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Just as Settled in the seat behind his desk, there was a knock on his office door. Knowing fully well that it was Alba, Mateo turns his high-back executive chair to face the floor to ceiling glass behind it. It gave a stunning view of the city's skyline. " Come in," he answered. The door to his office opened and closed, and then footsteps made their way to towards the desk. Mateo turned back around the moment he heard the clink of the cup saucer on the large, mahogany desk his seat was situated behind. " Gracias, Mrs. Lopez." He took hold of the cup, brought it close and inhaled. Heavenly. " De nada, and um, just call me Alba." Mateo hummed, taking a sip of the coffee. He closed his eyes, humming with approval as the coffee rolled down his throat. He opened his eyes to find Alba staring expectantly at him. He gave her a thumbs up, taking another sip. Alba smiled widely. " Glad you like it," she brought out a note pad from under her armpit and made some notes. " Is there anything you would like me to change in the office, Mr. Garcia?" Mateo looked around the office once again. The walls are painted in neutral, muted tones of beige and light gray. Aside the large, mahogany desk that sat in the center of the room, with a high-back executive chair behind it, there were a couch, and a few comfortable chairs for guests on the other side. The wall to his right is all shelves that are lined with impressive-looking books. Mateo pointed to the shelves. " I want the books gone." Alba made notes in note pad. "Most of my stuffs are arriving today and I go like those space available for them, okay?" Alba nodded. " Anything else?" Mateo looked around and then shaked his head. " For now, no." " Okay, I will..." Mateo's office door pushed open once again cutting Alba off. They both turned simultaneously to see who was there. Ah, I completely forgot about him. " Hi, brother," Mateo waved at Rafael, smirking at the look of annoyance on his face. " I have no devil as a brother," Rafael spat. Mateo snorted. " Thank you, Mrs... I mean, Alba. I will call you when I need you." Alba nodded, making her way towards the door. Rafael smiled at her in greeting. " Buenos días, Alba." " Hola, Rafael. Qué tal?" Rafael gave her a thumbs up. The moment the door closed behind Alba, Rafael turned to Mateo with an ernest look. " Can you tell me why I need to find this Diego of a guy? Was your ego that bruised?" Mateo groaned. " Still on this? He could be her Boyfriend, Fiancee or whatever, but the point is that he could be a way to finding her." Rafael's lips formed an 'O'. He slumped into one of the chairs facing the large, mahogany desk while Mateo sipped his coffee. " I'm dead," he muttered. " You can delegate this to someone you trust, Raf, stop whining like you are new to this," Mateo reprimanded, giving him a look. " You don't trust any bit of info that wasn't scavenged by me," Rafael shot back. " Some category of info - yes. But this, I can trust." Mateo glanced at his wrist watch. " Time to meet the staffs." Mateo pressed down on the intercom that connects to Alba's desk, just as a light knock sounded on his office door. " Come in!" Alba's head popped into the office. " Sorry to interrupt, but I just wanted to let you know that the hall is ready for your introduction, and I already informed the head of departments of your presence and introduction." Mateo smiled. " Right on time." He stood from his seat. " Let's get to that." Alba and Rafael followed after him as he strode out from his office and made his way to the elevator. The elevator tinged open and they stepped in. " I went through the files you sent me yesterday, Alba, is there..." " When?" Rafael asked, interrupting him. He had a wondrous look on his face. " Last night you were..." Mateo cleared his voice, sending a warning to Rafael. " Unlike someone I know, I don't sleep through my flight while traveling." Mateo turned back to Alba. " As I was saying, Alba, is there any other person I need to know about aside those In those files?" Alba shaked her head. " Others are over at the vineyard, and they blatantly refused to send over any file. You would have to pay them a visit yourself, I'm afraid." Mateo hummed. " I was always planning to do just that." I haven't been home in decades. I wonder how everyone is doing. Will they recognize me? " Mr. Garcia?" " Mateo!" Mateo came back to the present to see that they had arrived. Rafael and Alba were standing at the other side of the elevator giving him concerned looks. Rafael's hands were in-between the elevator door, showing that he had stopped the door from closing back with him still in the elevator. Mateo stepped out from the elevator, muttering a thank you to Rafael as he walked past him and Alba. Rafael lead the way to the hall where everyone was waiting. He pushed the double door to the hall open and stepped aside for him to walk in first. There was suddenly a graveyard silence in the whole, identical looks of shock and surprise going round the hall. Then came the gasps and the murmurs. It was as if everyone had something to say. Mateo stood at the podium, calmly observing the sea of people in front of him. Even the security personnels were here. The gates of the company was under locks and keys right now, as per his instructions. Mateo allowed everything to sink in. Yes. Look. The new Managing Director of Bodegas De Los Garcias. Soon to be CEO of Bodegas De Los Garcias. There was no need for them to know that yet, though. His sharp eyes scanned the crowd, moving from the department heads to the more regular staffs. His people are here also, hiding among the crowd. I will find them and make sure to break those wings that he soars on. Patience Uncle, you wouldn't know what's about to hit you. As his eyes scanned the crowd, they met bright golden ones that held concern and terror. As they met his and held, the emotions in them turned to embarrassment, regret and terror. Mateo smirked, satisfied as he watched all the color drain from her face. She suddenly looked pale, almost as if she was going to faint any minute. Mateo looked away. Not worth my time. He raised a hand into the air, and all the conversations and murmurs came to an abrupt halt. Good, they know how to be obedient. Mateo took the mic and brought it to his lips. Everyone's eyes were on him and if a needle happened to fall right now, it's sound would be heard in the deafening silence that the hall was shrouded in. He cleared his throat. "Good morning, everyone. My name is Mateo Pedro Garcia." He saw it; the second wave of shock and surprise, but this time in a few faces. Mostly the head of departments.

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