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Seductive moans and passionate pants filled the dimly lit hotel room.  The silhouette of a man and a woman could be seen on the bed and they were entangled in an embrace that spoke of passion.  Isabella wound her arms around the broad shoulders of the man above her, sliding up against him.  Even as she moaned at the pleasure of her erect pink peaks that brushed against his solid chest, she had that nagging at the back of her head that she was making a mistake.  She pushed it aside and surrendered to the foreign feelings that coursed through her.  "Pull them off," the man's voice was husk with desire.  Isabella's brows came together.  That was not... Isabella moaned lowly as his mouth closed around one of her pink peaks, and his hands did a quick work of pushing her clothing off her waist and down her legs.  She laid there on the bed, bare. He parted her legs and pushed them up to her chest, making her hold them apart with her hands.  He lowered his head, using his fingers to part her and sucked his tongue into her.  Isabella moaned, her hands tightening around her knees. He lapped at her, her hips jerking and lifting off the bed in response to the pressure that began to built in her.  He positioned himself at her entrance and teased it with his member.  "Mh..." Isabella moaned, moving her hips to take more of him.  " Impatient, are we?"  With his hold on her, he pushed into her with one thrust and elicited a cry from Isabella's lips.  He lowered his lips to hers, kissing her and muffling her cry.  He began to thrust into her, slowly at first and then, his pace increased. Isabella's loud cries and the slam of the headboard against the wall echoed in the room.  Isabella moved her hips to meet his every thrust, her nails scrapping down his back and drawing blood.  " You like that, huh?" The man teased. " You love the way I drill into you, don't you?" Unable to speak, Isabella nodded and gripped tightly onto the bedsheets as the man pulled out of her and slammed right back in.  " Ahh..."  Isabella's walls clenched and unclenched around him, spicing up their pleasure. She shut her eyes, her legs slowly beginning to shake as she neared the gate of ecstasy.  Her eyes flew open as her hips was lifted off the bed and a pillow placed right under her waist. She whined at the lost of contact between them.  He slammed back into her and Isabella's eyes grew wide as he hit her spot thrust after thrust. " You feel so good..." He whispered into her ears, biting down gently on it. "... Come with me." " Diego...!" Stars erupted behind Isabella's eyes as she toppled pass the gate.  He came right after her, his hips jerking clumsily into her as he released his loads.  He collapsed on her, the both of them panting and slowly coming down from the high they just took each other to.  Isabella climbed on top of him as he moved to the side, teasing his peaks with her tongue and teeth. She tugged at it with her fingers, a smug smirk on her face as he groaned in response.  " Another one?" She asked, already making her way to his lower body.  She had to forget and this was maybe the best way to do so.  ***** As the first rays of the early morning sun filtered in through a slit in the curtains, Isabella blinked and turned to her sides, slowly stirring from her sleep.  Slowly, her thick eyelashes lifted and she opened her eyes. Her deep blue eyes stared at the ceiling and then she winced, lifting a hand to her head.  God, I feel like my head is about to explode.  What happened? Did I drink last night? Isabella slowly turned her head to look around her. Her eyes collided with a naked solid chest that was slowly lifting as it's owner slept.  With a start, Isabella sat up on the bed. She bite a curse, lowering her head into her hands as the world suddenly tilted and a sharp pain blossomed at the side of her head.  Sure that she could open her eyes without feeling like the ground was coming up to meet her, Isabella looked around her once again.  The disheveled sheets, the clothes strewn about, the musky scent of stale alcohol, and the steady breathing of the man beside her made her realize that last night had not been a dream.  Her head pounding and the fog of last night's events slowly clearing from her mind, Isabella realized what was going on; she'd had a one-night stand.  Isabella's chest rose and fell rapidly as her eyes darted around the unfamiliar room. Her hands trembled as she pulled the sheets off her and scrambled off the bed, her mind racing as she questioned how she had ended up here.  She stared at the man still sound asleep on the bed, her mind registering that the face was familiar but she couldn't actually put a name to the face, at least not now.  What do I do?  Should I wake him from his sleep? Are you dumb? A voice in her head answered.  " What should I do then?!" Isabella slammed a hand over her mouth, realizing that she has said that out loud and that she might actually wake the man in question.  Get your ass out of here first, dumb-ass.  Isabella's breath came in shallow, ragged gasps as she frantically began to gather her clothes from the floor, a sense of urgency building within her. She hurried to the bathroom, making a quick work of putting her clothes back on. She stared at her reflection on the bathroom's mirror momentarily, noting that she looked nothing like herself in the hideous clothes she had worn as a disguise.  A sob left her lips as she once again remembered why she had worn them and why she had come to the hotel.  To think that I thought it was Diego that I was with last night.  Isabella scoffed at her own thought. How could she be with someone she had come to confirm his infidelity; and confirm she had.  You have plenty of time to feel sorry for yourself, but right now, shouldn't you leave before that hunk of a man in the bed awakes? Isabella wiped furiously at the tears rolling down her cheeks, knowing fully well that her alter ego was right. Again.  I always am, girl.   Isabella chose to ignore the voice. Glancing momentarily at the figure on the bed, she rushed to the door.  She twisted the door's handle slowly, opening the door as slowly and gently as she could. Once the door was wide enough for her to pass through, she slipped through and made sure to close the door just as gently.  A sigh left her lips as she heard the soft click of the door closing behind her. Without pausing, Isabella hurried down the hallway. 
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