checked the duration. 6 solid minutes! “Hey!” I screamed at her. “What? Why are you screaming?” If Laura was bothered by me screaming, she did a good job not to show it. Instead, she picked out some no existing dirt from her nails. “How could you talk to my one night stand?” I shrieked, shaking my head at the horror. “He is just a one night stand for crying out loud!” “I see, but you brought his coat home.” She wriggled her brows, angling her head towards the cost. “My clothing wasn't proper and he offered me his coat.” I mumbled meekly. “But don't you dare try to change the topic.” “I am not. I was just pointing out the obvious.” “This is crazy, and you are crazy too. Tell me, what did you talk about? I mean, the call duration is six minutes. Six solid minutes, Laura.” Laura glanced at my phone and I shoved it in her face. “Six minutes and forty four seconds.” Wait. What? I took the phone out of her face and checked again. It was truly over six minutes. I hadn't paid attention to the seconds earlier. “Stop shitting with me, Laura. What did you guys talk about?” “You should be nicer to me.” “I don't understand. What do you mean?” “You have to promise to tell me everything that has happened since you stepped into the club yesterday. Deal or no deal?” “Deal.” I agreed, biting on my lower lip. “Great. And you wouldn't be leaving out any details. Promise?” I hesitated for a bit before finally nodding my head. Though I could trust Laura not to have released any of my personal information, but not when it came to having a man in my life. Laura was literally obsessed with hooking me up with someone, and I was afraid she could do anything. After all, it was thanks to her sick dare that we were here in the first place. “So what did you guys talk about?” “Umm. I called to check in on you.” Laura asked in her words, earning a raised eyebrow from me. “Okayyy…” “Well, you picked up and didn't talk. Seconds later, the line was cut off.” I could not remember all these things. Was it a drink fit? Guessing from the time the call came in, it must have been after taking the bath. “It got me panicking, so I tried a few more times, but you wouldn't pick up. I was so scared something had happened to you. What if a psychopath had gotten to you or something bad happened?” I shivered from the thought of that too. That would have been a disaster. He could have been anything, but thankfully, I had left his house unscathed.

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