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This faces were where the investigation was going to start from. Mateo glanced at Rafael to make sure he was present. Their eyes met and Rafael nodded at him. Good boy. " I will keep this short as I'm fully aware that we all have responsibilities to get back to. I'm honored to have the opportunity to join you all here at Bodegas De Los Garcias. I know that I'm stepping into big shoes, and I want to assure you that I'm committed to continuing the high level of excellence that you've come to expect." There are a few murmurs and Mateo could easily guess why; that supposedly high level of excellence had not been for some years now. But he wasn't referring to those years - the years that the cankerworm and caterpillar that called himself his uncle had eaten away - No, he was referring to those years of excellence that had marked his father rule over Navarre. " I plan to get to know each and everyone of you..." Mateo made eye contacts with as many as he could. "... and to work together to take this company to new heights. By fostering a collaborative and supportive environment, we will accomplish great things. We will all learn about the challenges and opportunities that we face as a company, and I'm open to hearing your feedback and suggestions. Don't hesitate to approach me with your ideas, this company is yours as much as it's ours. My top priority is to ensure that we have a strong, well-trained team that is equipped to handle any challenge that comes our way. I'm committed to investing in your growth and development." Mateo scanned the crowd once more, sending a personal message to the spies in the crowd. " Things will change, THAT I promise and Mateo Pedro Garcia, doesn't go back on a promise. Thank you for your time and attention today." With that he took a step back on the podium and bowed. His Father had taught him this. " Yes, we own the company but let's not forget the people, the invincible forces that built and owned it with us. This company would be nothing without it's employees." Those words that were always in his Father's mouth rang in his ears in this moment, his bow deepening. After a few seconds, he straightened and the once graveyard quiet hall was shrouded in a loud applause that shook the earth. Mateo smiled. A big family, that's what his Father had called this, and he was going to mend the family they his Father had strived to make. He was going to mend and protect it. The staffs began to disperse to their various duty post and Mateo made his way to the heads of departments to introduce himself to them personally. As much as he had summoned them here as well to indirectly send the message that every employee in Bodegas De Los Garcias matters and was treated fairly, he also had to give them the respect and acknowledgement that their positions demanded. He shook their hands one after the other, introducing himself and hearing names he had already committed to memory. A man's name is like music to his ears, know that. That was another of his Father's teachings, and Mateo found himself being glad that he had spent those late nights in front of the family room furnace with his Father. Not only were his words of wisdom now guiding him, but he now had those memories to cherish and hold unto. "Mr. Fernandez," Mateo called as he greeted yet another head of department. " I've heard so much about you and I'm glad we finally got to meet." And oh he had. Standing in front of him were one of the people that had betrayed his father for money - Mr. Fernandez, the Head of Finance department. He would be the first to get ousted. " Mucho gusto, Mateo, so good to see you once again," Mr. Fernandez squeezed Mateo's shoulder. " You have grown nicely, boy." Mateo tightened his hold on Mr. Fernandez's right hand a little bit, still keeping the perfunctory smile on his face. " We have a lot to catch..." Mr. Fernandez winced and gave a little cry. Mateo's brows furrowed and he grabbed the man's shoulders with both his hands. " Uncle, are you okay?" Mr. Fernandez was one of them, but his strength was in no way a match for Mateo's. He leaned in. " Be cautious of your strength," he whispered. Mateo hummed, nodding at him. The heads of departments made their to the conference room, while Mateo lingered back to have a word or two Rafael and Alba. " Is everything ready?" Mateo asked Rafael. " Ready." He turned to Alba. " Alba, in approximately..." He glanced at his watch. " ... An hour, you will get a text from me. The moment you get it, issue for a restraining order on Mr. Fernandez, make sure he won't be able to leave the country, okay?" Alba nodded, eyes wide and blinking rapidly as if trying to process a new information. " Um...noted Mr. Garcia." " Just call me, Mateo, please." Mateo said, striding away and towards the elevator, Rafael right behind him. " Let the game begin," Rafael said dramatically as the elevator door closed with them in it. Mateo chuckled lowly, actually looking forward to the next few hours. God knows he's been lifting his time for the series of events that were about to occur from now onwards. " I'm pretty sure he has been going about his day without realizing that today is his doom day," Rafael voiced out. " Now that I think of it, don't you think life is unfair? Going about your day without knowing what is about to happen the next minute." He passed. " You know what, scratch that, without knowing what would happen the next second. I mean, what if this elevator malfunctions right now, and we get sucked here and the meeting gets cancelled?" Mateo turned to him. " Rafael?" "Yes? What do you think?" " I think you should shut the fuck up!" Rafael burst out laughing. " I was expecting that, my bad. You should really learn to take a joke, you know, don't be serious all the time." " Most of your jokes come at the most inappropriate times, Dick head." " Um, has it ever occured to you that you curse a lot?" Rafael tilted his head to the side, his eyes on Mateo. " It jury clicked." " Rafael?" " Shut it!" Rafael answered, raising a hand to his lips and performing a zipping gesture in front of his lips and threw the imaginary key away. The elevator tinged open, and Mateo and Rafael both strode out, making a beeline for the conference room door. Rafael pulled it open and Mateo strode in. Mateo walked to the seat at the head of the long table in the middle of the conference room. Rafael took his seat beside him, at his right hand and Mateo scanned the faces in front of him. " I believe we all know why we are here," he stated.

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