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The hoards of hell. " What?" It feels like the hoards of hell are after you or something. Glad you find this situation funny. Isabella increased her pace down the hallway, while trying to fish her phone out from her bag. She turned the corner and just as she closed her fingers around her phone, she bumped into a hard wall. She landed on her bums, the contents of her purse scattering on the floor in front of her. " I'm so sorry, so sorry..." She said continuously, hurriedly gathering up her stuffs from the floor. She made no attempt to see who she had bumped into. " It's fine, I'm as much to bla..." Before the man she had bumped into could finish his sentence, Isabella was already on her way to the elevator. He turned, his eyes following the woman that was already pressing frantically on the button that calls for the elevator. He shaked his head, turning away. " Weirdo." The moment the door of the elevator closed, Isabella sagged against it's wall pressing her hands to her chest. It felt as if her heart was about to jump out from her chest. Pulling up her contact list on her phone, Isabella clicked on the only person that came to mind to call. The call connected at the second ring. " Miss! Been trying to reach you for eons now and..." " Come get me, Rosa, please," Isabella interrupted. There was a second of silence from the other end of the call. " Miss, you sound... What happened? Are you okay?... Where are you?" Of course Rose would freak out, she made it her second job to worry incessantly about her. Isabella remembered the hotel she had gone to last night when she followed Diego, it was only plausible that she should be at the same hotel. " Hotel Marcella." " Are you okay?" " I will be the moment you get here." Isabella could already hear Rosa running at the other end. " I will be there in five!" And then the call disconnected. Isabella's leaned her head on the cold wall of the elevator, a tiny small on her face. She knew without being told that Rosa would really be here in five. She closed her eyes, willing herself not to think about anything; not Diego. Not the woman he was with. Not how everything was falling apart. Most especially not about what she had done last night. The door of the elevator tinged open and Isabella stepped out into the basement garage of the hotel with a sigh. Hotel Marcella. One of the fleet of hotels and resorts owned by the Sanchez family. The moment Isabella heard the roar of a car making it's way into the basement garage, she knew it was Rosa. Just like she thought, a Black Honda civic pulled to a stop beside her and the driver's door opened almost immediately. There Rosa stood. Her mouth falls open as she takes in Isabella's appearance; the hideous clothes, the disheveled hair, the facial expression and... " I will answer whatever question you have in the car," Isabella said before Rosa could speak. She slipped into the car, put the seatbelt and proceeded to lean her head on the window glass. Rosa glanced at her after settling in on the driver's seat herself. Putting the car in reverse, Rosa drove away from the hotel and soon, they were on the street. Deciding that the last thing she wanted to do right now was talk about why she was the way she was right now - and Rosa would definitely ask - Isabella closed her eyes and pretended to have fallen asleep. The car stopped at a red light and Rosa turned to get the light blanket she carried with her from the backseat. Placing the blanket over Isabella, Rosa watched the girl she has known since she was just an adolescent sleep. " You poor thing..." Rosa tucked a strand of Isabella's hair away from her face. "... You must be so tired." Isabella felt the hot tears crowding behind her closed eyelid. Her hands on her laps, covered by the blanket, turned into fists as she did her best to hold the tears back in. Rosa sighed heavily and returned back to the driver's seat as the light turned green. She started humming a song softly as she drove and Isabella relaxed back on the seat. I'm safe now. " Miss Bella, we are here." Rosa gently shaked Isabella's shoulders to wake her from sleep. Isabella released a low throaty sound, rising her hands to her face to rub at her sleepy eyes. Looking outside the window, she realized that they were indeed in front of her family house - if she could even call it that. This feels more like a magnificent prison house. " Will you be okay?" Isabella could hear the worry and concern in Rosa's voice. She turned to her, forcing her lips to tug up slightly. " I could come in wi..." " I will be fine, Rosa." Isabella's voice was firm. Isabella unhooked her seatbelt and opened the car door, slipping out from the car. She turned to shut the door and thank Rosa for the ride. "Miss. Bella..." Rosa called out as Isabella started to turn away. Isabella turned back to her. " You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" Isabella smiled, her beautiful blue eyes lighting up a bit. She nodded at her Rosa and turned away, making her way to the grand entrance of the magnificent prison house in front of her. She stopped with her hands around the door handle, turning to watch Rosa's car drive away from the compound. I wish I could go with her. Isabella leaned against the door, her heart beginning to beat fast once again. She would rather be anywhere else than here right now. You could go back to the hotel. You are not helping, Isabella snapped at the voice in her head. Open the damn door already! The worse he would do is yell, no? Isabella sighed. She wasn't looking forward to that even if it was the only thing he would do. His words hurt more than lashes all of the time. Taking a deep breath in and blowing it out through her mouth, Isabella pushed down on the door handle, gently pushing open the door. The moment she stepped foot into the house and closed the door, the first thing Isabella noticed was the quietness. Her brows came together. The house was never this quiet in the mornings, especially with the wedding coming up soon. It has been absolute chaos this past few weeks. Isabella walked further into the house, doing her best to make as little noise as possible on the tiled floors. " Miss?" Isabella jumped, her hands on the banister tightening to maintain her balance. Turning, she found the housekeeper staring up at her at the bottom of the stairs. " Ivie, you scared me," Isabella placed a hand on chest, chuckling self-consciously. She ignored the way Ivie's eyes trailed up her body. " Papa?" She asked. " He had an appointment, so, he had to leave early," Ivie answered. Isabella's shoulders slowly relaxed and then she released a breath.

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